Desputing Evolution or the bible

  • Very impressive Wild2000. I believe that you are correct in nearly all of your points, and you demonstrate well that evolution, although has some “evidence” is not anywhere near to a proven science. Well done.

  • I like reading this. :)

  • Wild2000; in your argumentation you are making serious errors. First, you take all thing i said (fossils, genetic) separately, it’s unthinkable. We have different fossils at different time. If you look at a species like the horse, you will have the Hyracotherium at a time X, at a time X + 2, no more of the ancient species, but you got the Miohippus, with some difference. How can you refute that evidence ?

    Also you forget the main mecanism of evolution (i know) can be proven. Natural Selection & Mutations. That’s proven in a scientific way, like fossils are observed with scientific way. For me this is science. It’s not because you are unable to make a serious rebuttal that this is not science. Because it’s possible to refute Natural Selection, Mutations…, (but don’t take them out of context), it’s possible to refute evolution. It’s very hard because of the numbers of evidence, but it’s possible.

    Before we go any further on this whale thing, it is important to note that whales with legs is a myth. I did some looking into this and have found only two species with references to whales with legs. One is the Ambulocetus. I think this is the one that Fin was referring to. The most important thing to note is that this species skeleton is incomplete in all the important areas. From looking at the picture of actual bones found, saying that even 40% of the skeleton was found would be generous. Here is a quote from Don Batten

    A myth for who ? Anyway i was’nt speaking about Ambulocetus, it’s a walking whales, but there is also whales with little ridicoulus, useless legs. The Basilosaurus and the Dorudon for exemple.

    So, to say that evolutionists have predicted the intermediates between land mammals and sea mammals, you are correct. However, this prediction is not falsifiable. Because no matter how many times we never find any intermediates, the evolutionists will just say we won’t find it because the record is incomplete.

    Well we did found intermediates species. This is very hard to refute, when you got whales with little legs, there is a serious problem if you are a fixist.

    They say evolution occurred via slow, gradual change

    False, False and False.

    They admit there is mainly two kind of evolution, it’s linked to the systemic (catastrophic evolution, homeostatic evolution)

  • God is dead. -Neitche

    Nietche is dead. -God

  • @city:

    God is dead. -Neitche

    Nietche is dead. -God

    yeah, FS doesn’t believe that God is not dead yet.

  • God is Dead - John Proctor (The Crucible)

    Great play. Shows us another reason why we are so lucky Religion is no longer so prevalent.

  • eh, hated that play… :-?

  • @Wild2000:

    First of all, I do not think bones turned to stone is illusionary. Second, science is not about the “best” theory, it is about obtaining the correct theory.

    Are you working in Science? All that science does is obtaining the best theory, in the hope that it is the correct one.
    There is so much we don’t know, that we have to rely on what we can see. Knowing that we may not see all, we have to work with the “best”,
    Newtonian Mechanics is wrong, does that make Newton not a scientist?
    All we have in physics is not the GUT (Grand Unified Theory), which we believe is out there: Does that (working with the best, but not “the one” theory) make us not scientific?

    And: most important: Can you prove any theory to be correct? If you can, it is not falsifiable, and therefore you can start to address some of your thoughts about evolution on it.
    If you can’t, then human beings can not (never ever) do science, as we only can reach “the best”, but never know wether it is “the one”

    I agree that evolution has not been falsified. My point is that evolutionists have made the theory unfalsifiable. Thus it is not possible to falsify it - and thus only pseudoscience. I never said that evolution was never a theory. I think it is a theory alright - one based on pseudoscience.

    i don’t agree.
    I’ll give you a gedankenexperiment:
    Put some bacteria in a hostile environment (like heat, antibiotics etc). wait till 95% have died, note that time. Then put them back into a “better” environment and wait till they have reached the same strength in numbers as you had at the start.
    Repeat this process a 100 times.
    If you do not note a dramatic increase in the time you need to put them down to 5% survivors, then evolution is wrong.

    But you see, this is the same answer an astrologist would give you if questioned their “prediction.” They would say something like, “No you have not falsified astrology, because you didn’t apply the ideas correctly. You didn’t consider all the proper phases of the right moons; the rising and setting of the correct stars; or the precession of the Earth.” You see, astrology is too “complex” to fully understand. If you ask them why they cannot predict what will happen exactly, they will say it is too complex for even them to understand. Do you see the similarity here?

