1942.2 did not come with the Weapons Development because they had that in Global and Anniversary and they wanted 1942 (both editions) to be a simpler game. However, I’m sure you can easily bring the weapons development into that game. You would just need your own chart to keep track of them.
It will be easy enough. I printed out the development chart and glued it to a cardboard backer. Same with the 1940 battle chart.
Also, if you get a chance to get a copy of the rulebook from Revised, they have a neat optional rule called National Advantages. These are unique to each country and might give them a slight edge in certain situations. Each nation (just the big 5) gets 6 different advantages to choose from and you can use none, any or all of them. Some advantages are a one time use while others continue throughout the game. It’s a pretty neat thing to add a little flavor to your game.
I glanced at that and may have to take a closer look at it.