Alternate 3 planes CV, more planes oriented A&A for G40 or 1942 HR with TacBs

  • '17 '16

    Hi, everyone,
    since a long time with the help of Uncrustable and recently with Razor,
    I hoped to develop within A&A system a game which introduce more planes and better reflect their use in the battlefield and in naval combat.
    Here is the principles I tried to put in this House Rule on TcBs and Fgs.

    I don’t know if I really achieve something but here is some elements, which are somewhat balance considering OOB system rules and units combat values.
    It is intended to be played with the starting board.

    A2 D2 M4 C8
    1 hit,
    all hit destroy an enemy plane first, if there is any.
    Give +1A/D to any TcB paired with.

    A2 D3 M4 C10
    1 hit,
    gain +1 A/D when paired 1:1 with any Fg or Tank.
    Can do a Tactical bombing raid vs AB and NB.

    Strategic Bomber
    A4 D1 M6 C12, as OOB.

    Air Supremacy is when one side has at least 1 fighter and the opposing side has no aircraft.
    Air Supremacy bonus: all friendly TcBs get A4/D4

    A0 D2 M2 C16,
    2 hits,
    can now hold up to 3 planes.

    This point is for balancing vs OOB full carrier with 2 planes:
    2 Fgs= A6D8C20 (.7pt/IPC)  / 1 Fg+1TcB= A7D7C21 (.67pt/IPC)

    3 TcBs= A6D9C30 (.5pt/IPC)
    2 TcBs + 1 Fg = A7D9C28 (.57pt/IPC), but with Air Supremacy can rise to A10D10C28 (.71pt/IPC)
    1TcB+2 Fgs= A7D8C26 (.58pt/IPC), but with Air Supremacy can rise to A8D8C26 (.62pt/IPC)
    3 Fgs= A6D6C24 (.5pt/IPC)

    And the 3 planes carrier is for increasing planes role in Naval combat and also giving much room for different tactics with either 1 or 2 TcBs with Fgs.

  • '17 '16

    With the cost reduction (2 IPCs for Fgs and 1 for TcBs), it is more affordable to loose a plane,
    and it will be easier to imagine an initial Air-to-Air phase between all planes, just before regular combat.

    I would use in the same way as this SBR escort and intercept rules, not so different from OOB, instead of proceeding to SBR, it will proceed to regular combat:

    Air-to-Air phase (Dogfight):
    Fg,TcB, attacking StB, but not defending StB, inside A-to-A phase roll A/D @1. Remove casualties.
    Defending fighters then roll a second cycle inside the phase. Remove casualties.
    Then, all attacking Fgs can roll for a second cycle. Remove casualties.
    Proceed to SBR over IC, NB or AB / (or proceed to regular combat).
    AAA fires against StB and TcB
    Then roll damage as OOB.

    If playing with an initial Air-to-Air phase,
    I would lower the cost of Fg to 7 IPCs and of TcB to 9 IPCs.
    Because it clearly increases the casualties’ rate amongst planes.

  • '17 '16


    Fg A2D2M4C8, 1 hit, all hit destroy an enemy plane first, if there is any.
    Give +1A/D to any TcB paired with.

    TacB A2D3M4C10, 1 hit, gain +1 A/D when paired 1:1 with any Fg or Tank.
    Can do a Tactical bombing raid vs AB and NB.

    Air Supremacy bonus: all friendly TcBs get A4/D4
    Air supremacy is when one side has at least 1 fighter and the opposing side has no aircraft.

    Now, the Fleet Carrier is A0D2M2C16, 2 hits, can now hold up to 3 planes.

    This point is for balancing vs OOB full carrier:
    2 Fgs= A6D8C20 (.7pt/IPC)  / 1 Fg+1TcB= A7D7C21 (.67pt/IPC)

    3 TcBs= A6D9C30 (.5pt/IPC)
    2 TcBs + 1 Fg = A7D9C28 (.57pt/IPC), but with Air Supremacy can rise to A10D10C28 (.71pt/IPC)
    1TcB+2 Fgs= A7D8C26 (.58pt/IPC), but with Air Supremacy can rise to A8D8C26 (.62pt/IPC)
    3 Fgs= A6D6C24 (.5pt/IPC)

    And the 3 planes Carrier is for increasing planes role in Naval combat and also giving much room for different tactics with either 1 or 2 TcBs with Fgs.

    Basic Fg A2D2C8 and TcB A2D3C10 units are by themselves weaker unit.
    The Fg will be on par with DDs A2D2C8 when it come to the time of picking up a casualty.

    The difference will be Fgs are anti-aircraft while DDs are anti-subs.

    Probably a Full 3 planes carrier is stronger (but cost more) than a full 2 planes.
    But when 1 plane is missing, the 2 planes carriers will be weaker.

    The only exception is about Air Supremacy which will be an interesting goal to achieve to get formidable StB A4D4.
    I kept the “one side has at least 1 fighter” to create more interest to keep at least one Fg and create an incentive to somehow sacrifice costlier TacB to get the Air Supremacy.
    And keep the best defensive Carrier (2TcBs an 1 Fg) with a mix of planes instead of TcBs only.

    Maybe I will try a more simplified Air Supremacy (I’m not quite decided on that point):
    Just need to have no enemy’s plane.

  • '17 '16


    It is intended to be played with the starting board.

    Fg A2D2M4C8, 1 hit, all hit destroy an enemy plane first, if there is any.
    Give +1A/D to any TcB paired with.

    TacB A2D3M4C10, 1 hit, gain +1 A/D when paired 1:1 with any Fg or Tank.
    Can do a Tactical bombing raid vs AB and NB.

    Now, the Fleet Carrier is A0D2M2C16, 2 hits, can now hold up to 3 planes.

    This point is for balancing vs OOB full carrier with 2 planes:
    2 Fgs= A6D8C20 (.7pt/IPC)  / 1 Fg+1TcB= A7D7C21 (.67pt/IPC)

    3 TcBs= A6D9C30 (.5pt/IPC)
    2 TcBs + 1 Fg = A7D9C28 (.57pt/IPC), but with Air Supremacy can rise to A10D10C28 (.71pt/IPC)
    1TcB+2 Fgs= A7D8C26 (.58pt/IPC), but with Air Supremacy can rise to A8D8C26 (.62pt/IPC)
    3 Fgs= A6D6C24 (.5pt/IPC)

    There is probably some changes to compensate for the weaker planes units.
    For instance, 1 CV with 1 Fg and 1 TcB should be added an additional Fg on board.
    You can also put on board a Fleet Carrier 1 TcB or 1 Fg when there is 1 plane on a CV and at least 1 Fg or TcB in a Naval Base nearby.

    Since in this HR TacB gets the best defensive value, it should be better to put on the initial board a TcB instead of an OOB Fg and put a Fg instead of a TacB.

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