    Yes, and it is a false one.
    You will not see scientists who claim they will know “everything”, but for everything in science there is at least one who understands it….
    If they say “i can’t predict, because i don’t fully understand”, then they cannot claim my falsification is wrong, unless my falsification touches parts that they understand.

    My five points that I addressed above are the exact five “indirect proofs” that Fin provided for evolution. I never brought them up - only addressed them as not being proof.

    Then change my “bring up” to …“re-mention in different context”

    Let me clarify - at one time, evolutionists tried to use vestigial organs as proof for evolution. Today they no longer use them as proof. However, today when an evolution encounters a vestigial organ (or do not), they can always create a story to explain it.

    I always find it a good thing when people see that their theory has to be changed, i call it “progress”…
    the funny thing is, that probably a huge majority of the “stories” given by evolutionists would be the same, because they follow the same theory and think from that on.


    If you look up, you might see that you claimed just that, that you mixed genetics and evolution…

    Where have I mixed something up? Are you saying that the theory of Darwinian natural selection exists within the literature of population genetics? Survival differential and gene frequencies are not the same thing as survival of the fittest. Darwinian natural selection can be shown to have problems without causing a conflict with population genetics. The two theories stand on their own. As I said, evolutionists try to use population genetics to support evolution. Population genetics does not need the theory of evolution.

    it is funny though, that in genetics, in a natural environment, the genes tend to follow this “survival of the fittest”. And to me it seems like more than a coincidence.
    I agree with one needing the other, and the other one doesn’t.
    Have you looked up Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics?
    You could argue against that the same way…. but still, if you let them meet “in the middle” you can see that they there say the same.
    Genetics is supporting Evolution, as it gives evolution the mechanism of how change can occur. Without it, evolution would stand weaker. If genetics opposed it, evolution would have failed (so, it is falsifiable, just was not).

    Natural selection does not predict extinction. It only tries to explain it.

    Which is pretty much the same: If i can explain something, than it must have happened (otherwise there is no need to explain). If something has happened, and i can explain it, then i can say when and under which circumstances it will happen again, that is predicting it.

    Is the genetic code different? - Yes.

    Thus, no new genetic information is present. The more specialized organism contains a variation of what its parent organism had. Speciation allows for de-evolution. Not evolution.

    so, the world is de-voluting? You are not serious, are you?
    The multi-resistant bacteria that CC surely doesn’t want to meet are a product of de-volution?

    The Neo-Darwinists theory of evolution (the one we are debating here) does not cover periods of stasis.

    Is Neo-Darwinism up to date? Is that the theory used in biology?
    Just asking, if it does not allow for jumps after massive changes in the environment, then it sounds like a very incomplete theory. I doubt that it is any more than of historical value.

    Biogeography is an area that evolutionists no longer use to try to prove evolution.

    Isolated systems on the other hand are not, are they? And Australia is the best large scale ecosystem that was isolated for a long time.

    It is also important to note that in you above example regarding mammals in Australia, the fossil record shows that marsupials also lived on many other continents. Just because they thrive in Australia, does not prove evolution.

    No, but why do they thrive in this isolated area, plus one(!) other area in the world (amazon rain forest), but nowhere else? Why did they die out everywhere else (remember that i already said that they once where the “ruling” mammals). What did not happen in Australia that happened in the rest of the world?

    Sorry that was so long winded. There were a lot of things to address.

    No worries, i am not better :)

  • @city:

    God is dead. -Neitche

    Nietche is dead. -God


    sigh :) :)

  • If you can dismiss the theory of evolution with, what you belive to be suspect evidence, I have know idea how you stand behind creation, besides your faith, by the hand of a God.

  • God is dead. -Neitche

    Nietche is dead. -God

    Please, it’s Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. And when “Nietzsche” said that god was dead, it was not from a “physical” dead, Nietzsche was an atheist, it was from a spiritual death; god was dead in the heart of man, but “he” is still in our shared culture. And he did not said that directly, it was in the mouth of a mad man. He later write that the christian conception of god was the most corrupted on earth. And anyway what’s the link with evolution ?

  • @F_alk:

    Are you working in Science? All that science does is obtaining the best theory, in the hope that it is the correct one.
    There is so much we don’t know, that we have to rely on what we can see. Knowing that we may not see all, we have to work with the “best”,
    Newtonian Mechanics is wrong, does that make Newton not a scientist?

    I do not have to work in science to know that science is not defined by creating the “best” theory. Science is about truth. There are many criteria to define science – and just obtaining the “best” theory is not one of them. There is no “hope” in science either. In order for something to be science – you must “know” something is correct. If it is not “known” it is somewhere outside of science. A hypothesis at best.

