• The more I think about this, the more I think the India crush should be unstoppable.

    How could Japan ever win tis game?  It seems unlikely to me that Japan could take and hold Hawaii and Queensland - especially without losing Kwangtung.  That means for Japan to have any chance, India must fall, and fall early enough That Japan still has a decent shot vs ANZAC and USA.

    If the game is balanced, there shouldn’t be any way to stop the India crush, but there also shouldn’t be any obvious easy counter strategy.  India should fall , and from there it should be a struggle.  If the game is not balanced, it will need optional rules or a small bid (but not enough to outright thwart the India crush - only enough to fight on After).

  • @calvinhobbesliker:




    If UK blocks Malaya SZ w/ a Destroyer, the SZ36 Fleet can’t get to India on the 2nd turn. You can’t use the ships in a sea combat and then an amphib in different SZ’s.

    You could bomb the destroyer/cruiser with tacticals first, and then bomb India with strategic bombers and THEN attack India with an amphibious assault, could you not? I somehow doubt it, but could you?

    I don’t think nickel is trying to get to Ind on J2.  he’s going on J3.  With the right Japanese moves, you can succussfully invade India on J3 with a J2 attack, regardless of Allied movements.  My question would be whether or not the Allies can take enough advantage of this “all-out” maneuver to put Japan in trouble even after India falls or force it to abandon the all-out India assault (at least to the degree that it is too costly) in order to defend Kor/Jap.

    I know its J2 since for J3 he says “Retake India.” He also says that “UK will retake India” for UK 2

    Oops, you’re right.  Sorry I missed that.

  • Sorry for causing all that confusion, but evidently, I thought my plan would work. That J2 attack is now practically void, because the whole point was to take India J2 and prevent the UK from using any IPCs after UK1. It seems I’ll need to stick to J1.

    Hmm… I wish there was a general discussion thread in the AAP40 forum. I keep cluttering up this forum with my new threads. Would anyone mind if I made yet another one? I’ve come up with an unhistorical scenario revolving around the rebellion of the Dutch and ANZAC against the British empire, and it would only take up the bottom third of the map. It still needs a lot of work, but so far I think it’s pretty cool. Please tell me whether or not you would mind if I made yet another thread!

  • @zooooma:

    The more I think about this, the more I think the India crush should be unstoppable.

    How could Japan ever win tis game?  It seems unlikely to me that Japan could take and hold Hawaii and Queensland - especially without losing Kwangtung.  That means for Japan to have any chance, India must fall, and fall early enough That Japan still has a decent shot vs ANZAC and USA.

    If the game is balanced, there shouldn’t be any way to stop the India crush, but there also shouldn’t be any obvious easy counter strategy.  India should fall , and from there it should be a struggle.  If the game is not balanced, it will need optional rules or a small bid (but not enough to outright thwart the India crush - only enough to fight on After).

    In the forum games it would seem that India is cleanly takable on turn 3 leading to a highly cashed fueled Japanese player able to out produce the combined wealth of Australia and the USA, as well at the point they turn to the east to capture Haw or Saw they have a HUGE unit advantage, so not only to they make more money, they get India;s money and they have the units (more or less) in place to finish of the Allies.

    THE GAME NEEDS A BID. Quite simply either there exists some obscure strategy which will off set the seemly massive Japanese advantages or the game is moderately imbalanced and  requires players bid for the Allies.  I suspect that the game will make more sense in the context of a linked world game, with the release of APP40 Europe.

  • So what sort of bid are we talking about for the Allies here?

    Oh, and Nickel, you can post whatever threads you want and if they’re annoying to people they can ignore them, or if they’re too much for whatever reason a mod will correct you, but what you’re talking about sounds like it should go in the House Rules forum rather than here.

