You forgot about the part where you ask them to watch Man in the High Castle with you afterwards.

Best posts made by TheDesertFox
RE: USA Crush-Turtle or Die
RE: Protecting Africa?
@DoManMacgee nah dude you’re good its fine. you pretty much covered my concerns about the axis powers and actually showed me a new way to attack the British fleet do thanks for that! Ifk I guess playing with NOs is kinda just personal preference for people. Personally I like it because it involves some pretty insane games as well as it gives some irrelevant territories a purpose of existence to be taken or liberated by the nations imo. R&D is another fun one because it could totally turn the tides of the game to one side or the other instead of having the same half arse game every time. But yeah 🇯🇵 is gonna be Japan and go nuts on the allies but they’re pretty much subjected to their own little fighting ring. Otherwise that’s pretty much it for my concern on protecting Africa, thx for ur opinion dude I really appreciate it. Hears to roll dice together one day.
RE: UK Strategy -"Middle Earth"
For the most part it was kind of just a playtest since he did the Taranto Raid as well with both strategies being put into the ditch after Afrika Korps. (btw to simplify things, all Afrika Korps is is Germany taking 3 transports, a BB, CV, Cruiser and Sub to the Med to protect the Italian fleet until it can protect itself, then conquer the ME and Egypt and win the game and sit on the throne on the doorstep to Moscow
RE: Scrambling
Definitely. I’ve been playing many of the different versions of A&A for a while now and having read through rule book after rule book especially with G40 I still miss rules that I overlooked and what not so thank goodness the forums exist for people to inform on these kinds of overlooked and missed aspects of the game.
RE: How and when do you use mechs?
Exactly, Purchasing 101 in Global 40, purchase the units that look cool. If your nations infantry don’t look cool then don’t purchase them.
You should also purchase the well crafted plastic pieces, so don’t purchase German tanks since the barrels can break off easily as well as don’t purchase those stupid wobbly aircraft carriers they have as well, like you can’t even balance a strategic bomber on it
RE: Reverse Canopener???
Yeah something like that, but when I heard this bizarre tactic it seemed a bit more directed at the Soviet Union doing a reverse can opener with the UK on Germany, which is what had me confused since that’s not how that works as far as my knowledge goes.
RE: USA Crush-Turtle or Die
I could honestly get on board with that name.
May 31
And it was on this day that we celebrate the lives lost in the Big One, and the Great War, and every other war that said country had participated in. Let’s honor the fallen soldiers that gave their lives for the country through out history to the present day. For we all may love war games and specifically Axis and Allies, we ought to take this day as a break from any game of Axis and Allies, any game of Global War 1936, any game of Risk, and so on and so forth to honor the men of each nation, both Axis and Allies, both Central Powers and Entente, both home nation and foreign. For at the end of the day, we might be pushing plastic pieces on a board, but must recognize the bigger and broader picture to that of what these battles, wars and conflicts were truly fought by men of each nation.
Have a good Memorial Day.
RE: [House Rules] How to create the best gameplay for this edition?
For me, playing with National Objectives is a must, 1) You’ll find that it makes the game WAY more interesting, 2) It is kinda the one thing that actually makes half the stuff you can do in a WW2 scenario make sense… and 3) It balances the game a lot better in that retrospectrum.
As for Research and Development, this is for sure optional since it kinda plays an important role but not super into swaying which side will beat the other, so do what you will with this.
As for house rules, I only have 1 house rule I put into play, one at which I like to call the “Siberian-Manchurian Pact” which, by the name you can probably tell that it relates to the real time non-aggression pact between the Soviet Union and the Empire of Japan at the time.
