• (to be added in full when I get a chance)

    1. No Personal attacks (“Flames”)
    2. No Sexual or Racial comments.
    3. No Linking to any inappropriate sites.
    4. Sig pics are to be kept small in both download size and pixel size
    5. No going extremely off topic
    6. Yanny + CC + Fish are gods, obey and bow to them
    7. Post in the correct forum or you may find your post moved.
    8. No posting with only the intention of increasing post count
    9. “Spam” posting is not allowed.
    10. (added 12/12/04) You may not edit back in anything that a moderator has already edited.

    #1 and #2 will result in a single warning then a ban. #3 will result in an immediate ban.

    Note, here at Axisandallies.org, we do not allow guest posting. If you register an account, there will be no spamming your email address.
    We in no way give it out, and I am the only person who has access to private email addresses (and I can’t even figure out how to access them). Registering allows you to take advantage of the Pbb forum features.

  • If you have trouble with internet/listserve etiquette, please access the following site - it may help:

  • Which forum do I post in?

    Any political discussion - General
    Any every day discussion - General
    Other Games (for the time being) - General

    Any talk about the forums, the website, or website/forum creation in general go into Website/Forum discussion.

    Racist Jokes, Pinky and the Brain music, and Pornography - Mod forum

    The Hasbro, Spring 1942 Axis and Allies game (Original game most of us play), and all of it’s computer games - Axis and Allies section

    The Avalon Hill/Hasbro Axis and Allies Europe game - AAE section (not too hard…)

    Avalon Hill/Hasbro AAP game - AAP section (sensing a trend here)

    ANY house rules, other A&A games using other maps, any threads about combining AAP and AAE, they all go into Axis And Allies: Variants

    Any questions regarding rules, bidding, set up, ect of any of the 3 games (and Variants) go into the Player Help forum. However, STRATEGY questions are to stay in their respective forums.

    Finding Players (for non Play by Forum games) - Find players forum
    Play by Forum / Email games - Games forum (including finding players for that game)

    Any Boardgaming or Gaming in general real life events - Events forum

Suggested Topics

Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







