The distribution seems odd, and some have suggested it’s better to buy the starters (though if they’re fixed that becomes irrelevant) the reasoning being that
"For only 10$ more than a boosters (+66%) the starter has more than double the units of a booster.
However this only holds true if you’re buying in small quantities. Take this example - for the same cost (75 USD) I can get 5 boosters or 3 starters:
Boosters : Starters
5 rares : 3 rares
5 uncommons : 6 uncommons
15 commons : 16 commons.
So the boosters have 1 less uncommon and common; they’re rares instead.
I’m not actually that happy with the distribution (specifically 1 rare : 1 uncommon ratio in a booster).
It seems to me that unless the units in the starter are fixed, I might w