  • It’s easy to stop the attack as India. Just buy a couple AA guns on the first turn. ANZAC’s motive is to disrupt Japanese convoys. Coming from a guy who loves to use an “unstoppable” India crush, I was CERTAINLY set back by the AA guns, as your air force is of vital importance to you for the first 4 turns. The Indian player will typically see this attack coming, stock up all infantry, and bring their infantry back to India. Really, it isnt India’s capture you should worry about but Japan’s taking of the DEI. ANZAC is supposed to make a TON of submarines, nothing else, and convoy disrupt and transport hunt. Later on in the game, if opportunity permits, then it can build somewhat of a navy. MAYBE at some point it can get an aircraft carrier but I’ve never played to get to put a battleship on the board (Sadly =/) Submarines are key against the Japanese air force. USA? Declare war on Japan in however way possible to go into wartime economy, build all submarines for the first two wartime economy turns, and then get firepower (Battleships or aircraft carriers)

    USA needs to keep building while India and China survive for about…… 4 turns. By survive, I mean survive. Chances are both countries will be drained as all hell, but they’ll be there if you implement the right tactics (Which I ought to explain Chinese tactics in another thread…), and fun little British firefight tactics. You get a means of defending yourself against the japanese (4 aircraft). AA guns are your best friend. Also, you can choose to scramble a single fighter if the Japanese try to bombard India, preventing the bombard, and the AA guns will sever the japanese planes so much, they’ll need time to recover their airforce. Otherwise, big bad America is gonna flatten out their navy.

    I’ll post my variation of the India Crush, and a strategy on stopping it soon. It may seem that my directions are vague now, but I should show the community in time. Take this with a grain of salt as a general strategy.

  • @SunLiRen:

    AA guns are your best friend. Also, you can choose to scramble a single fighter if the Japanese try to bombard India, preventing the bombard, and the AA guns will sever the japanese planes so much, they’ll need time to recover their airforce.

    I’m not exactly sure how you’re planning on using AA guns, but first off, you can’t scramble a fighter from India to stop a bombardment.  The rules clearly say that you can only scramble planes from an island airbase, so the only way you could do that to protect India would be to build an airbase on Ceylon and put the fighter there… :|

  • @SilverAngelSurfer:

    … you can’t scramble a fighter from India to stop a bombardment.  The rules clearly say that you can only scramble planes from an island airbase, so the only way you could do that to protect India would be to build an airbase on Ceylon and put the fighter there… :|

    A cheaper way to deny the shore bombardment is to buy a destroyer each turn, ohh, and they will block movement too.

  • @SilverAngelSurfer:

    I’m not exactly sure how you’re planning on using AA guns, but first off, you can’t scramble a fighter from India to stop a bombardment.  The rules clearly say that you can only scramble planes from an island airbase.

    You can scramble against a SBR anywhere.  The island base is needed to scramble into the sea zone.

  • @zooooma:


    I’m not exactly sure how you’re planning on using AA guns, but first off, you can’t scramble a fighter from India to stop a bombardment.  The rules clearly say that you can only scramble planes from an island airbase.

    You can scramble against a SBR anywhere.  The island base is needed to scramble into the sea zone.


    AA guns are your best friend. Also, you can choose to scramble a single fighter if the Japanese try to bombard India, preventing the bombard, and the AA guns will sever the japanese planes so much, they’ll need time to recover their airforce. Otherwise, big bad America is gonna flatten out their navy.

    The bolded part above is what I was responding to.  I am aware of the new escort rules, but that was not part of the discussion.

  • My bad.  I was confusing offshore bombardment with strategic bombardment.  :oops:

  • @zooooma:

    My bad.  I was confusing offshore bombardment with strategic bombardment.   :oops:

    No problem.

  • I believe india was not as populous back then as it was today.

  • @Open:

    I believe india was not as populous back then as it was today.

    Not as, but still very populous.  They had a volunteer army of 2.5 million people out of apparently 400 million total at the time according to Wikipedia.

  • but i don’t get it
    does UK defence do nothing?
    even with j1 attack, they should get more than enough to withstand a too soon japanese attack on round 3?

  • Using a J1 DoW with the intent to take out India will indeed work.I pose it to you that this is what the designers had in mind anyway, as its the only way for Japan to truely have a shot at winning. The real game is what happens after India falls. Japan must take one more VC and hold it. The games ive played vs a J1 DoW have come down to an arms race for navies and airforces, usually resulting in a stalemate until someone gets too tired an screws up. India must fall, and this makes it a much more realistic game , as Britian didnt play much of a role in this theater anyway. BTW (subs, infantry and fighters are key to US/ANZAC defenses after Britian falls). All that said, it is important that the British and Chinese kill as many aircraft as possible before they die, Yunnan and Burma must be held onto if you want to delay the J3 fall of India until J4…allowing the other Allies a chance to build up another turn while Japan is out of position.

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