• Getting by on odds is iffy to me. It’s not a good move to move the fighters, but I don’t like the positions even if Germany is successful with an all out attack. I’ll try it out sometime though to see how the later turns come out.

  • i am convinced that I can take out the indian IC by turn 2, assuming that it is armed with 6 inf. and 1 plane. 1 turn china got destroyed so no US troops to help you!

  • That’s a poor assumption GeZe.

  • @Soon_U_Die:

    Yikes…Indian ICs :)
    First, and most important…NEVER, EVER, make the decision to build an IC prior to the German turn.

    Agreed! However that would have made my original post dull if the Axis made an Indian IC impractical.

    Second, I am ignoring the Gibraltar BB, period.

    Third, I am attacking either the Lab tranny or the NorthSea AS WELL AS KARELIA, depending on the Russian fleet.

    Fourth, against the Russkies in Karelia, I am sending 11 inf, not 10 (2 via tranny), the 7 arm, and either 4, 5 or 6 air, depending whether I go for Syria or not, and depending upon the Russian fleet. Either way, one of the UK trannies is going to die.

    Fifth, I am going to take Karelia with 9 or more ground units. Pay attention…I am going to sacrifice Air units, yes Air units, to ensure that I have at least 9 ground units. All seven Arm and at least 2 Inf.

    Sixth, I am building either 4/4 or 6 arm depending on whim.

    Lets assume that Russkie fleet went to NorthSea, so LabSz gets attacked, and 4/4 was built. Assuming fairly regular results, a quite probable result is this.

    WE: 1 Inf
    Ger: 3 Inf, 4 Arm, 1 Ftr

    EE: 4 Inf, 2 Arm
    Karelia: 2 Inf, 7 Arm
    Ukr: vacant
    SE: 2 Inf, 1 Bomber
    AES: 2 Inf, 1 Arm (assuming no bid, and Syria not attacked).
    FWA: 1 Inf
    Algeria, Libya, FEA: vacant
    EMed: 1BB, 1 Sub
    LabSz: 1 sub
    BalticSz: 1 sub, 1 Tranny

    Very bold indeed, and not without considerable risk to the Axis. One bad round in Karelia and the axis is in trouble. Granted I went a bit overboard on protecting India, but I wanting to show what was possible. If I leave just 1 Russian fighter in Karelia, your above plan is too risky for my blood. :o

    What to do as UK now? Can’t take back AES, because you moved the Russkie Ftrs to India. Stuck with the original plan I guess. Build your IC, move your Syria Inf. Facing 9 or more in Karelia, and only 1 tranny, do you still want to waste your air to kill a couple of Inf, and maybe an Arm? Go for it :)

    If Karelia falls G1, the Indian IC is canceled, always! At this point I take my GIB BB and build a fleet of TRN around the UK. If WE is weak I might try to take it. Otherwise I’ll wait until next round for a major assault. FIN will fall to UK or US. US will build to invade WE on US 2. All available fighters to MOSCOW. A defense of 9 INF, 4 ARM, 4 FTRs is possible. MOSCOW is threatened G2, but its a risky gambit for the Germans to attack. If they fail or succeed the game is over, but the risk is again to great for my blood.

    It is Japans move. Buy an IC and Tranny. Ignore the Russian ground forces. Hit Sinkiang with 2 Inf, 1 Ftr, 1 Bomber, hit China with 4 Inf, and 2 Ftrs. Hit Pearl with 1 Ftr, 1 Sub, 1 BB.

    Expected results:

    Sinkiang: taken with 1 Inf
    China: taken with 1/2 Inf
    Pearl: mutual destruction

    Hmm… Odds are even at Pearl. At the very least expect my sub to survive. I will head West of course. Manchuria is a walkin! :o

    There is no JAP threat to MOSCOW, and there won’t be for 3 turns at least. :P

    You now are in a terrible position as the Allies. You cannot defend both Russia and India.

    But you are assuming I am building an IC in India which I am not.

    On G2, the German builds 13 Inf, takes back WE (presumably) from the US and stacks 13 Arm and 9 Inf in Karelia (starting Karelia + EE + G1 Arm + G2 Inf in Karelia). Now the only way to hold Russia is to move every Russian unit back to Russia by end R3, and land every Allied Ftr. Swapping UK Ftrs and Russian tanks in multiple attacks on Karelia is a bad bad move unless you can actually take Karelia. A straight piece exchange diminishes the Allied defence in Russia.

