• well actualy I think Italians should have about 18 IPCs, even tho it may break the historical stuff, because if you d’ont leave them enough IPCs to defend temselves properly, the Allies wil ljust rush in Europe, take both Germany and Italy, and bang, Allies have 2 capitals, game over, allied victory….

  • Yes, 18 is the way to go. add the islands italy had, whatever, they need the money :smile:

    for 30 bucks i got the whole deal…board, pieces, books, box…oh, and a plastic bag!

  • '10

    Couldn’t you give Italy Italian East Africa as well?

  • the british took all of that out in 1941 before operation crusader i believe. they took troops from egyt and aden and took it back.

    miniphreek, tell me when you finish that. maybe we can try that out on an online game when you’re finished trying it out with your friends.

  • I still can’t believe you got a completely new A&A game still in shrink wrap :smile:

    An 18-17 IPC for Italy sounds okay. But how come you just don’t give the Italians Egypt? Also what you could try doing is removing the UK sub from the Egypt sea zone and make Syria Iraq worth 3-4 IPCs (due to its abundance in oil). If taken Italy would be worth (8 from SE, 2 from Sicily, 2 Libya, 2 Egypt, 3 from Syria). Plus with Egypt and Syria taken it would be quite easy to ferry troops into Syria to protect it against Russia. And since you’ve beefed up the Axis navy in the Med., then you’ll won’thave to worry as uch or UK ftrs. and bombers taking out the transport fleet.

  • that sounds good but Sicily is just to damn small on the map.
    i’ll give them egypt and move thoughs Brit forces down to Itailin east africa. algeria and Libya are both at 2
    i’ll make Iraq 2 (no more then that it’s still a desert) i’ll make SE 8
    thats 14 i know it’s not much but italy was not that well off to begin with and besides with all the forces i’ve givin them they can easily take africa to make up for the loss.

  • btownthug
    i’ll take it i’d prefere if they were diferent coloued from the other 5 but i can allways paint over them, and $5 US is about $8 canadian. ware can i get in touch with you?

  • yes, i can’t still get over it. that $30 goes a long way, i played about five games in the last 6 days.

    I know you hate the sicily idea, but in fact, Egypt was held mostly by Great Britain, and Britain held the canal. In the spring of 42, the axis, weren’t to far into egypt at all. Increasing syria iraq is a smart idea.

    You can make Tunisia seperate from Algeria, and worth one IPC. Lybia can be 2 IPCs.
    Sicily-corisca can by 2 IPCs. Give Italy those little islands near turkey (corisca and ‘little islands’ not on map, they can be manually added) and make those little islands one IPC (they switched hands between italy, to britain, to germany during the war.)

    Italy would have a total of 13, and you would keep the historical accuracy.

  • Adding Tunsia and the Turkish Islands sounds pretty good, but can this be done without permenately changing the game board.

  • yes, that is a problem…maybe you can put a little piece of plastic on the board, or just a chip, and take a little sticker from a VHS tape with a number for the IPC value. I know, i would never deface my board, but i would put things on it!

  • '19 Moderator

    You can use the sticky part of a post-it-note To make some changes to your map.

  • that’s a damn good idea!

  • Ha, using Post-It notes. That’s pretty niffty. Problem is is that I’m really not good with scissors. I have used small, round white stickers as in over the ordinary IPC values in the Pacific to add a twists. Kinda hard to get out afterwards though.

    Never before have we had so little time in which to do so much

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-03-28 16:06 ]

  • I’m working on makeing blowup maps to put in the corners for Sicily but i need to know, when you said turkish island are you talking about Creete, Cypris or both.

  • oh, neither. they are tiny little islands near turkey

    let me see if i can find something at rand mcnally…


    those little islands between greece and turkey, are held by italy. i’ll try to get the names of them.

    “Dodecanese Islands” are their name…landings occured on september of 1943 from the British, but the germans quickly took it back.

    germany held crete,a nd cyprus was always held by the brits.

    "I swear, it fell out the window! " -Yanny
    “The only enemy more powerful than an invisible enemy is an invincible enemy”- me
    According to some, I’m in the CIA or the Mossad, because I support Israel on Indymedia

    [ This Message was edited by: HortenFlyingWing on 2002-03-28 17:46 ]

  • Well what IPC value would you give them? I say no more than 1 IPC (though maybe 2). Did these islands proivde any advantages (tactical and logistical) to each side?

  • I’m sorry, TG, buddy, but you keep bringing up this “oil” thing–the vast oil resources of the Middle East were just beginning to be discovered in the early 1940s. The main world sources of crude oil were still in the “traditional” areas of Eastern Europe (i.e. Russia) and the East Indies. You can’t argue that Libya should be worth 3 points because of oil when Caucases was producing hundreds of times Libyas yield in 1942! The Middle East was considered then to be nothing more than an arid wasteland devoid of economic value…

    Just my $0.02


  • I think they had immense strategic value.

  • I think they had immense strategic value.

  • How about the bright red Japanese pieces for AAP? Also, you said you thought about putting Italy in between US and USSR but didn’t want them going last. How about them going first? As far as IPCs it sounds like they’ve got enough to take a decent chunk of Africa right off the bat, maybe this will make up for some of it. One other thing to consider: you’re giving the axis an entirely new turn in which to vie for position on the board, maybe Italy isn’t all that bad off after all. Then again I could be completely wrong with all this.

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