Should units be able to be paradropped?

  • Hey guys. I wanted to add a new feature to my play. The game is great but needs something to spice it up. PARADROPPING! Let me kno what u think cause i have some great ideas. PEACE

  • Depends on the unit. Paratroopers dropped with MGs, Mortars, Jeeps, etc but here they can’t. But there should be a point increase, IMHO, rather than a new unit being made. What that point increase should be to paradrop a unit? Pfffft, I dunno. Maybe +5 for soldiers, +8 for vehicles, but only jeeps. Unless someone else knows of vehicles that were paradropped?


  • Im pretty sure that the germans paradropped the bmw’s and mini tanks. As for the ameriacns, i think that they dropped a stripped down version of the sherman. I may be wrong but i think thats true. Also with the points, that sounds logical but i think that there needs to be a die roll when they are deployed. Just to see if they hit their target. PEACE

  • @grandmastafargus:

    i think that there needs to be a die roll when they are deployed. Just to see if they hit their target. PEACE

    I believe the drop rules are too precise too. I have been mulling over doing this;

    Name a target hex.
    Designate one adjacent hex to be number 1 (with 2 thru 6 following around the target in a clockwise direction).
    Roll 1 die and place the trooper in the corresponding hex
    repeat for each trooper
    drop sticks are dictated by turn and must use the same target hex
    Troops landing in forest hex are automatically Disrupted

    What do you folks think? Good?  Bad? Change suggestions?

  • Yeah that sounds reasonable. I was wondering what happens if the trooper lands in the lake? Death? Um i have tryed ur kind and it works pretty nicely. I used vehicles too and suprisingly it turned out better than expected. I dropped shermans and jeeps along with screaming eagles and defeated a 100 point german army with a 75 pt american one. The mobility is the key and with the paradropping, they were able to get where i wanted them. PEACE

  • Didn’t think about the lake thing!! These aren’t Navy Seals after all……with that in mind I would add;

    No lake can be designated the target hex (unrealistic)
    A lake could be a potential landing hex if the player so chooses to take that chance
    Units coming down in a lake are automatically destroyed

    In another thread here Grim also suggested having a chance to actually hit the chosen target hex (roll of 1-4). If the target is missed then you roll for an adjacent hex. I like personally like that so that makes it;

    Name a target hex. On a roll of 1-4 you hit the target hex.
    On a roll of 5-6 or if the stacking limit has been reached for the target hex;
    Designate one adjacent hex to be number 1 (with 2 thru 6 following around the target in a clockwise direction).
    Roll 1 die and place the trooper in the corresponding hex
    repeat for each trooper
    drop sticks are dictated by turn and must use the same target hex
    Troops landing in forest hex are automatically Disrupted
    No lake can be designated the target hex (unrealistic)
    A lake could be a potential landing hex if the player so chooses to take that chance
    Units coming down in a lake are automatically destroyed

  • Yah sounds logical, what about trees and forest. Possible die roll to see if they are tangled in the trees? PEACE

  • I’m iffy on destroying them if they land in the lake though. I’m reminded of the scene in The Longest Day (probably one of the best WWII movies ever), when the British AB land in the lake and the chaplain is rummaging around for his communion set like there isn’t machine gun fire everywhere. But then you have to factor in that AB, especially American AB who didn’t use canisters for their supplies but carried all of it, weighed a damn lot! So what if there’s a chance of them being destroyed and a chance of them being merely disrupted for a turn or two?

    Maybe a 1-4 they’re destroyed (they land too far out to reach shore and it’s too deep) and a 5-6 they land close enough that after some struggling, bitching, and slogging they get on dry ground (out of breath and miserable to boot) and thus are disrupted?

    Just brainstorming this as I type, so this isn’t thought out 100%.  :mrgreen:


  • No it sounds logical. Maybe you call the rule “Weighed Down”- Due to the weight of the packs on the soldiers backs, you must role a die and based on what you role (1-3 unsucessful,4, and 5-6 sucessful) the soldier either dies,on a 4 is damaged and disrupted (loses his pack underwater), on a 6 he swims back to shore and is able to fight, but his movement phase is over. Just a brief idea, let me know. PEACE

  • Sounds decent enough, except that for (4) you can’t be damaged and disrupted unless you’re a vehicle.


  • lol, my bad, u shouldnt smoke pot and then go on a forum board. PEACE

  • I don’t see a problem with it as long as they were vehicles actually used by the Airborne divisions.  It should also apply only to units in the Europe theater.

  • You could make a Pacfic Theater airborne scenario.  The U.S. Marines did airdrop onto Corregidor, evne though it was a genuine disaster due to very low drop height.

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