• This is hard to make a powerfull allies strategy since Axis are leading the game. The action of the German/Japan on the first turn can easely compromise any strategy, a fortiori Axis tend/must be in some way unpredictable to beat the allies juggernaut.

    Most game ive played all axis force were playing on two major front since they decide, often in turn 3, to concentrate on a front.

    Often the game is psychological & strategical, so i never really build a main generic strategy, but i really find your ideas interesting. You are rigth about the turn 1 of the US; i should be defencive, ive never (never!) played as the US but most of my opponent/allies US seem to be really nervous.

    Also, i think the US should not concentrate too much on germany, japan is expending fast and when attaking russia it help a lot Germany. The best way to make germany in trouble is to stop japan from attaking massively russia. But sure, sometime (often) you cannot concentrate all your IPC on japan…

  • Anonymous or “Osoma”


    Please, if you must insult me, then at least do it correctly. And I’m also interested in how you’re going to hack my computer and “blow” me. Is there some sort of way you can all of a sudden get into my computer and get it to explode on me? I hope you are not serious, as I have never done anything to you.

  • FinsterniS, it’s good to see someone who still thinks the Axis can wipe the floor with the Allies. There is certainly a psychological and metagame involved when playing Axis and Allies, as with any competitive game. The metagame is as complex as any strategy encountered in a competition. So a confident Axis player (and those are hard to come by) definitely does have the benefit of not only setting the tempo but pressuring the Allies into making mistakes.

    As for Japan, hopefully be the end of the 4th turn I can start bringing the war to Japan’s home front. What does that mean? Well, I don’t mean building a huge Navy (though you’re free to do one), but making sure that Africa does not fall into Japanese hands and that Russia can turn full force to defend the Kremlin. With Germany on its last leg, UK and USA should be able to mop up whatever is left.

  • Exactly, If Russia and the Allies work hard in the begining of the game to kill Germany, Russia can divert it’s attention wholely to Japan once Germany’s back is broken.

  • Quick question here. Do you wait until all of Germany has fallen before finally going after Japan. Normally I would take Germany, but if German forces have somehow escaped encirclement and are bent on one last stand at Berlin, I will instead just fortify my current positions. I draw this from the fact that is is less expensive and easier to defend than go on the offensive.

  • Well, once I have Germany down to 16 Economy or so, I start building a fleet in the Pacific (slowly, still bringing troops to Europe), and I start putting more Infantry east with Russia.

  • Well since I usually do not Pearl Harbor on the first turn, I will instead focus on keeping the Japanese outside of Russia and Egypt once German is on its dying whale. Then with the might of the Allies, I slowly push them back out of Asia. Works like a charm :smile:

  • Anyways, thanks all for your input? I like it when you think my strats are great, but I love it if you disagree with me. :wink:

    Because of this, I changed some of my USA strats to Accommodate the “what-if Japan” move on the first turn.

    Here’s my USA Strat (Version 2.5) I changed over the weekend.

    Moses’ Masterpiece #5: USA!
    Here are my thoughts on the general American strategy I tend to use. Beside each turn I’ve included a number of notes to help you when executing this strategy. Strategy is based on standard A&A rules with the exception of Russia Restricted and Submerging.

    1. USA (36 IPCs)
    Buy 3 Transports, 4 Inf.
    Non-Combat Move: Transport w/ 2 inf., bomber, and 1 ftr to Britain from EUSA. 1 ftr from WUSA to Eastern Canada. Unload transport to Britain. Move 1 Battleship and 1 transport from Western USA to Alaska Sea Zone.
    Remaining IPCs: 0
    Income: 34 IPCs
    Total: 4 Transports, 6 Inf., 1 ARM (based on troops in EUSA)
    Notes: As you can see USA doesn’t have any offensives on the first turn. Being conservative with USA on the first turn allows for USA to be more aggressive in later turns. Also by pulling your aircraft from USA, there’s no way of successfully counter attack against Japan. This means that Japan is free to take Hawaii, New Zealand, and Australia with the bulk of its Navy. Reason for the movement of the BB and Trans to the Alaskan Sea Zone? What this move does is force Japan to send it’s Navy to intercept my task force. The action will cost them at least a Carrier w/2 planes or 2 BB’s that would normally have gone to Brazil or South Africa if Japan wishes to establish an IC there. Without those forces, Japan’s Navy is vulnerable to an attack by the UK carrier w/2 ftrs. If Japan does not fall for the bait, then I storm the Japanese sea hoping to destroy as many transports as possible. If Japan takes the bait then it’ll take them at least 6 turns to reach Brazil or South Africa! Income of 34 IPCs is based on Japan taking East China.

