Unless you’re carrying something equally heavy on the armored side, bring none at all! I agree with the others that stated this… If he has nothing to do but intimidate with his big bad tank, who’ll be lauging then? Jeeps and Flamethrowers (as stated) work great at 8pts a set. The US mortars are actually my favorite unit (and I just designed a 200 pt army that will not move the entire game based around them! bwahahha). However, a P-38G Lightning would take care of some of the infantry for you quickly (and if you’re using the 81mm Mortars, that’s a LOT of infantry gone in the first turn).
Royal Engineers on Jeeps also work well… as they can’t get rid of them ALL! Another thought would be to put a RE or Flamer in an Easy Eight (but then you’re trying to match his armor instead of out-smarting it). If done properly, M5 Halftracks and flamethrowers can work as well (more than one preferred, but that gets costly).
You just have to accept that whatever you throw at it has a good chance of dying… Outsmart him, outnumber him… he can be beaten!