I usually use the Aussies to trade islands with the Japaneses, while building mostly navy with the Americans. I’ve seen an Australian navy used very effectively in a couple of cases, anyone have better success with one versus the other? Which is better?
Parts used vs. Parts in stock
I would like to ask, of all the pieces in your AA inventory, how many of each type and country have you acutally used? Or has anyone ever kept track.
AA4life -
Well you can check piece count on the boxes then add them up in your head.
This thread is confusing.
Why does this not suprise me?
I’ve never kept track of which pieces we’ve used, though we only have the Spring 1942 version right now. I can tell you we’ve often run out of infantry for the Russians, Germans, and Japanese and tanks for the Germans, but we’ve usually had enough of everything else.
Really the only thing we seem to run out of is chips. That and maybe bombers if the US is going the crush Germany/Japan’s economy route.
Yeah, there aren’t enough chips in the Spring 1942 edition usually. Which has led to some interesting distributions of units. We’ve been forced to use control markers as stand ins on occasion.
This thread is confusing.
Why does this not suprise me?
??? and where all your other posts go?
??? and where all your other posts go?
This question confuses me??? :? :?
AAlife -
I tend to use a lot of the Infantry / Armor / Planes.
Never used a significant amount of ships.
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