• One more example of private enterprise beating government bureacracy. Capitalism 1, Communism 0.


  • I know at least 1 Facist on this site, other should stay.

  • could this Facist live about 2 miles from ur house and likes to wake u up at 9 am and ruin ur sleepy time? also could this Facist be Friendly and talks to Stuffed Dogs and wants to Conquer the world :roll:

  • Everyone can fit into one of the four categories. If you are a facist you either believe God exists or does not. And you are either a fan of Stalin (Communist) or Pinochet (Capitalist)

    Take that Yanny.

  • wow, dude; I geuss I don’t fit into your broad generalizations then. Stalinism is not an especially savory form of communism. Most communists you will ever meet will probably hate his guts. Stalinism is very dictitorial and most communists are big fans of democracy, that means there are very few stalinists; if fact, I’d go so far as to say it’s a dead movement.

  • I don’t fall into one of those categories either. I can promise you DasEwokSS doesn’t too.

    I am a MODERATE, most Americans can’t handle that.

  • most communists are big fans of democracy

    Communism is probably the purest form of democracy we know of.

    that means there are very few stalinists; if fact, I’d go so far as to say it’s a dead movement.

    No, there will always be those who are willing to manipulate the masses to serve their own selfish desires.

    I am a MODERATE, most Americans can’t handle that.

    I wouldn’t say that. Most Americans probably don’t know what to believe in, and moderate just allows them to reach a healthy medium without properly understanding the facts. Today’s average American is raised on quick, 10-second sound bytes, overused clichés, and catchy slogans. Would you have it any other way?

  • Yeah, 10 minute monologues work for me!

  • I am sorry, but I really don’t know what I am. For now I will be faithful follower of what is right.

  • hey welcome back tm how was sandiego?

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