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German Sniper
I asked WoTC and the ruling is that the disruption counter comes off on the casualty phase of the following round. It comes on as a face-up counter, so the logic of the wording apparently is intended to avoid taking it off at the end of the turn it comes into play.
That’s the way I understood it too. The disrupted counter is removed le next round. Someone who decide to go for an IS-2 in a 100 pt army and get it disrupted for good would be pissed soo bad !
I asked WoTC and the ruling is that the disruption counter comes off on the casualty phase of the following round. It comes on as a face-up counter, so the logic of the wording apparently is intended to avoid taking it off at the end of the turn it comes into play.
Whew. That’s the way I interpretted the rules for it, but then as I read this thread I started to get worried that the german Sniper was horribly powerful (and that I’d been playing wrong). Thank’s for the clarification Lotus.
Sure. No sweat. BTW, the German sniper still is horribly powerful…but it’s a good thing. :-D
If Wizards clarified it that way to you, then it is settled. But check out this from the Avalon Hill Homepage re: not removing face up disrupted counters on the T-26 tank. It can be found under the FAQ for miniatures.
T-26 Series 1933 says,
“Unreliable — Face-up Disrupted counters aren’t removed from this unit at the beginning of the casualty phase.â€Q: When can you remove Disrupted counters from a T-26?
A: Unless you control another unit with an ability that can remove Disrupted counters, you won’t be able to remove Disrupted counters from a disrupted T-26.
My question is… Why one and not the other?
you explained it yourself.
Read carefully:
T-26 : Face-up Disrupted counters aren’t removed from this unit at the beginning of the casualty phase
Sniper : This counter isn’t removed at the beginning of the next casualty phase.
Oh, yes. Thank you for pointing out that clarification. Now it’s as clear as the blue sky above Normandy.
you explained it yourself.
Read carefully:
T-26 : Face-up Disrupted counters aren’t removed from this unit at the beginning of the casualty phase
Sniper : This counter isn’t removed at the beginning of the next casualty phase.
I was going to make this exact point but KC beat me to it. Thanks for being quick on the draw.
I do my best
FROM Zephreum H. a employee at WOTC
No the +1 does not apply to the headshot ability. It is not a normal attack, there fore its just a standard role
this clears it up completely. I figured that the ability was way to powerful
The Avalon Hill website has the answer in the FAQ.
From Avalon Hill FAQ
Wehrmacht Expert Sniper says,
“Crack Shot — This unit gets +1 on each attack die.
Superior Camouflage — While this unit has cover, enemy units can’t attack this unit at medium or long range.
Headshot — Once per game, instead of attacking a Vehicle, you may roll six attack dice. If you roll three or more successes, put a face-up Disrupted counter on that Vehicle. This counter isn’t removed at the beginning of the next casualty phase.â€Q: Does the Crack Shot ability apply to Headshot?
A: Yes. The Crack Shot ability modifies attack dice, so the Wehrmacht Expert Sniper rolls successes on a 3 or higher.Q: Does “have cover†mean that the Sniper has to succeed at a cover roll to get the Superior Camouflage ability?
A: No. A unit “has cover†just by being in hex filled with defensive terrain. This means that a Sniper with Superior Camouflage can’t be attacked directly at medium or long range while it’s in a forest, hill, marsh, or town hex.