there’s not really any overwhelming evidence. most dates are found by carbon dating, which is nothing short of unreliable.
Only deeply religious people don’t believe in evolution, you are making abstraction of so much facts;
1; there is not only carbon 14 dating, there’s light dating. Sure some creationist claim that the “Speed Of Light is Decreasing” (but now since 1960), but there is NOT A SINGLE EVIDENCE outside the bible. Supernova 1987A prove us the speed of the light was constant for “at least” 170,000 years.
2; Carbon 14 is maybe not perfect, it’s still not THAT bad.
3; Why can we make coherent chains of ancestor (like with us or the horse) ?
4; What about dinosaurs ?
5; Why does Basilosaurus and Dorudon have these little ridiculous legs ? God was drunk ?
6; Why does we have useless organ, like our appendice.
7; How can you explain we found a species, oooops it dissapear then an other one, with very lille difference, suddently appear ? It’s a miracle ?
… and so on. Also another problem is that the tool of “evolution” is working very well, we can explain lots of things with the concept of evolution, creationists can only say it’s “god will”.
creationism can be applied to crime as well. Creationism involves God. The first two humans (Adam and Eve) did not obey His only restriction, and that is why they were cast out of the Garden of Eden. after that first act of disobedience people did wrong. (of course if you don’t believe in absolute truth there is no wrong).
“God” is not a good exemple himself anyway…
what can i say? i don’t think that i alone will be able to convince you to change your mind, but these online debates sharpen my mind.
If you have logical evidence you can, but you’re not starting well with your creationist belief.
they also found younger species below “older” species, but they prefer not to publicize that, right?
It does’nt explain why they have legs ! About finding younger species below; i don’t know why, but this does’nt constitute an argument good enough to refute the fact that there were whales with legs.
Have you reference for your claim ?
and evolution can be refuted, and 6000 year old earth supported.
Probably as much as a flat earth. I am sure young earth creationist would be very ambarrasing for the christians in 2 or 3 centurie, just like geocentrism is ambarassing for christians now.
if the earth/universe was millions of years old, the moon would be miles of dust deep. the volcanic deposits would be greater on the earth as well.
Based on what ?
but a young earth is better supported.
Better supported by faith.