10 Interpretations of Who Started WWI

  • Customizer

  • The ones who profit from war orchestrated it. Other then that a nice article.

  • Customizer



    Very interesting video. I do have a heard time believing, however, that the early 20th century Germans would have created some sort of proto-EU had they won. The aristocratic nobility was still very much alive and well in Germany (as in many places in Europe at the time), and had the Central Powers won, they would have simply added an annexed France to the German Reich, not set them up as an equal member of a pan-European organization.

    Perhaps, as Harry Turtledove suggests in his novels, if the French and British had lost WWI, nascent fascist movements would have arisen there instead of defeated Germany.

  • @ossel:

    Perhaps, as Harry Turtledove suggests in his novels, if the French and British had lost WWI, nascent fascist movements would have arisen there instead of defeated Germany.

    I wouldn’t bet on that. Italy won WWI and they actually started the fascist movement. Russia lost, and they started the commie movement. I guess it depends on other things man

  • Customizer

    Very true. I guess it just depends on the cocktail of political opinions in your country and which one gains traction.

  • Customizer

    But Italy was not happy with its share of the spoils; it wanted more of Austria-Hungary and a big slice of Germany’s African colonies.

    Orlando’s behaviour at Versailles created the myth that Italy had been hard done by, just as that of Ludendorf in fostering the “stab-in-the-back” paved the way for the Nazis. Japan also felt cheated by Versailles and waited the chance to get its own back.

    Britain and France were the big winners in terms of territory, but the new possessions proved more of a burden than a boon.

    The only people who really profited were of course the banks who funded both sides.

  • rjpeters70 ( whom latter removed his posts in this thread and latter terminated his account) writes:

    I’d offer it (Germany) was the winner of the Treaty of Versailles.

    Ridiculous conclusion. The central powers all collapsed in various ways and mitigated into chaos, and in some cases led to tyranny.  The powers that preserved the status quo marginally made out. England, France, USA still managed to maintain as stewards of European culture and influence. Germany is NOT the winner of Versailles whatsoever. She faced massive problems in the face of collapse, while Austria-Hungary ceased to exist and lost territory. Germany and Ottomans lost alot of territory.

    Everybody lost something, USA grew the most and become or replaced England as the worlds superpower. But UK didn’t lose territory, France gained, USSR lost then regained.

  • Customizer


    I’d offer it (Germany) was the winner of the Treaty of Versailles.

    Ridiculous conclusion.

    I have to say I agree. Ask the German worker pushing a wheelbarrow of money to the bakery to buy his family bread if Germany was the winner of the Treaty of Versailles.

  • '10

  • “Italy throws a punch at Austria and misses, but Austria falls over anyway.” Oh gawsh that part had me rolling.

    This is another great one: http://www.collegehumor.com/post/6650094/facebook-news-feed-history-of-the-world-world-war-i-to-world-war-ii

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