What's Your Favorite 2-Unit Combo?

  • I’ve noticed that alot of units in Set III have some cool abilities, especially when coupled with other units’ special abilities or stats. Set I and II also have quite a few. Everyone knows about the Commander types affecting the battlefield, but I’m curious as to what your favorite multiple unit tactic is not including commanders or transports like jeeps and halftracks. Part of the beauty of this game is coming up with a nasty, sneaky combination move. But it doesn’t have to be sneaky; it can be obvious… all that matters is that it’s effective.

    My favorites:

    • MG-42 + Brumbar: I’ve noticed that MG-42s are great at disruption, almost always doing so if they don’t outright kill. With two shots they can hit two separate units in a hex. The Brumbar, with it’s blast ability, also hits every unit in a hex. A tactic I’ve been messing with lately is fielding a Brumbar and an MG-42 on each side of the field. When enemy infantry tries to sneak up the flanks, I drop a Brumbar shell on them… BOOM! The MG-42 then comes into play: if anything survives the Brumbar, even if it’s both guys in the hex, the MG can fire on both of them, almost always scoring that needed second hit. And if the Brumbar does the job beforehand I have the MG-42 free to disrupt (and thus pin) the enemy so that the Brumbar can fire on them next round.

    It’s a nice combo thus far, especially if I position them where the middle of the field can’t fire on them.


  • Im using the vickers Machine GUn team + Fanatical Sniper when correctly placed will be a killer combo against infantry.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    The absolute most broken is the Cossack Captain on the KV-1.

    Unless you oponent take zero infantry, it should win the game for you every time.

  • @djensen:

    The absolute most broken is the Cossack Captain on the KV-1.

    Oi, the rule was no transports or commanders… cheater.  :-D :-D


  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Oops, I didn’t read it very carefully.

  • My favorite is the Flamethrower with M5 halftrack

  • I just want to quote myself here, since this is technically a game/challenge.


    …but I’m curious as to what your favorite multiple unit tactic is not including commanders or transports like jeeps and halftracks. Part of the beauty of this game is coming up with a nasty, sneaky combination move. But it doesn’t have to be sneaky; it can be obvious… all that matters is that it’s effective.

    No transports. No commanders. That’s the trick.  :mrgreen:


  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Well, a combo that I have found that may not be  worth the points is the Spotter and Soviet mortars. With a range of 16, they are very effetive on their own.

  • I’ve been  playing with that very combo m’self, and it’s expensive but nasty. I started playing with 3 mortars, but now I toned it down to 2 mortars and a spotter. As long as we don’t use planes they last a decent length of time… it bears mentioning that I use Der Leiter’s rule about “chatting on the radio” being an optional SA each turn, allowing the Spotter ro move if it gets rushed.


  • german sniper and a pak 40.  that headshot is amazing…  and to follow it up with a pak 40 is just pure evil.

  • I just nailed a Pak 40, so I’m going to try that combo. I’ve been dying to use my Sniper for tank hunting, but I usually wind up killing enemy commanders instead. I never thought about slapping a Pak in with it.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Here’s an interesting combo.

    Polish Cavalry and and Tank with speed 4 or less. The idea is that you park yourself right up next to infantry without having to worry, as much, about enemy infantry coming in for close assault.

    Good for general use but even better for end of game situations.

    You could probably do the same thing with a BMW for the Germans.

  • Since Set I my absolute favourite has been Jeep + Flamethrower.

    Set II gave us PAK 40 + Wehrmacht Elite Sniper

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Hey, I’m not the only one not reading carefully. ;-)

    No transports was part of GrimJesta’s requirements.

  • Carefully? I didn’t even read it ;)

    I think the Jadpanzer 38(T) Hetzer would pair nicely with an Elite Panzer IV D, since the Hetzer has the speed to try and flank around and better defence (4/3, Hard to Spot), while the Elite can handle all unit types, even air, decently.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I didn’t even notice the speed 4 on the Hetzer. That’s nice, a speed 4 German tank!

  • Dude, neither did I. Speed 4? About time. I know I gripe about it often, but it seems like the Germans aren’t quite up to par with “blitzkreiging” (yes, I know: I made the word up) with those lightning quick Americans and British…



  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I actually like the 5-speed German “Puma .” It’s a great support tank.

  • I like the Puma too, but it’s a little overpriced.

    The Hetzer actually seems to have a good price; it’s not paying the standard extra points for being German like the Panzer IV G had to.

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