Well, I tried my strategy out twice this weekend. In general, it works but it takes longer to put the Axis away, as is to be expected I guess. Needless to say, the German player didn’t have too much fun in either game. The one thing that was readily apparent is that you can build up a force of bombers fairly easily - you don’t even come close to losing a bomber a turn until you have 5 or six of them, and even then there were many times when I hit Germany with 6+ bombers and wouldn’t lose a single one. There is more of a luck factor in constant bombing, but with the high numbers of planes and attacks it’s not nearly as much as you think. Of course theoretically you could have some kind of freak round where you lost 4 or 5 bombers in one attack, but that’s A&A for you - no different then a freak round that tips a large battle in the opposite direction.
As for the IC in South Africa - the first time I pushed the troops towards Japan through Persia once Africa was wrapped up. That was basically too slow, although the troops could pack a lot of punch with those bombers backing them up. I never tried it though, I stuck to my plan of bombing Germany every turn no matter what.
The second time I quit using the IC after Africa was taken back and just saved the extra IPCs to buy extra bombers - that probably worked better, as I was buying two bombers every three rounds.
Basically, the strongest part of this strategy is that Germany is totally under your thumb after about the sixth turn. What happens is that Germany is never an offensive threat, but since you only have America shipping troops to Karelia, it takes longer to knock Germany out, which means that Japan threatens Russia more, so you have to divert American troops to Russia, which delays Germany’s fall even longer. However, Germany was never a danger - the delay was just a logistical one, so the real danger was Japan. After Germany has lost Eastern Europe, they basically never build another troop because they always have about 0 IPCs. I was even able to start turning the bombers against Japan in the end of the second game. The next game I am going to turn the UK bombers on the Japanese factories sooner - I think that will be even more effective. The first six always hit Germany and any remainder hit Japan.
A few notes from a psychological perspective: 1.) The German player almost literally doesn’t get to play, so it’s not much fun for them. You think being ganged up on 3 to 1 is no fun, try not getting to buy any new troops. This is a game, and I felt a little bad about that. 2.) It wasn’t that hard to force myself to buy a bomber every turn, even after a couple of bad losses (lost 2 bombers 3 turns in a row one game). 3.) The worst thing about this strategy is fighting the temptation to use the bombers somewhere else every once in a while, especially against Japan. I just had to keep asking myself, “Is that better than knocking 6-8 infantry out of Germany?”
If I were grading this strategy I would give it about a 5 on a scale of 1-10, but I think I can bring it up to about a 7 with some tweaking.
I am also going to try a spinoff strategy, where I plan on switching the bombers to hit Japan as soon as they build a mainland factory. For that strategy I will not be buying an IC in Africa - instead I will use all excess money to send troops to Norway. It will probably be a disaster though. :smile: