“Don’t get me wrong TG Moses VI WARCRAFT II is a great game but STARCRAFT is better!! 3 Races instead of 2, more units, the units are really different from each other not just almost clones of each other. Dont get me wrong I do like Warcraft II but I love Starcraft.”
I don’t know, it just seemed like the coloring and graphics (pixels - hot damn!) in Warcraft II better than SC. Also, I agree, a big problem with WCII was the lack of distinct races (beside Death Knights and Mages, both sides were the same) – though I like the Orcs the best :P Also, the lack of races just does put it below C&C IMHO, but at everything else WCII shines. It has so much polish, easter eggs, and little details that showed the makers put a lot of time in it - not like today where a lot of games have to be rushed and go through 7 different patches due to all the bugs. Who can beat WC’s character voices (SC’s Terrans were a bit to Redneck), different buildings to match the seasons, a great map builder (less options than SC but easier to use), air, land, and sea combat (here SC was lacking), and a whole bunch more? And I’m not trying to sound bias as I’m more tilted toward sci-fi settings (Star Wars) than Fantasy (Lord of the Rings), but WCII just blows you away.
“Then I will have to put Age of Empires further up my list of things to get!”
Age of Empires is a great game (Their AOE II expansion set the benchmarck for expansions to be judged upon), and Microsoft (who ever knew they good make good games? :-?) belongs right up there with Blizzard and Westwood. If you want something more “Starcraftish” try Star Wars: GB, which is AOE set in space. :P