• US and British tanks also were heavily out-gunned by their German and Russian counterparts. WWII was great in that it stired the ailing tank programs in the west. At the begining of the war the west was still reliant on obsolete technology. Even at the end the most common US and British tanks were sub-standard.

  • so not true! the german tanks SUCKED compared to french tanks (in the begg. of the war), which had heavier armor, and 75 mm guns. in fact, the germans had only one tank out at the time with a cannon larger than 50mm. France had some even scarier tanks in the works, but the inferior in strength and number german tanks paved the way for german victory in france.

    this proves that it isn’t the size of your cannon, it is what you do with it!

  • So true. The French had some great tanks but they were spread throughout the different inf. divisions. The Germans concentrated their tanks in powerful Panzer divisions. While German tanks were inferior, their tank doctrine was superior and the equalizer. Plus, it didn’t hurt having Stukas flying in to clear the way.

  • I definately agree with the Flying Wing. The German panzers were heavily outgunned by the Mitildas and Fireflys. Plus later designs like the Hellcats. Of course tanks were no match for German Maus, the most powerful tank ever created.

  • The Maus, a creation from Hitler’s disillusioned mind. It was an obvious waste of time and resources. However, I couldn’t agree more, though it never had any combat experience. The Maus was very powerful. It’s second armament was as big as some tank’s main armament!

  • Actually the Maus did see some combat action in the Eastern Front. From the looks of it, no shell could pierce the armor of the Maus. I think that there’s a Maus still in Russia today.

  • from what I head:
    A legend says that it fought to protect its factory as a proto-type. It’s not known if it was actually in combat, go to achtungpanzer.com, the panzeriest site on the net.

    What is cool is that the Germans had night vision in some tanks by April '45, I think they were Panzer IV’s. It actually worked, it killed 4 allied tanks. (I think they were Comets)

  • As wicked as the German tanks were, like the Tiger and Panther, which, for the most part ,were better than anything else in their class, it came down to a production game. About 5000 Panthers saw action in the war. Only a few hundred Tigers were made and just the best Divisions recived them, like the Waffen SS. As for the Tiger 2s’ or the Jagdtiger, less than a hundred of each were produced.

  • The info about info-red scopes on tanks were correct! I think several of the late model panthers were equiped with such scopes (and this was over 50 years ago!), which was just in time for the final Battles of Berlin.

    As for Maus, I think that a lot of information is still classified either by the Russians or the Germans (most likely the Russians). However, from what my friend has told me from several German texts was that the Maus actually saw combat in and around it’s production zone.

    Also, have any of you guys heard about the Sturmtiger and P1000/1500? Truely one of a kind.

  • “Sturmtiger and P1000/1500”

    i have heard of a jagdtiger, but neither of those. what are they?

  • http://www.achtungpanzer.com/ir.htm
    here is a good link on german night vision.

    it has been a while since i have seen this stuff. the germans even had it on rifles (mp44)!

  • OMG, that infa-red scope of the MP44 is huge! I think it would do more damage to the user than the enemy! Ha it even comes with its own “power pack.”

    The Strumtiger was turretless Tiger assault tank that was actually fitted with converted antisubmarine rockets! As for the P1000/1500, this was the a prototype tank that never left the drawing boards. But the specifications for the tank well huge! I was bigger and had more armor then the Maus! It was actually fitted with dual 280 mm naval guns, one 128mm gun, eight anti-aircraft guns, and some machine guns.

  • BTW who do you think would win in a fight? A Jadgtiger (or any other German tank except for the Maus) or the Josef Stalin 3?

  • I would believe the IS 3, it had an equivlent gun, it was faster and had a moving turret.

    look at these mad french tanks in the works! they could of KILLED germany in 42.


    the FCM F1 was a 140 ton tank!
    "Twelve of these 140 tonnes behemoths were ordered on 27 April 1940 to replace the aging FCM 2Cs. This tank, designed to lead assaults on the Siegfried Line in 1941, was to be armed with a high-velocity 90mm gun (mv 710 m/s, penetration 100mm at 1000 m) in the rear turret and a 75mm SA 35 in the front turret (the mock up above shows a 47mm gun mock up instead) with a 25mm AT gun on each side of the hull ! The design wasn’t finalised however and armament variants included a 105mm gun in the forward turret of in the front hull. Its front armour was to be 120mm with 100mm side armour and its two 550 hp engines would hopefully allow it to race along at a mighty 24 km/h… "

    Renault G1R:
    "The 1936 requirement for a D2 replacement in the “battle tank” role called for a 20 tonnes tank, capable of 40 km/h, with the armour of a B1 bis, a 47mm SA 35 turret gun and a hull-mounted 75mm gun. However, Renault’s design evolved into a 35 tonne tank with a turret mounted “high power” APX 75mm gun… which was rejected on 14 May 1940 because it was too far from any official requirement ! "

    you gotta see these!

  • at times it is fun to dream what kind of army the nazis could of had with their night vision, helicoptors, guided missiles, assault rifles… they could of had a navy seals team 55 years ago!

  • Oh my lord, these tanks are huge! The FCM F1 lots like a frigging battleship on wheels! They should match that bad boy against a Tiger. Imagine the power-to-weight ratio in order to drive such a thing.

    PS: I think that the JSIII would win too. It’s mobility, firepower, turrent, and armor made it unmatched. However, the JSIII took time to reload. In a forest fight I think that a Jadgtiger would win.

    Never before have we had so little time in which to do so much

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-03-25 18:56 ]

  • Jagd tiger has a very low silohuette (excuse my spelling), correct? the jagdtiger faced technical problems and it was underpowered.
    that french tank wasn’t (FCM F1) wasn’t that slow either. And they were planning to make them too! Luckily (for the germans) the french would of used them for infantry support.

  • That’s the problem with the French. They spread their forces and tanks too thin on battlelines. With Blitz, you just need to spearhead your way through, shouldering resistance aside. I don’t think the F1’s would’ve made that big of a difference since the tanks would been encircled or more so avoided.

  • Very true TC ……ummm TG

    [ This Message was edited by: Mr Ghoul on 2002-03-26 17:44 ]

  • Indeed, the french had a problem with their tactics. They tended to use their tanks as highly mobile artillery rather than to exploit weaknesses in enemy lines by charging through (Blitzkrieg).

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