UK get bonus money if original Japanese Territory is captured. Is that original to the 1941 set up and Map or original to the 1942 set up (with additional Japanese island territories)?
UK get bonus money if original Japanese Territory is captured. Is that original to the 1941 set up and Map or original to the 1942 set up (with additional Japanese island territories)?
1942 situation
Russian Fighter and Bomber attack Z5 with German Cru, Des, sub and Transport
Russia scores 2 hits, Germany scores 1 hit
Planes cannot hit sub and sub cannot hit planes
So, Germany loses Cru and Des. Russia loses bomber.
This leaves Russia with Fighter plane and Germany with Sub and Transport.
Does Transport die?
If (in another situation) a Sub submerges, does this change the answer. In otherwords, would the transport die if the sub submerged?
(game in play….quick answer is VERY appreaciated!!!)
Thank you Krighund and a44bigdog.
AA guns CAN change ownership. For the mentioned AA gun to change to Russian control it would first have to be captured by an Axis player and then the territory would need to be liberated at which time it would go to Russian control.
Well, I guess you will have to put a flag marker next to the AA gun to keep track of who owns it.
I got AA50 for Christmas and found a production error piece. One of my AA guns is in the Color of Japanese pieces instead of Gray. To bad it wasn’t German black. I would use it for German Rocket attacks for sure! Japan, however is unlikely to want rockets in AA50.
But, it still seems like whoever owns the land should own the Gray pieces.
as far as the first strike option the rules say its on the first round ONLY.
Was this changed?
It appears the Errata (top of page 3) changed this to "Submarines get a suprise first strike in every round of combat in which no enemy destroyers are present.
Can anyone confirm?
This seems to completely override/overrule the rulebook.
Yes, it counts.
I don’t understand why this is true. AA guns are grey because they change ownership. Would not the gun belong to whoever owns the land it sits on?