The reason I have this houserule into play is that for starters, I feel like it is a HUGE waste of time for the Soviets to be throwing valuable infantry into Japanese Manchuria all to gain a single infantry for 1 turn only to lose it, as well as the fact that it kinda defeats the purpose of Japan fighting the Pacific as a whole instead of having to deal with the annoyance of the Soviets taking Manchuria with like 5 infantry…
And in the other aspect of it, It is a huge waste of time for Japan to be going after Siberia, whether theres units there or not. It’s of the USSR player’s own will to move those infantry to the Eastern Front against Germany or to keep them there, but like I said, Japan can at most get like 4 to 6 IPC’s outta the far Eastern Russian territories… which I can literally get double that with like, 3 provinces down south (The Money Islands).
All in all, that’s not to say these 2 can’t go to war with eachother, the basic rule is that if Japan and The Soviet Union do go to war, it needs to be through the Chinese border with the Soviet Union and not the Manchurian border, because it saves people ALOT of time and strain and annoyance from either side if one is attacking the other.
Just my opinion though.
RE: UK Strategy -"Middle Earth"
@Argothair In order for the Axis to even have a chance against Middle Earth U.K Japan needs to do a J1 attack. Not just any J1 attack but they need to do the 4 move check-mate as I call it. If you’re unaware of what that is it’s where the Japanese take their 2 carriers’ planes 2 destroyers and sub to do a Pearl Harbor attack. You will destroy the fleet scramble or no scramble. Next you need the U.S to size you up and destroy your blocker in the Hawaiian islands with their San Francisco fleet. And to top of the check-mate Japan brings in their 2 fighters and 2 tactical bombers from the island of Japan as well as the 4 planes on their carriers (Japan should have taken Wake Island to land the 4 extra planes). With that, The entirety of the U.S fleet has single highhandedly been destroyed by Japan as early as Round 2. And with no American navy that leaves you to send your navy into the Indian Ocean to disrupt GHG’s transport shuck of guys into the Middle East and thus pretty much throw the strategy.
Latest posts made by TheDesertFox
RE: Sahara express
Precisely. And that’s exactly how it should be used. The ideal goal is to take Norway but if the German player just thinks “Oh he’s trying to take Norway let me just center all my resources up in Scandinavia” then fine as the British player I’ll just head South with the fleet where the Axis resources aren’t. Its resourceful and it also allows your planes to perform land operations from the sea.
RE: Sahara express
Two fully loaded carriers and the destroyers plus the cruiser you start with in the Atlantic can and will prove sufficient enough to ward off a Luftwaffe strike. What I consider a viable invasion is 6 ground troops atleast going into Norway… the point is to capture it and hold it and not let the Germans retake which is why Im largely considering round 4 to be another viable option for invasion.
And while Norway might be better suited in the hands of the US, the point is, the UK can take it AND Finland much quicker then the US, and on top of that, the IPCs are much more needed in the hands of the UK then the US.
RE: Sahara express
Yeah I’ve been straddling the fence on whether turn 3 or turn 4 is more viable and I’m thinking turn 4 to, but not necessarily because of the oil fields, granted that’s a thing, but mostly because it’d be neglecting the defense of Egypt and pretty much the rest of Africa for two whole turns. Obviously ten whole IPCs though removed from the Germans should be something that any Allied player should strive for which is why I’m trying to find any way to implement it sooner rather then later.
RE: Sahara express
I’m still trying to implement a way for the UK to invade Norway by turn 3. If they can get 2 carriers in Europe then I’d say its feasible enough to ward off the Luftwaffe unless the German player added to it.
RE: Sahara express
Precisely. As for Norway though, I always make it a goal as the U.K to take that and Finland to strip Germany of ten whole IPC’s.
RE: Sahara express
Northern /Southern Italy would require more transports but honestly I think it could be worth it if you could take Rome or better yet shuck units into Rome every single turn because eventually it’ll fall.
RE: USA Crush-Turtle or Die
Not to mention the fact that the Americans will be on your doorstep to retake London again and then what would you do?
RE: Sahara express
I find the most success shocking troops from Gibraltar into Southern France as America. Gets the troops there the fastest
RE: USA Crush-Turtle or Die
I could honestly get on board with that name.
RE: USA Crush-Turtle or Die
You forgot about the part where you ask them to watch Man in the High Castle with you afterwards.