Battle of Brienne was fought today, 29th January, in 1814.
(I had never heard of this one.)
The town is in North East France and the battle here took place because the 6th coalition invaded France in the hope of overthrowing Napoleon.
As the roads were bad because of the weather, Napoleon was able to catch his old enemy, Blucher, with only one wing of his army: the Russian contingent under Lt Gen Baron Osten-Sachen, about 17000 men. Napoleon had 30000 on hand, but after his earlier reverses most were straight out of training camps.
Napoleon pinned down Blucher’s forces with Grouchy’s Cavalry and Horse Artillery, while Marshal Ney took the Young Guard into the town and captured the Chateau with the aid of Victor’s 2nd Corps. That night Blucher was forced to withdraw, after nearly being captured withGeneral Gneisenau. (Napoleon also narrowly missed capture.)
Blucher’s losses were 4000 casualties to Napoleon’s 3000.
Vive Le France
Falk, dont be a jerk.
you hate america
you mock it every chance you get
get over yourself -
Falk, dont be a jerk.
you hate america
you mock it every chance you get
get over yourselfNo, actually in that post he was making fun of NatFedMike.
Wait … i am accused of USA hating (surely you don’t mean America, don’t be so full of yourself) on a page that is clearly mocking the French?
You are a bit ridiculous. -
1. you do hate the US, you know you do, everyone else knows you do. its not a bad thing, but get over yourself
2. your post was anti-US
3. actually, the page is mocking our friend Max
4. if this is the first you are realizing i am ridiculous, you havent been paying attention chief -
No 4 was a good one :)
But … when you want to say that you think i hate the US, why don’t you write it in the first place? … And of course, except Yanny, Ewok and you noone here on board will know Max. Without that bit of extra knowledge it definitly looks like mocking the French or the GWB gov’t, howeer you want to interprete the pic. -
And …
just stating what is right, and correcting it, makes me anti-US? Are you growing paranoid? -
<sigh>I am also anti-US Falk.
Difference: I dont mention it in every postjust stating what is right, and correcting it, makes me anti-US?
that makes you more of a know-it-all, because its only a joke, but since i do the same thing, ill “let it go” :wink:
Fits to the “Education in the US” thread ….
La France …
Thats a crack at the US, sadly true, not that funny (imo) and unnecessary. when you mention it every post, it gets old and annoying, quite like me pointing it out every post
so save us both, stop</sigh>
someone here is certainly sensitive.
There is a difference between criticism and hatred. -
Hey! take that flag down from the Capitol Building or we’ll
call French Fries, Freedom Fries!On second thought, let the French have all dem bums and
we’ll start over! -
Hey! take that flag down from the Capitol Building or we’ll
call French Fries, Freedom Fries!So if French people are called frogs, what does that make frogs? :P
F_alk has the right to hate the USA if he wishes.
But I don’t think he hates the USA as a whole.
He just hates USAns(Americans in the general antiquated Cold War dialogue)when we** act like sAsholes.**Please, note that for F_alk’s benefit, and that of anyone else who has disagreed with me at times, I have included myself in the sAsholes category. I acknowledge that I have, in the past and present, frequently found myself in that cliche’. I expect to recognize myself in future sAsholes Unanymous yearbook photos.
I just think he hates sAsholes in general. More specifically, I believe he hates those who do not make logical sense, especially when explaining their viewpoints.
I think we could make more progress in our arguments/discussions if we had a few guidelines.
Anyone know where we could find a “Robert’s Rules of Debate”?Who’s Max?!?!
Max is a mutual friend of NatFedMike, Yanny, and mine. He is also an unbased (correct word?) french hater, and to see the French flag over the Capitol is to him, as the Soviet flag over the Reichstag is to Mike.
Max is a mutual friend of NatFedMike, Yanny, and mine. He is also an unbased (correct word?) french hater, and to see the French flag over the Capitol is to him, as the Soviet flag over the Reichstag is to Mike.
But he isn’t on these forums, is he? What then, is the point of putting the picture here?
So? He can always learn the tricks and post a pic of him pulling a French flag out of his bunghole! I wouldn’t do that, but he might. Of course, if he does, he’ll be banned from these fora by those mean ol’ fora Nazis we keep hearing about. :D
he used to be on the forums, I dont know what his name was, or when he was on, but according to him, he got so pissed off by the people on here, he had to quit, so if you remember someone who was always arguing, and sounding dumb (yes, i see the similarities, but i like to think i make at least some modicum of sense, even if you disagree with me)
as for why he posted it on the forums, who knows? this is mike we are talking about
So with that description it coulda been Xi or FinsterniS or …
in disguise, of course.
Of course, if he does, he’ll be banned from these fora by those mean ol’ fora Nazis we keep hearing about. :D
Yes, the foraNazis are a force to be reckoned with. :P
Speaking of France…
It seems that France sold some banned items to some bad peeps…
Hmmm! Is France becoming a warmonger…
threatening it’s peaceful Arab neighbours?
(We all live on the same block now.) -
Hey Falk