• Can I get two volunteers to play a few turns of the Base Set Germany VS USA?  I’ll be uploading an updated module tomorrow.


  • @Motdc:

    Can I get two volunteers to play a few turns of the Base Set Germany VS USA?  I’ll be uploading an updated module tomorrow.


    Im up for it!  :wink:

  • I’m willing to try.  I’ve just got my computer back from the paramedics and it is running much better.  I’ll try to load the instructions from before or you can send me any updated things I need to do top play this way.

  • I’ve uploaded the module.  It has all of Germany and the US and all of the armour from the other powers.

    I have arrows for Move, Attack (I considered one color for each range, something to think about), and Defensive Fire (is this one needed).  I’ve put in the disrupted, damaged, and destroyed markers, both face up and face down (this is exactly the situation I described earlier that will be addressed with a new feature I was calling “Flip”…flipping two-sided counters, but for now you’ll have to use seperate icons).  I have a text comment marker too, though I’ll be shrinking it down I think, it seems too big.  You should utilize the “Extended Text” area of that marker if you have a lot of text so it doesn’t clutter the map (it’ll just place a paragraph marker on the map to let you know there is more text to see).  There is a facing marker, just place it in the hex along the side that is the front of a vehicle (there can only be one per hex, so it seems to work well enough).

    You guys can decide how best determine sides.  You can use the board’s built-in roller for play-by-post.

    Before you begin you should come up with a suggested map tab usage.  Generally you do one for each phase, though I don’t think you’ll need a tab for initiative phase.  Probably need something like turn number, player, phase, and optionally a subphase (Turn 1 USA Move).  Because you don’t pre-declare all attacks like regular A&A, for the assult phase it might be more like “Turn 3 USA Attack 4” and “Turn 3 USA Attack 4 Resolve”.  The point of using MapView is you can be as explicit as you like.  The more discrete steps you capture the better the resulting game file will be (picture flipping step by step through every game for later analysis).

    Don’t forget that there is a “MapText” window associated with each tab to place rolls, commands, instructions, or friendly banter, though there is overlap between what you use the MapText and the Text markers for.

    In the end, these couple of trial games will help determine the best way to use MapView for this game.


  • Wheres the link to the Axis and allies module?

  • @wolfmasterkouga:

    Wheres the link to the Axis and allies module?

    Yea where is it at?  Im ready to battle!  :-D

  • Sorry, it was the same as the last one:


    You’ll need build 17 of MapView, unless you already downloaded it.  (The link is above if you didn’t get it earlier).


  • Its looking good dude.  So we gonna have a mock game or what?  Who wants to challenge me!!!??  :evil:

  • This is probably why I’m a miniature gamer.  I’m such a technophobe.  I’ve downloaded this and that according to my understanding of the instructions to no avail.  You others are going to need to sort this one out.  Good Luck, I’m still interested.

  • Are you giving up, or asking for help?  If you need a hand getting MapView running, email me directly at:

    mot @ mot creations dot com

    (remove all the spaces and replace the dot with . and be sure to include MapView in the subject)


  • Sounds interesting… I have an apple am I out of luck?  :-(

  • Unfortunatley  :-(  Sorry!

  • @Audacity:

    This is probably why I’m a miniature gamer.  I’m such a technophobe.  I’ve downloaded this and that according to my understanding of the instructions to no avail.  You others are going to need to sort this one out.  Good Luck, I’m still interested.

    I sent you an email is response to yours this morning but it bounced.  Just resent now.  Let me know if you don’t get it by the end of the day.


  • Thanks, Got it.  Have followed instructions and have replied.

  • Just checking on your progress.  Based on the last email you should be ready to play?


  • Thanks, I got the second set of instructions but have become bogged down until Friday.

    I’m looking forward to sorting this out.


  • @Audacity:

    Thanks, I got the second set of instructions but have become bogged down until Friday.

    I’m looking forward to sorting this out.


    Well if you’re down for it when you aren’t busy, Ill play against you.  :-D

  • Please re-download the module.  I added an Objective Marker (how did I forget that one) and also fixed the map.  It was supposed to be Hand and Half, but I had inverted some of the map sections.


  • Looks like I’ve got it downloaded and installed properly.  Pretty slick looking, so far!

  • Looks like I’ve lined up at least one (and maybe two once some techinical issues are overcome) newbie games.  I’d still really like to see some experienced players give some feedback.  I know one of the things holding some back is the lack of all the units being implemented.  I’ll be getting back to that part of the project once I finish the AAR Small Map module.


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