IF “evil” really exist…
I find this rather amusing how often Americans are using these concept (Good and Evil), without considering how subjective they really are.
interesting. Germans, however, a more superior culture, views the world in much more objective terms whereby “evilness” is more relative? If history did not already prove this concept so horrifying, i might be amused by it as well.
mind you, i’m not an American. . . .
Being a german does not make me inapt to make critic as far as i know. Also I never said German culture was superior and you know that. I just oberve two thing;
The concept of “good” and “evil” is very present in the American culture. Not because they are idiot or ignorant, it’s just from their culture.
These concept are subjective, they have no real objective valor. Dirrefent culture, different people will call different thing “evil” and “good”.
About german history i would say that Nazism is the perfect exemple of a Black & White ethic, Jew are “evil”, Aryan are “good”. Just like empty statement like “sex is evil”, “passion are evil”, “communism is evil”, “muslim are evil”, “america is the great satan”….