k, I know these questionds may be dumb, but I think I still need to ask them.
thank you for helping a dumb AaA player XD"
Q1. so for the rockets, do people usually care about that? and can anyone give me an example about how to use it?
Q2. super subs still have defense of 2, only the attack gets to increase to 3, right?
Q3. heavy bombers can roll 2 dice per bomber, if I got one 1, one 3, that means I get to hit twice? (defeat 2 units?)
or it basically just increase the probability of defeating enemies?
Q4. this one maybe a little bit hard to describe.
let’s see, the “bombardment” means when the trasport is off-loading land units, if a BB is in the same sea zone and did NOT conduct any combat,
then the BB gets only one hit to the enemy’s land units right? (like cover your land units to land from the transport.)
if the example above is correct, does the “combined bombardment” just give the destroyer the same ability?
Q5. is there any other situation that sea units can attack land units except when a transpot is offloading units?
I was hoping that maybe the BB and DD(developed) can just attack the land units as long as they are in the SZ that’s right next to the territory.
thanks XD"