    2. USA (34 IPCs)
    Buy: 2 Transports, 6 inf
    Combat move: Land 4 Transports w/ 6 inf. and 1 ARM to Algeria (3 from EUSA, 1 from Britain). Strategic bomb Germany.
    Non-Combat Move: Move bomber back to Britain. Move ftr. From E. Canada to Britain.
    Remaining IPCs: 0
    Income: 32 IPCs
    Total: 6 Transports, 6 inf. (based on all existing transports)
    Notes: If there is any better way to land that many men in N. Africa on the second turn, then I’m all ears. To prepare against a possible counterattack from the Luftwaffe on T3, USA must have full cooperation from UK by getting that power to move it’s carrier w/ 2 ftrs to protect America’s transport fleet off Spain. Income of 32 IPCs is based on Japan taking Hawaii and West China on T2.

    3. USA (32 IPCs)
    Buy: 1 Transport, 8 inf
    Combat move: Strategic bomb Germany. Move into Libya and both French Africa’s.
    Non-Combat Move: Move all transports back to EUSA. Move bomber to Britain.
    Remaining IPCs: 0
    Income: 33 IPCs
    Total: 7 Transports, 14 inf.
    Notes: Depending on the strength of the German presence, you may want to refrain from these attacks and instead just try to take Libya. If you find that the German may be too powerful to handle even with 6 inf., 1 ARM, you may consider moving the 2 ftrs and 1 bomber from Britain to Algeria or even hold off on the Normandy Invasion for a turn.

    4. USA (33 IPCs)
    Buy: 11 inf.
    Combat move: Land in Western Europe with 7 loaded Transports supported by 2 ftrs and 1 Bomber. Move further into Africa.
    Non-Combat Move: Move bombers and 2 ftrs back to Britain or Africa.
    Remaining IPCs: 0
    Income: 39 IPCs
    Total: 7 Transports, 11 inf.
    Notes: Finally D-Day on T4! Usually America will be able to take Western Europe upwards of 6 German inf. and 4 ftrs. However, expect huge losses at WE and the possible counter attack of Germany on T5. You can soften the blow by letting UK land first at WE (they should have a pretty sizeable transport force by now) or later after the Germans have successfully counterattacked. At any point Germany will have to spend a sizable amount of manpower to protect its Western flank. Also this is one of the only turns where I will allow America to make a different purchase like a bomber or ftr. It all depends on how many more inf. are needed in Europe or Africa.

    5. USA (39 IPCs)
    Buy: 1 transport, 10 inf.
    Combat Move: Strategic bomb Germany. Push further into Africa.
    Non-Combat Move: Move transports back to Eastern Canada. Move bomber back to Britain/Africa. Move 11 inf from EUSA to ECanada.
    Remaining IPCs: 1
    Income: 39 IPCs
    Total: 8 transports, 22 inf
    Notes: Anyways, you should be able to split transports into two groups: one headed to Russia/Africa or WE. The Luftwaffe shouldn’t be much more of a threat anymore. If Germany is strong enough to take WE back, then invade again. 16 inf alone is good enough to take down at least 10 defending inf and further away drain German manpower. At any rate Germany should fall soon and you can start transferring forces to Africa or Russia to deal with Japan. What you could do is set up the “Conveyor Belt” method of ferrying troops into Algeria or Norway through Eastern Canada. Almost 16 inf per turn can pack quite the punch.

