since the population has little fear of war compared to Europe, the people would undoubtedly support such a war by a majority or at least 50/50.
i didnt read every post but this comment just makes me laugh.
Japan doesnt want to go to war. The state in their constitution that they will never attack only out of selve defense. The 100 Japanese military are there just to do reconstruction and are portected by the dutch in the region. Only This has caused an criticism. I dont know why you think Japan would gladly go into a war and double their army? Yes some politicians want to lose that law. but i dont see this happening any time soon. They may alter it to assist in peacekeepers, but joining a war i dont think so.
They can withdraw men from S-Korea, Germany, Japan but i think this is already done.
oh and if the US doesnt attack unilateral all the time it wont need this much troops.