i wont go into a debat who is the better players LL ore dice, i realy dont care and it is a stupid debate, because i dont think that anyone can prove it.
LL is as much about luck as dice, it is just the outcome there is diffrent.
If 12 tanks atack 12 tanks, it is about 42% chance who wins and 16% of a draw.
When u play a dice game the outcome of the battle can be from, that the winner have 1 tank left to have 12 tank left. In LL u are sure that then winner dosent have more that 2 tanks left, there is still luck on who wins the battle, but how many units that are left, are the diffrent on LL ore dice. What plp like is up to them. And i dont think that one ore the other have better players. It is not that hard to ajust to.
another diffrent is that u can strafe better in LL, that is 1 of the thinks i like about it.
i dont think LL have less gambling. Because u have limitied the outcome so u dont lose all 12 tanks and your enamy loses 0, u can better take the gamble. The gamble is not as big as in dice, but il will be more willing to take it in LL. So for my point of wiew i gamble more when i play LL.
to decide who is a better player, LL players ore dice player. Is like to decide who woud win a fight, a shark ore a lion