@Timothy-Gengarella the lightning war ability only provides an extra combat and non combat phase; Germany doesn’t get a whole second turn.
The FAQ Thread
When you get radar, you can now scramble unlimited from your airbases. Does this apply to your allies as well?
For instance, if the UK has radar and the US has 4 fighters in London, as well as 2 UK fighters, what happens? Do they all get to scrabble? Or just 3 US and the UK ones? Just 3 of them?
What are your thoughts? -
@trig said in The FAQ Thread:
bases. Does this apply to your allies as well?
For instance, if the UK has radar and the US has 4 fighters in London, as well as 2 UK fighters, what happens? Do they all get to scrabble? Or just 3 US and the UK ones? Just 3 of them?I think they can scramble all of them. Radar affects the air bases, not the fighters (in this capability)
What, if anything, happens to Vichy France if Paris is liberated?
The Vichy reference sheet only says Vichy surrenders if Southern France is conquered.
@captainnapalm Nothing currently.
When France and British are aligned, if France declares war on Japan but Britain does not, can the British move a unit into a French land zone in the pacific and prevent Japan from attacking that land zone (French land zone with British unit) unless Japan declares war on the British?
@mike141500 I believe so.
The other option would be to have the UK unit move to the nearest friendly territory is attacked. (The same way Vichy works) -
@insanehoshi Canals are mentioned as part of facilities in an earlier section. (section 1?)
So I say yes. Let the rioting commence. -
Abyssinian Alignment.
There seems to be a discrepancy in the rules:
- In 14.4.2 Vichy France Creation it states that all French Aligned Minor powers, align to Free France.
- Third: On the Vichy France Reference Sheet it states "All French Controlled/Aligned Minor Powers (e.g. Abyssinia) become Aligned to Free French
I think this needs a FAQ/Eretta
@insanehoshi The Vichy sheet is wrong.
“Vichy Reference Sheet:
French Controlled & Aligned Minor Powers:
Remove “Controlled” from this sentence:
“All French Controlled/Aligned Minor Powers”” -
The current version of the French Fleet rules on surrender state;
The Axis players can decide to let some or all of its newly acquired ships sail to their Home Country under the French Flag. Thus, they can pass any ships belonging to a nation they are at war with. independent on which sea zone they are in, they can make this move in one turn. This must be decided after the rolling has ended.
How does this interact with the Turkish Straits. If, for example, the French fleet moved into the black sea, and then France went to war with a major power they normally would not be able to pass the Straits and would be effectively locked in. If then France Surrendered, and if any ships went axis, would they get to sail back to German home country? if they still are under “French Flag” logically they still wouldn’t be able to pass through the Straits.
And while we are here, say if USSR also declared war on France, would the soon to be german ships be able to pass by a USSR fleet?
@hbg-gw-enthusiast I have a couple of questions that I would like to get answers on.
Question 1: The rules state that IF the CCP possesses a land zone adjacent to a Soviet-possessed land zone in the production phase it MAY purchase artillery and AA guns. These must be placed in this adjacent land zone.
My assumption is that this is a special form of LEND-LEASE just for the CCP. It does not indicate how much of either the USSR can purchase, so it could buy 1 or 3 and place them along the border with the CCP. I would also assume that on the CCP players turn would treat that it is a version of lend-lease and become CCP property that can be moved on the CCP non-combat movement phase? Regular LEND-LEASE can only arrive via a port or a rail line and there are no rail roads leading into China and what ones do go through Manchuria.
I am I correct?
QUESTION #2: Fortifications are built on the BORDER of a land zone. Again, my common sense indicates the player has to indicate what BORDER that fortification is protecting so if land zone borders 3 adjacent land zones it can ONLY protect ONE of those borders, not all 3. ( Exceptions would be those indicated in the rules such as islands, cities and special areas ). Is this correct?
QUESTION# 3: It is my assumption that ONCE the SCW is one by either side, the special events table is not used anymore?
Question #4 Upgrading infantry by paying 1 IPP to promote them to mobile infantry. I have seen some contradictory rules that seem to indicate you COULD upgrade them to MECH infantry as well for the same 1 IPP, is this correct? Or, you can upgrade an infantry to a motorized infantry from Y36 to Jan of 39 and then in JULY of 39 when mechs become available you can either upgrade to mobile infantry OR mech infantry. OR is it JUST that you can only upgrade an infantry TO a mobile infantry ONLY regardless of the year. To me, again, my common sense is pushing me to the later than the former that if you are starting in 36 you can upgrade to mobile infantry and when mechs become available you can do either. Because, to me, it doesn’t seem that there is no difference between upgrading a unit from an infantry to mobile infantry vs an infantry to a mech infantry. The only difference is that at the start of the game in 36 you don’t have access to mech infantry.
Sorry, if these are questions that seem simple but I couldn’t find any clarifications elsewhere so I guess they just assume that common sense would guide players on what the rules are supposed to mean.
Question 1
“If CCP possesses a land zone adjacent to a Soviet-possessed land zone in the Production Phase it may purchase Artillery and Anti-Aircraft Artillery. These must be placed in this adjacent land zone.” (CCP, v.3.4).At first, CCP as a minor power may only purchase Infantry, Militia, Cavalry and Mountain Infantry. “CCP may place infantry-class units and Cavalry in any Chinese Home Country land zone if they Possessed the land zone since the start of the turn. No factory is required. A maximum of 3 units per land zone per turn may be placed.”
