F_alk, you tossing up a straw man here. It’s not as if they are saying “Yeah, taxes really are too high. Oh, and by the way, kill all the Muslims”.
I don’t think that i created a strawman. My example was meant as a “psosible other thread that you now have to allow as well as you created a precedent here”.
You’ve been around long enough F_alk to know what I feel about this issue. But my view does not matter in this case. Their language is harsh, and I would ask for marine and others to tune down the verbiage, but their viewpoint in the context of the terrorism issue is valid for discussion. People who argue in favor of intelligent design are doing a similar thing. They are ignorant and stupid, but their viewpoint is neccessary to the debate on this message board.
@ “I would ask … to tune down the verbiage.”
Why don’t you?
What is hindering you to enforce the rules that you already have?
Some people here regularly break rule (2),
and as racists jokes are only allowed in Mod Forum, there is a whole thread that should be deleted, and the occasional “french joke” should be instantly moved as well.
What hinders you to edit rule (2) so that it includes no discrimination of religion? Mind you, you are “god” (rule 6).
Even if their viewpoint is “all terrorists should be sentenced to death” then that is of a different quality than “kill the (muslim) fuckers”.
It would be non-discriminating and it would adhere to basic rules of a nation of law. If you think that especially the second is somehow not rulable/enforcable, then i truely do not undestand your reasoning.
@ Intelligent Design: I think i do understand what you mean … but find it funny that you complain about my “creation of a strawman” in the first line of your post while you take the last two to do the same (in creating or not creating a strawman, if you don’t think that i created one).