• @Yanny:

    Ok, then I declare my offical Religion Jedi. Its regonized in Australia as an offical religion with 78,000 members.

    actully its Britain mate ;)

  • Earthquakes certainly pre-date humanity. I don’t see how they can be considered “evil” on this point. Only by human bias can they be considered evil.

    Why does God allow the Devil to exist? He’s on the payroll…

  • Evilness reqires intent by definition

  • IF “evil” really exist…

    I find this rather amusing how often Americans are using these concept (Good and Evil), without considering how subjective they really are.

  • @FinsterniS:

    IF “evil” really exist…

    I find this rather amusing how often Americans are using these concept (Good and Evil), without considering how subjective they really are.

    interesting. Germans, however, a more superior culture, views the world in much more objective terms whereby “evilness” is more relative? If history did not already prove this concept so horrifying, i might be amused by it as well.
    mind you, i’m not an American. . . .

  • @cystic:


    IF “evil” really exist…

    I find this rather amusing how often Americans are using these concept (Good and Evil), without considering how subjective they really are.

    interesting. Germans, however, a more superior culture, views the world in much more objective terms whereby “evilness” is more relative? If history did not already prove this concept so horrifying, i might be amused by it as well.
    mind you, i’m not an American. . . .

    Being a german does not make me inapt to make critic as far as i know. Also I never said German culture was superior and you know that. I just oberve two thing;

    • The concept of “good” and “evil” is very present in the American culture. Not because they are idiot or ignorant, it’s just from their culture.

    • These concept are subjective, they have no real objective valor. Dirrefent culture, different people will call different thing “evil” and “good”.

    About german history i would say that Nazism is the perfect exemple of a Black & White ethic, Jew are “evil”, Aryan are “good”. Just like empty statement like “sex is evil”, “passion are evil”, “communism is evil”, “muslim are evil”, “america is the great satan”….

  • Americans have no objective valor, you must be living in France…

  • @Field:

    Americans have no objective valor, you must be living in France…

    i know there’s a reason i find this comment so funny :D

  • Well, “Good” and “Evil” is all about point of view. One side sees the other side as Evil and themselves as Good. The other side sees themselves as Good and the other as evil. Check out WWII propoganda, from both sides, and you’ll see what I mean.

  • America views Iraq as evil…
    Iraq views America as evil…

  • Nah, more like America views Saddam as “evil.”

  • I dont know what youve been talking about but I dont belive in god, and you should make it a poll (edit the first post)

  • Ignorance of another culture is the first step towards fear and hate is the first step towards war.

    For some Americans, this is true. This is why I say America views Iraq as evil. Saddam or no Saddam won’t matter when Americans start dying in an Iraqi conflict…

  • Quote from F_alk “Ignorance of another culture is the first step towards fear and hate is the first step towards war.”

    OK there Yoda

  • For some Americans, this is true. This is why I say America views Iraq as evil. Saddam or no Saddam won’t matter when Americans start dying in an Iraqi conflict…

    What can I say, some people are idiots? Hopefully the President won’t spew false lies on how “Evil” the Iraqi people are. There wasn’t that much hate against Muslims after 9/11 (where I live), so I’m not sure there will be much now against Iraqis. :-?

  • i believe that there is evil in the world, and we who do not step up at some point and say “this is wrong” are as guilty as those Germans who watched and smelled and listened as Jews went to their graves.
    Bombing people is evil, hurting children (and other people) is evil. I think that there are certainly places where we can get caught up in arguments about semantics and “well, where does it stop?” cyclical-type discussions, but there is a point at which people need to draw a line in the sand, and say “that’s it, you’ve gone too far - now you’re just being evil, now stop it”.
    Maybe to the enlightened German’s ears this is an immature way of looking at the world, but the sidelines is no place for an honest person.

  • In theory I’ll agree, however, the US Administration is very selective on which “evils” it wishes to eliminate. Obviously threats to US security come first (Iraq?!?!?). Being world policeman seems to me to mean getting all the bad guys, not just the most popular. Now I’m treading on if the US has the right to act in this manner. I’d say we’d better tread carefully…

  • Fair enough. We are both on the same page in this regards (i.e. perceived US, as well as Canadian and other western nations hypocracy). And treading lightly is an appropriate term, especially when wearing steal-toed boots in a field full of mines and babies.

  • Just wondering, but do most of you believe that truth is relative? And from what I’ve seen, are most of you evolutionists? Quite frankly, I don’t see how you can come up with enough faith to believe that conglomeration of truth and falsehood.

  • I’ll agree that propaganda fuels most of what we believe the “truth” is. In this modern day we tend to want to believe that news agencies are “neutral”. As we see in US elections, this is not entirely true. This is why most historical books are desired to be written 100 to 150 years after events so that most facts come to light so that the real truth comes to be revealed…

    I’ll accept most of the evolutionary “theory”. It is clearly not exactly the “truth” as well. However here in this case, the truth is far more elusive…

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