    By the end of R3 the Russians can have 17 INF, and 7 FTR (2 RUS, 3 UK, 2 US) in MOS. If G3 you attack Moscow, the Allies will win and your armor will be exposed or destroyed. If its exposed. Expect me to start killing it off. Assuming US2 I retake WE. The UK airforce and 6-8 inf will attack EEurope. The US will build an IC in WE if it looks feasible to hold, and begin pounding Germany on US4. Germany is now on the defensive. with its ARM cut off from supporting INF except for the 3INF per turn from the KAR IC. Germany must retake EEur giving up KAR, or it is doomed.

    BTW, The German airfirce is gone, and nothing can hurt the Allied shipping pipeline. :o

    Result: Germany has free run in Africa early, Japan gets free run in Asia and a free IC. The only downside is that Germany gives up the bulk of its air on G1.

    Germany always has a free early run in Africa. :P Japan will not have a free IC because it was never built. Manchuria is now in enemy hands, and needs to be retaken 4 RUS INF, 4 ARM are in NOV ready to go north or south on R3 depending on what is needed. The Axis has overstretched itself on turn 1 and will need 2 turns to recover if it can.

    These are my learning points:

    don’t COMMIT to building an IC until After Germany moves

    countering AES if you can is ALWAYS better than an IC

    I agree 100% on waiting for an IC until after Germany moves.

    AES is optional. I don’t see much point in trying to retake it if Germany has a strong G1 in Africa. Better to invade Africa from the West and retake it the historical way I think.

    don’t leave an attack on Karelia that leaves the potential for no counter-attack and don’t underestimate the effectiveness of a G1 air sacrifice to do just this. You may think that costs Germany the game, but it does not if she can take and hold Karelia in force and gain Africa quickly and easily.

    Your G1 air sacrifice is a bold plan and I did not expect it, but it is really, really risky. Is it really worth the risk. Wouldn’t Germany be better served by a more conservative strategy that preserves the threat/punch of its airforce?

    if you insist on a UK IC, don’t commit both Russian Ftrs and the armour on R1. One or the other, or a little of both…but NOT ALL OF IT. That is massive overkill and ruins your position.

    Agreed! I went overboard on the India defense. :oops: It would be easy enough to leave 1 FTR and a couple tanks behind and make the German Assualt of KAR on G1 completely impractical while still protecting the potential for a UK IC in India on UK1


  • After playing some games, I tend to agree that an Indian IC by the UK doesn’t delay japan for long enough, and in fact speeds up japan quickly after they inevitably take it.

    I’ll give you a scenario that I’ve faced in past games:

    UK1: UK retreats 1 inf. from persia to india using the transport, leaving 3 inf., 2 fighters (assuming 1 russian fighter is moved into it)

    J1: Japan attacks china, killing the US fighter and infantry, tranports all available infantry to kwangtung, lands fighters there, and builds a factory in it.

    UK2: Builds 3 inf. leaving 6 inf, 2 fighters

    J2: Builds 3 armor, leaving about 7 inf, 3 arm, 3 fighters.

    UK3: Builds 3 inf, leaving 9 inf, 2 fighters

    J3: Builds 3 armor, moves inf. into French into china, leaving 6 arm, 3 fighters in Kwangtung

    UK4: Builds 3 inf, leaving 12 inf 2 fighters

    J4: Japan attacks Kwangtung with 8 inf (7 from kwang, 1 from french-indo china) 6 arm, 3 fighters. Japan takes india with about, say, 3 armor.

    In my opinion, this delay of japan is not significant enough to warrant an Indian IC. And keep in mind, the 3 tanks/turn is only about half of the Japanese income. During this time it is likely ferrying in troops from Japan,
    and making deep advances into asia and russia, possibly building a factory in manchuria to speed it up. Japan has really been delayed only slightly, as
    only two turns worth of armor have been diverted to capturing india.

    UK could also opt to build tanks every turn, however, they would be easily counter attacked by the japanese forces in kwangtung, weaking the defense of india and forcing UK to spend more money every turn.

  • @Anonymous:

    That’s a poor assumption GeZe.


  • Hey all, I noticed a few days before the new year, that a certain player mentioned that If he lost the fall tourny…" I was not aware that A&A held tournys, if so, where are they held? Server? IP? Let me know



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