    If Newtonian Mechanics is wrong, then it is not science. I never said that would not make Newton a scientist. We are debating what defines science, not what defines a scientist.

    And: most important: Can you prove any theory to be correct? If you can, it is not falsifiable, and therefore you can start to address some of your thoughts about evolution on it.

    I think you have this backwards. Any theory can be shown to be correct with the “right” set of data. To show a theory is unfalsifiable you must try to falsify it. If a theory is untestable, it is not possible to falsify it. See the difference?

    I’ll give you a gedankenexperiment:
    Put some bacteria in a hostile environment (like heat, antibiotics etc). wait till 95% have died, note that time. Then put them back into a “better” environment and wait till they have reached the same strength in numbers as you had at the start.
    Repeat this process a 100 times.
    If you do not note a dramatic increase in the time you need to put them down to 5% survivors, then evolution is wrong.

    First of all this does not prove or disprove evolution – if your experiment happens this way or not. Before and after the experiment (if any bacteria survives) – you still have bacteria. In order to prove evolution you must show the creation of a new genetic materail. This experiment does no such thing.

    The great thing about species like bacteria is that they reproduce so quickly. Still after all of these types of experiments, we still get bacteria. You would think that after millions and millions of experiments and many mutations, that these scientists would be able to finally show evolution occurs. However, even they cannot make a new species.

    If we cannot create a new species in a controlled environment, how do we expect nature to do it randomly? This is also shown in breeding of dogs or horses where scientists can take things only so far.

    Then change my “bring up” to …“re-mention in different context”

    How did I take Fin out of context? He said that vestigal organs are an indirect proof of evolution. I explained why they were not.

    Genetics is supporting Evolution, as it gives evolution the mechanism of how change can occur. Without it, evolution would stand weaker. If genetics opposed it, evolution would have failed (so, it is falsifiable, just was not).

    Why is this so hard to understand? Natural selection as defined by Darwin is not the same thing as survival differential and gene frequencies. If all of a sudden our understanding of population genetics would change 180 degrees, evolution would adapt to it. The theory of evolution does not use population genetics as a major foundational stone.

    I agree that the two can be logically discussed together. So can creationism and population genetics.

    Which is pretty much the same: If i can explain something, than it must have happened (otherwise there is no need to explain). If something has happened, and i can explain it, then i can say when and under which circumstances it will happen again, that is predicting it.

    I said evolution TRIES to explain it. I never said it does so successfully. Evolution creates stories which changes as the data changes. There is nothing that the theory of evolution stands behind which once falsified would disprove evolution.

    so, the world is de-voluting? You are not serious, are you?


    This we can deduce from looking at our whales today and see that they have a bone-structure that can be accounted to having had legs that turned something else/useless.

    The theory of evolution is not an upward climb. You yourself claim that whales have remnants of past legs. This is the type of de-evolution that I was referring to. I do not agree that whales once had legs. I do think it is possible for a species to lose features. Once again I will state, in order to show evolution, you must show the creation of NEW genetic material.


    Anyway i was’nt speaking about Ambulocetus, it’s a walking whales, but there is also whales with little ridicoulus, useless legs. The Basilosaurus and the Dorudon for exemple.

    I already explained the Basilosaurus. I looked up the Dorudon and it does NOT have any appendages where there would be legs. The only connectedness that I could find to this discussion is that Dorudons are whales. Maybe you could shed some light on how Dorudons prove whales had legs?

    Wild2000; in your argumentation you are making serious errors. First, you take all thing i said (fossils, genetic) separately, it’s unthinkable.

    Okay, so if I add up all of your individual indirect proofs which I showed were either neutral proofs or not proofs at all, you have no proof at on the side of evolution. I do not see how looking at them collectively or individually helps the case for evolution. You are trying to impose a synergistic effect on indirect proofs that even individually provide no proof. What am I missing here to create my serious error?

    If you look at a species like the horse, you will have the Hyracotherium at a time X, at a time X + 2, no more of the ancient species, but you got the Miohippus, with some difference. How can you refute that evidence ?

    To start with, whether or not Hyracotherium (or dawn horse) was really a horse is up for debate. There is much speculation on if it is really a Hyrax. And even if it is determined that that it was a horse, there are many problems with the claimed horse phylogeny, including not having a site in the world where the complete horse succession can be seen in the record. There are also issues with the number of ribs and lumbar vertebrae. The most amusing piece of evidence is that a three toed horse and a one toed horse fossils were found at the exact same location in Nebraska. So much for millions of years separating the beginning and the end. Most importantly, after all of this, you still have a horse. Differences between horses only shows speciation. No new genetic material.

    Also you forget the main mecanism of evolution (i know) can be proven. Natural Selection & Mutations. That’s proven in a scientific way, like fossils are observed with scientific way. For me this is science. It’s not because you are unable to make a serious rebuttal that this is not science. Because it’s possible to refute Natural Selection, Mutations…,

    Fin, you keep referring to generalities. How about providing some examples which has shown evolution to correct.

    Natural selection is set up either as a tautology, a special definition or even a lame definition. None of these are science. Why don’t you give some examples of natural selection and we can go from there.

    Mutations occur. The great majority are harmful. A select few are neutral or maybe beneficial. But again, where have mutations ever created new genetic material in a species? Evolution just wraps its story to include them because they are shown to happen.

    They admit there is mainly two kind of evolution, it’s linked to the systemic (catastrophic evolution, homeostatic evolution)


    Is Neo-Darwinism up to date? Is that the theory used in biology?
    Just asking, if it does not allow for jumps after massive changes in the environment, then it sounds like a very incomplete theory. I doubt that it is any more than of historical value.

    I am well aware that there are many variations in the theory of evolution. On one hand we have the Neo-Darwinists and on the other we have the punctionalists. There are some evolutionists somewhere in between. I did not mean to ignore the other side of the spectrum. It is just that the thread started around Darwin’s book and no one has really mentioned anything about punctionalists. Evolution hobbles on either foot.

    Whatever your preference, I think you need to stick to a side. You cannot be both a Neo-Darwinist and a punctionalist.

    Falk, what types of jumps are you suggesting? There are many evolutionists who disagree with this. Are you saying that the fossil record is complete or incomplete (complete being defined as representative of the species living through out the majority of time)? Because punctionalists that believe in these jumps also believe that the fossil record is complete.


    It is also important to note that in you above example regarding mammals in Australia, the fossil record shows that marsupials also lived on many other continents. Just because they thrive in Australia, does not prove evolution.


    No, but why do they thrive in this isolated area, plus one(!) other area in the world (amazon rain forest), but nowhere else? Why did they die out everywhere else (remember that i already said that they once where the “ruling” mammals). What did not happen in Australia that happened in the rest of the world?

    From what I have read, marsupials are in major trouble in Australia due to the introduction of dogs and some other animals. Since you agree that marsupials living in Australia does not explain evolution – it seems like discussion on this group of species is a moot point.

    …so many voters, so few debaters.

  • @Mr:

    If you can dismiss the theory of evolution with, what you belive to be suspect evidence, I have know idea how you stand behind creation, besides your faith, by the hand of a God.

    Maybe you could fill me in on why you believe in evolution. What are the proofs that are so compelling that I am dismissing? So far all we have are Fin’s indirect proofs which as I showed are not really proof of evolution. How about some direct proofs?

    I asked for intermediates and all I got is the whale with “legs.” If you do any research on these legs, you will quickly see that evolution is going to need a lot more to ‘stand’ on.

  • Hehe, that’s funny. :P

  • this isnt on topic but Deviant:Scripter whaen you had your signiture having a link to your site did it make your google standing go up?

  • WOW Geze! That’s freakin’ ironic!

    Just before I came to this forum and read your post, I had just finished reading all about Google’s PageRanking system and how it works. I was researching it to find out how to get my page listed higher. LOL, too weird for me. :P

    Anyways, it probably didn’t make my site go any higher. Only six people clicked on that link from my signature. :wink:

  • I was one of them, and its not how many times u click its how many links u have, isnt it?

  • Yes, I think it’s the quantity of links, but I also think it’s the quality of them also. If the page that is linking to you has a better ranking than you do, I think it helps your ranking go up.

    So…get that link on the front page of and your site should skyrocket on Google. :P

    BTW guys, want to know something really funny? Go to and do a search for “search engine”. You’d be surprised at what the #1 result is. :lol: (Alright, I guess that isn’t quite fair, because Yahoo isn’t actually a search engine. :) )

  • @Deviant:Scripter:

    So…get that link on the front page of and your site should skyrocket on Google. :P

    Ya, I think for a day or longer last year if you typed in “go to hell” in google the first site on the list was ‘

  • Don’t tell me I get the last word on this one. I thought evolution was so compelling?

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