merchant_of_pain’s weapons cache:
hi im from the philippines n im willing to trade or sale my figs:
if u want any of the figs pls pm or email me ur offer n i’ll get back to u as soon as i can…
dnt wori if its for trade i’ll be the one to send first!
my figs:
1 flakpanzer IV wirbelwind (sealed) contested skies
1 vigilant lieutenant (sealed)
1 red army forward observer (sealed)
1 stuG III ausf D (sealed)
1 r-2 Lt-35 (sealed)
1 jagdpanther (sealed)
1 ss-panzer IV ausf f2 (sealed)
2 panzer II flamingo (sealed)
2 panzer Iv ausf g (sealed)
2 panzer IIi ausf f (sealed)
1 jagdpanther (sealed)
2 sd kfz 222Â Â (sealed)
2 m4a1 sherman (sealed)
1 type 2 ka-mi (sealed)
1 snlf captain (sealed)
1 imperial sniper (sealed)
1 pak 40 (sealed)
1 snlf paratrooper (sealed)
1 piat gunner (sealed)
1 cossack captain (sealed)
1 kumintang officer (sealed)
1 3" gun m5 (sealed)
1 screaming eagle captain (sealed)
if u nid some infantries from set I or II just mention it on the pm or email…and we’ll see if we can make a deal on them …
my needs:
1 churchill crocodile (better if its sealed) (priority)
1 Is-2 model 1944 (priority)
1 cromwell IV (priority)
1 king tiger