Wondering if anyone has created point equivalencies (versus specific units) for the scenarios with the Expanded Rules? Playing them at equal points per side does not seem to work…thanks!
Here is a list of scenarios from Wizards:
They added another scenario for set 2. :-)
Indonesia Campaign - Part I: Hell Furnaces of Sumatra
Just found a few more.
North African Campaign - Part III: Shoot the Gap
North African Campaign - Part II: Come Out & Fight!
Guadalcanal Campaign - Part IV: Desperate Resistance
Guadalcanal Campaign - Part III: Cracking the Gifu Line
http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=ah/article/ah20051014cOr here is teh big list just look for articles with campaign in the title.
If you want to get to all the campaigns and scenarios, I’ve included them on the A&A Minis links page: