Thank you sir! Figured as much, just couldn’t find it definitively stated anywhere.
Scinario: Part one The phantom tank
I made up this way cool scnario. For you that have played Civilization you will know about it better.
You have to buy do that industrial breakthourgh to gain technology. Like I pay 10 bucks and get 2 tries. I roll a 6. Holleula! Now roll again a 6. so I get to roll twice to see what I get. I roll a 1 transports I have technology for transports! Now I roll again another 1. So I see what I would get for second. Bombers! I have gained tech. for transports and Bombers.Here is the list
Roll a six then a
One: transports
two: tanks
three: subs
four: fighters
five: Aircraft carrier
six: industrial complexes
After you get any no. again you get
1st: Bombers
2nd: Nuclear Launchers ( A-A guns)
3rd: BattleshipsNuke launchers kill half of the weapons in an area or if nothing is there kills 1infantry perturn for 3 turns of the area of your choice.
I have to go I will tell you the rest in another post which will be posted tomarrow and e-mail me about any fine tuning I could make to it. Bye!
Uhh. What is this? :razz: Looks weird
What’s with
kidspeople these days? Don’t they understand the difference between “YOUR” and “YOU’RE”?
David Jensen
Webmaster, Axis &[ This Message was edited by: djensen on 2002-03-13 15:46 ]
[ This Message was edited by: djensen on 2002-03-13 15:49 ]