• As for this called glitch that helped bring about LHTR rules, “Operation Sealion” was a historical possibility that could very well have been successful during ww2, so i say if Germany wants to attempt this on G1 then “Bring it on”.If i’m playing Allies and Sealion fails then i will annihilate Germany with “wrath of god” style and a smile on my face :evil:.If it succeeds (which i’ve never seen in any of the many,many games i’ve played) then i will take it as a challenge to get back on top of the axis powers.If i’m playing Germany, although i doubt i’d ever attempt the operation, it’s nice to know that it will be in the back of the allies mind as a potential distraction.This game should be all about possibilities, lets not limit them because we are worried about having the war end to soon, just restart and play again :-D.

  • Heh… I did this on my very first revised game on G2.  I spent more like 30 bucks for research tho, still, it was worth it. I was able to hold off any naval assault on germany, england lost two rounds of cash, and in the mean time japan just took over.

  • @Commander:


    How about this option…

    Germany has no forces on the board, but we’ll give you $200 to spend on G1.

    How fair is that?  How much fun would that be?

    A German sack of UK on G1 would be about as fun as a USSR sack of Germany on R1.

    I’ve done this game!

    It was classic, but it’d probably go just as bad for the Axis in revised.  Everyone get’s their unit’s worth in IPCs and can spend and place them however they want. (Inclides AA Guns and Industrial Complexes.)

    We also did it with mobile capitals. (-6 from original capital territory + 6 to new capital territory.)

    Want to see the mayhem of an American capital in Sinkiang; British capital in India; Russian Capital in Yakut?

    That is an awesome idea!  I’m gonna have to try that!

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