Collect INCOME - help - axis europe , thanks

  • hi,

    i am new here, so hello to everyone

    i have problem with collecting money at the end of turn

    rules : “collect IPC from the bank based on your current income level,as show on the production chart”

    for example, i play with germany, i start with 40 ipc, during first round i make succesfull attack and i became new owner of country XX with value 2. At the end of my turn (germany turn) will i receive 42 ipc from bank? so,at the beginning of my next turn, i will have 40+42 money?? and i can buy now 3x battleship (3x24) ??

    is this correct ??

    it souns little strange for me Smiley

    thanks a lot for answer

  • with Germany you start out with 40 ipcs.  Usually you spend all of that on stuff - armor and infantry mainly. 
    If you take over 2 ipcs worth of territory and had not lost any, then at the end of your turn, you collect 40 + 2 ipcs = 42 ipcs.

    Now if you did not purchase anything at the beginning of your turn, then you collect 40 (your starting income that you already had at the beginning of your turn) + 42 (what you collect this turn) = 82 ipcs.  So yes - you may puchase 3 battleships . . . for some reason . . . if you choose . . . .

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