• USA shouldnt even be in the pacific to begin with.

  • the good thing about the US is that they can get up to 8 infantry in Europe by turn 2.

  • the US should at least try to protect Midway and Hawaii

  • the US must, at all costs, ignore the Japs in the Pacific. It doesn’t matter if they lose their entire fleet in the Pacific. I’ll say it, and others will back me on this…The Pacific is a waist of time, resources, and energy…a hopeless cause! Let Japan have the Pacific…if they do try to build forces to land in the US, you’ll see them planning it before they know what their doing themselves. If Japan tries to go after the US before they attempt to sieze Asia…their idiots! Plain and simple. Ok, maybe not idiots…but their dead. The US only has to think about the Pacific when Germany is dead.

  • I have found that ignoring Japan like that makes them more difficult to stop after you’re finally done with Germany. Germany can hold out for quite a while and can even expand under these circumstances allowing the virtually unopposed Japanese to become very powerful, even unstopable.

    [ This Message was edited by: bossk on 2001-12-28 12:23 ]

  • Bossk…what would you rather have? Appease Germany, only to have them crush russia…OR, appease Japan, only to have them reach Moscow and then get blown away by all three nations that just finished Germany for dinner?

  • I say keep them both occupied and slowly build offensive forces to kill Germany and then Japan. Believe it or not the Allies really do have enough resources to keep both the axis from expanding while having enough left over to do this. In fact I’ve managed to hold off Germany without any US help.

  • Putting effort into the Pacific is stupid for either nation. USA can’t do anything against, Japan, and Japan can’t do much against the US. Now the Atlantic, thats another story. Now THATS where I can see a good Japaneese IC.

  • what’s the worst Japan can do Take moscow.what’s the worst Germany could do win the war.

  • my favorite countries are- in order Japan, US, Germany, UK, Russia.
    about the pacific, the only attention anyone should give it is Japan to take the Austrailias(not right away), take Hawaii(in order to strat bomb USA, (though bombers could better strat bomb Russia), Alaska (to distract US, but if it doesn’t distract them, then walk right in) Japan might also want midway if US has Long range aircraft.
    US should take it outside (to the atlantic).

  • exactly.

  • russia sucks, germany rocks

  • Yea i really fail to see how anyone could actually LIKE to play as russia or germany. USA, Japan, and Uk all have options for strategy and movements while russia and germany just simply buy men and tanks, men and tanks and have big battles…how is that fun? You gotta get all in on the navy and airforce and industrial complex fun…US is my fav followed by japan, uk, germany, russia

  • I don’t have a favorite country. I prefer

    being the axis though. The axis area a real

    challenge against a solid opponent. I have

    had some AWESOME defensive stands with the

    axis and won many games that way.

  • Russia is not boring if you play aggresive and if you play good with it, you can easily win the war for the allies. I cant see why US should be more fun, its fun to fight naval battles in the pacific with them, but shipping infantry into western europe over and over again bores me :wink:

  • what are you talking about germany and russia are 2 of the best countries to play with

  • ok i’ll concede to germany just because its a challenge trying to hold out against 3 countries at once and you options as far as infantry, tanks and planes. However russia is not fun at all. I would love to hear how it is. You sipmly buy men, maybe a few tanks every once in awhile and counter-attack the germans. you only move like 1 space every turn. like i said, its boring….

  • no its not.
    You have to divide your forces between two fronts, furthermore you have to gain valuable ipc’s by capturing countries like ukraine, scandinavia, eastern europe, etc. Its allways a real challenge to get an income of 30 or more IPC’s before you do an all out attack on Germany, while your last remaining forces in Russia itself defend the capital against the japanese :smile:

  • While my favorite powers are definitely the Axis, I can’t see why “ignoring” the Pacific should be an option for either side. If UK can hold an IC in India and USA can destroy the Japanese fleet, Japan will have virtually NO impact on the rest of the game whatever! No Jap fleet means East Indies, Borneo, New Guinea, Okinawa and Philippines are all taken–that’s 7 IPC’s. Even with 3 captured far east land territories Japan couldn’t make up the losses, and putting more IC’s on the board will only stave off the inevitable. The only way the Pacific can be “ignored” is if the other side agrees to do so, too.
    On the other hand that’s why Germany is so fun to play–how are you gonna hold off ALL the Allies while simultaneously crippling Russia? It’s not easy, but it’s fun…


  • Germany….yep.

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