  • D-Day on Turn 4? Hmm, are you sure you can do it? If Germany has 4 or 5 fighters left he/she can make it hard. Maybe Spain?

  • I base this from previous knowledge that the Germans will need at least some sort of Luftwaffe to defend their positions in Eastern Europe. Also if Germany keeps all 4 fighters at Western Europe, the Allies can still win! Remember, when I land in WE with America, I will be able to take Western Europe upwards of 6 German inf. and 4 ftrs. (78.3% chance) If that still enough, remember you still have an invasion fleet by the UK to preempt the invasion.

  • Hmm, but I would think on turn 4 Germany would still have a considerable offensive Advantage over Russia. The Luftwaffe could be stationed in Western Europe.

  • –-- Double Post ----
    Delete this one

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-06-02 13:54 ]

  • If this happens and the Luftwaffe is entirely stationed in WE, I still have a chance of wiping out German’s airforce (and their hopes of winning the war) and one fellow swoop. Remember, the UK-USA D-Day invasion can be devastating. Unless the Germans “super stack” or have excellent luck with AA guns (and this has happened to me), there’s virtually no way to hold out against two waves of 8 inf, 2 ftrs, 1 BR and 14 inf, 2 ftrs, and 1 BR.

    If I were a younger man, I would write a history of human stupidity; and I would lie down on my back with my history for a pillow; and I would make a statue of myself, lying on my back, grinning horribly, thumbing my nose at You Know Who. - Bokonon

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-06-02 13:53 ]

  • Well, again, it matters how heavily Germany has WE stacked. Personally, If I’m getting pounded all out early in the game, I hold Western Europe as if it was Germany. But, Germany may be lulled into lightly defending it if you go medium on Japan.

  • Well on best 2 out of 3 games, I do see “super-stacks” in Western Europe once I crush the German on the 4th turn. However, what I do is bypass their defenses in Western Europe by landing in Eastern Europe. Then I just Conveyor Belt all my forces from UK and Eastern Canada. With Germany having to shift forces to Southern and Germany from Western Europe, I hit Western Europe when they are weakest. Keep in mind that D-Day occurs, but at a later time.

  • I definately agree, few people expect an Eastern Europe assault by sea.

  • Eastern Europe is a good choice considering that you have the Russians to back you up. :smile: However, has anybody ever tried Southern Europe as a striking point? The reason why I haven’t tried this before is that in order to do so, you have to be on the French Coast Sea Zone (forgot its real name). The problem is that it kills your ATB since you lose a turn minimum needed to transport force. But with Southern Europe heavily understrengthed (probably the weakest defended of all of Germany’s territories) and 6 IPCs free for the taking, it is an inviting target. I report on this later.

  • Problem with Southern Europe is you can see it a mile away. But, try bluffing and attacking Western Europe instead.

  • Now that I have a better chance to look at the game board, I’m thinking of using the “Final Solution.” No, not the Jewish solution, but instead cutting off the head of the Viper, Germany itself. At least I know it works. I’m this one game we played, Russia had taken Eastern Europe on his turn but at heavy cost. On Germany’s turn, they stacked in Southern Europe, Western, and Germany. My allies we’re able to convince the German into thinking that the US/UK D-Day invasion would come at Western Europe, where it was the second most heavily defended (next to Europe). Instead, we used the US and UK turn to land in Germany. We still weren’t able to take it. So on the next round, Russia was able to take Germany and seal the game. The Germans were able to recapture Germany on their turn, but the IPC loss was unbearable that they couldn’t hold out much longer.

  • I almost never take it, but threatening Southern Europe is the best way to get Eastern Europe to fall, especially if Germany is still in Africa. Once both the US and UK fleet are established, I will usually land 8-10 US infantry in Algeria and keep the UK in the North Sea, forcing Germany to try and defend all four countries. This is a bluff unless they don’t defend Southern Europe - I leave the men to mop up Africa and eventually push towards Japan.

    If you time the Africa landing right Germany can’t defend all four countries, and either WE or EE will fall for good. Usually they will just be forced to pull out of Eastern Europe.

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