Having a territory adjacent to a Soviet land zone simply adds the option of purchasing AA and Artillery. These are still CCP purchases that must be paid for with the CCP income but with an additional placement restriction (adjacent to the Soviet territory).
This rule has absolutely nothing to do with lend-lease.
Question 2
You are correct. You must specify on which border the fortification is built if there are multiple borders.“Fortifications are placed on the border of a land zone and protect from
attacks across that border.” (Facilites v.3.2)Question 3
Correct. It’s not explicitely said in the rules, but there is no more purpose to the special events once the SCW is over, as the remaining victorious Spanish forces will be simply be set by the victorious player (Rule 13.1) and will not be moved for the rest of the game (unless a major power attacks neutral Spain).Question 4
The basic rules allow only the upgrade of Regular Infantry to Motorized Infantry for 1 IPP if they are in as supply path (Rule 12.2). All Mechanized Infantry must be built from a factory.However, the Elite of the Third Reich expansion contains some additional upgrade options.
@vondox said in The FAQ Thread:
@hbg-gw-enthusiast I have a couple of questions that I would like to get answers on.
Question 1: The rules state that IF the CCP possesses a land zone adjacent to a Soviet-possessed land zone in the production phase it MAY purchase artillery and AA guns. These must be placed in this adjacent land zone.
My assumption is that this is a special form of LEND-LEASE just for the CCP. It does not indicate how much of either the USSR can purchase, so it could buy 1 or 3 and place them along the border with the CCP. I would also assume that on the CCP players turn would treat that it is a version of lend-lease and become CCP property that can be moved on the CCP non-combat movement phase? Regular LEND-LEASE can only arrive via a port or a rail line and there are no rail roads leading into China and what ones do go through Manchuria.
I am I correct?
Noneshallpass had excellent answers to your questions and I thought the only one I could add to was Question 1. One thing is it seems you think the USSR is purchasing the artillery and AA guns. When you write, “…it MAY purchase artillery and AA guns” the IT is China CCP, not the USSR. The USSR could decide to lend-lease units to China CCP, but that would be limited by the lend-lease rules (so, for example, if the CCP held Sinkiang and the USSR built a rail between Kazakhstan-Turkestan and Sinkiang).
@hbg-gw-enthusiast I appreciate the replies to my questions. Thank you.
One follow-up… But I think I already know the answer. The CCP starts off with only 1 territory. It’s only hope of really expanding it’s territory is to to ‘influence’ a warlord to join them and by doing so gain another territory or two. It’s original territory generates 2 IPPs. So they are very limited on options… Either use it to build infantry or militia or use that income to improve their rolls for recruiting a warlord.
There is no ‘path’ or option for the USSR to send aid ( lend-lease ) IPPs to the CCP until they gain a port, or have a control a rail line that has an unbroken line back to the USSR which, would need to go through Manchuria.
So, there is no option for the USSR to send them any lend lease IPPs, correct?
@vondox Correct! I recommend the CCP spends the 1 IPP to up your chances to 1 or 2 to succeed. And I recommend going for the warlord that has 3 territories to your East (one is Hopeh). If you get the one in six chance of success, you will then have 4 territories and then your chances of recruiting more warlords increases dramatically. That first success is the key. Also, note that if you succeed on getting the Hopeh warlord, you will gain Peking which has a minor port for a small amount (max 3 IPP) of lend-lease from the USSR.
@vondox Correct, on turn one, there is not way for the CCP to get lend lease - without attacking something.
They can attack Hopeh, take out the militia, and then receive a lend-lease infantry from the USSR there through the minor port. As a note, this is not the best strategy, as it turns the northern two territories KMT. (I think. I don’t know if this is ever stated though.) (Note 2: Lend lease is sent at the end of the turn, after territory is captured, so this is legal.)
Other lend lease options include asking the KMT (a long shot) or attacking Tsinghai and Mongolia and building railways. If you take Peking, you could also ask Japan to lend access, but that is another unlikely option. (Or just use the port there.)
In short, the CCP is not immediately open to lend lease, but a crafty player can remedy that quickly.EDIT: Aslo, I would lend-lease is unit as the USSR, as to start with, you can only send half the receiver’s income. (Which would be 2*1/2=1)
@trig Scratch that. Hopeh doesn’t have a port. My bad.
@trig said in The FAQ Thread:
…As a note, this is not the best strategy, as it turns the northern two territories KMT. (I think. I don’t know if this is ever stated though.)
You had it right, Trig! The National Reference Sheets for both China CCP and China KMT, Page 2, Warlords, “If a warlord is attacked by either Chinese faction, it and all its remaining land zones and units align to the other Chinese faction if unconquered by the end of the Combat Phase.”
…I would lend-lease one unit as the USSR, as to start with, you can only send half the receiver’s income. (Which would be 2*1/2=1)
If China CCP uses “Spreading Influence” to successfully take over the Hopeh/Peking/Suiyuan warlord, then their income would jump to 6.
@hbg-gw-enthusiast The spreading influence point is true, but only applies from turn two. At the time the USSR prepares the lend-lease on turn one, (Production phase) the CCP’s income is only 2.
@trig You are incredibly clever! First, I hadn’t even considered the possibility of the USSR lend-leasing on turn 1! I assumed we were only talking about the USSR lend-leasing the turn after a successful “Spreading Influence.” But you are talking about the USSR committing on Turn 1 to lend-lease an Infantry and then if the CCP succeeds, the infantry can arrive that very turn! If not successful, the infantry remains on the production chart, ready to go. Respect for your outside the box thinking. 8 )