• Very happy am I for the nation of Brasil for their inspired effort in their win against the Germans.

  • DAMN! Brazil won…I’m out 5 euros.

  • Hahaha, Brazil wins again! :lol: Woo-hoo! :D
    5 championships!
    Ronaldo you are the God of Soccer!! 8)
    2-0… a little too easy (j/k) :wink:

  • I feel sad for Olli Kahn.
    One Mis-take (literaly) in the whole tournament, which leads to losing the finals. That’s a bitter pill.

  • poor Germany. They were no more in this game than Canada was.
    I would be interested in a World Cup tournament where people played by language rather than nationality (both seem quite arbitrary given that not many players play professionally for their home country). For example, i think the “Portuguese” language team (Portugal, Brazil, Macau, Angola, etc.) would kick the “English”, “Spanish” and “French” language teams (note several bilingual countries would become quite split over this game). I’m thinking Figo, Ronaldo, Rivalda (what a playmaker) and Marcos alone would kick the English world’s collective asses . . . . :D

  • Hey, hey, hey give us Englishmen a fighting chance! :P Brazil already has enough “God” players on their team (you can’t beat the Triple R’s) – lets not throw in every other Portuguese speaking player in there! I’m more in favor of a “Continental Cup.” For example, everybody in South America vs everybody in Africa. Now this would be great! (as well as fostering cultural understanding) South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa would still probably have us beat, but hey, America and Mexico will put up a decent fight! :wink:

    (Hey at least we’re better than those lazy Antarcticans! :roll:)

  • poor poor Australia . . . True, they could give much of the world a proper s**tkicking, but i just can’t see them performing well against South America.
    my love of the Portuguese game came from beach volleyball in Brasil. These people play better with their feet then i do with my hands.

  • It’s being discussed wether Oceania should be allowed to send a contender to the next world cup w/o playing any play-offs.
    And of course, this time, they had to play south america, but they also lost to asian teams in the past … i guess it was the Iran or so…
    Well, let’s say it like this:
    Whenever there was a world cup in germany, then Australia qualified :)
    … that was 1974, i love statistics made of one piece of data :) …
    and of course, whenever there was a worlcup in a german speaking country, germany won (that’s two points of data: 1954, switzerland; 1974, germany)…
    and another one:
    Franz Beckenbauer took over the national Mannschaft (his debut as a coach) for world cup 1986, after a desastrous european championship, and led it into the finals, to be beaten there. 4 years later, he made the team world champion.
    2002, Rudi Voeller took the team in his debut as a coach…
    And one last:
    In all post-war worldcups, except for 1958, south american and european teams took terms in winning the cup. Germany won every second of the cups won by europeans.
    In 1998 France won.

    GO GERMANY FOR 2006 !!!

  • I don’t know… once Africa becomes united, they might even be able to give the best European and South African teams a run for their money. Along with Asia and USA. Africa is quickly rising to the level of stardom. (And it’ll be just one more sport they’ll be able to dominate at :wink: )

  • I knew it all along…Joey Bishop rules!

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