All drugs should be legalized.
I don’t use them, but I think people are going to do them anyways, and by legalizing them, it would get rid of a lot of crime.
And taxing them lets states raise money, wile saving money by not having to support as many prisoners
….and puts the gangbangers out of business :-D
I agree with this for all of these practical reasons. I mean, there are still limiting factors you’d want to have in place, but the Drug War is lost. We are throwing money away when we could be not only saving money, but making money, all the while having a better grasp and control of drugs in general. I wouldn’t want people to do PCP, but jail time is not a solution to someone with a drug problem. Selling PCP, sure…but if you take the criminal element out of it, the desire to break the law and benefit from it disappears.
Furthermore, I believe in consensual crimes being decriminalized (doing drugs, actions between consenting adults, etc.), and that applies to this.
Being a drunk……has some consequences in life that are perhaps not so desireable.
Do I really have to translate this sentence? Ugh, ok, let’s disect it. “Not so desireable” that means bad ok. So being a drunk… has consequences in life, it bad. Therefore, not good, therefore something I would advise AGAINST.
Getting drunk once in life, maybe a few times per year does not mean you are a drunk. A drunk is somebody who gets drunk all the time and has problems with alcohol and is in fact an addict.
No, but you might want to rewrite it. The way it read to me was that there are some things not so great about being a drunk, unless you are inherently a dickhead, but no matter who you are if you smoke pot, you wasted your life. And you compared a generic drunk to two pot smokers that are obviously successful.