• I asked WoTC and the ruling is that the disruption counter comes off on the casualty phase of the following round. It comes on as a face-up counter, so the logic of the wording apparently is intended to avoid taking it off at the end of the turn it comes into play.

  • That’s the way I understood it too.  The disrupted counter is removed le next round.  Someone who decide to go for an IS-2 in a 100 pt army and get it disrupted for good would be pissed soo bad !

  • @Lotus:

    I asked WoTC and the ruling is that the disruption counter comes off on the casualty phase of the following round. It comes on as a face-up counter, so the logic of the wording apparently is intended to avoid taking it off at the end of the turn it comes into play.

    Whew. That’s the way I interpretted the rules for it, but then as I read this thread I started to get worried that the german Sniper was horribly powerful (and that I’d been playing wrong). Thank’s for the clarification Lotus.


  • Sure. No sweat. BTW, the German sniper still is horribly powerful…but it’s a good thing.  :-D

  • If Wizards clarified it that way to you, then it is settled.  But check out this from the Avalon Hill Homepage re: not removing face up disrupted counters on the T-26 tank.  It can be found under the FAQ for miniatures.

    T-26 Series 1933 says,
    “Unreliable — Face-up Disrupted counters aren’t removed from this unit at the beginning of the casualty phase.”

    Q: When can you remove Disrupted counters from a T-26?
    A: Unless you control another unit with an ability that can remove Disrupted counters, you won’t be able to remove Disrupted counters from a disrupted T-26.

    My question is… Why one and not the other?

  • you explained it yourself.

    Read carefully:

    T-26 : Face-up Disrupted counters aren’t removed from this unit at the beginning of the casualty phase

    Sniper : This counter isn’t removed at the beginning of the next casualty phase.

  • Oh, yes.  Thank you for pointing out that clarification.  Now it’s as clear as the blue sky above Normandy.


  • @killercelery:

    you explained it yourself.

    Read carefully:

    T-26 : Face-up Disrupted counters aren’t removed from this unit at the beginning of the casualty phase

    Sniper : This counter isn’t removed at the beginning of the next casualty phase.

    I was going to make this exact point but KC beat me to it. Thanks for being quick on the draw.

  • I do my best

  • FROM Zephreum H. a employee at WOTC

    No the +1 does not apply to the headshot ability.  It is not a normal attack, there fore its just a standard role

    this clears it up completely.  I figured that the ability was way to powerful

  • The Avalon Hill website has the answer in the FAQ.

  • From Avalon Hill FAQ

    Wehrmacht Expert Sniper says,
    “Crack Shot — This unit gets +1 on each attack die.
    Superior Camouflage — While this unit has cover, enemy units can’t attack this unit at medium or long range.
    Headshot — Once per game, instead of attacking a Vehicle, you may roll six attack dice. If you roll three or more successes, put a face-up Disrupted counter on that Vehicle. This counter isn’t removed at the beginning of the next casualty phase.”

    Q: Does the Crack Shot ability apply to Headshot?
    A: Yes. The Crack Shot ability modifies attack dice, so the Wehrmacht Expert Sniper rolls successes on a 3 or higher.

    Q: Does “have cover” mean that the Sniper has to succeed at a cover roll to get the Superior Camouflage ability?
    A: No. A unit “has cover” just by being in hex filled with defensive terrain. This means that a Sniper with Superior Camouflage can’t be attacked directly at medium or long range while it’s in a forest, hill, marsh, or town hex.

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