• @TG:

    Surely not. Such a global destabilization is in no ones interest. None of the dominating powers since 1500 is among the poorest anymore……

    Then what are you suggesting?

    the US will be the next Spain, or Holland if its lucky . . . :)

  • or portugal

  • @GeZe:

    or portugal

    it won’t be that lucky

  • @TG:

    Surely not. Such a global destabilization is in no ones interest. None of the dominating powers since 1500 is among the poorest anymore……

    Then what are you suggesting?

    I suggest to take a look at where the former superpowers (since 1500) stand now.

  • Were the superpowers of 1500 the sizeand population of the United States?

  • bigger (russia)

  • @TG:

    Were the superpowers of 1500 the sizeand population of the United States?

    sigh Come on TG…. tell me what you aim at, but don’t play dumb…

    of course the superpowers at that time where fewer… but there was no artificial fertilizer available, and no phones, cars, computers etc…

    The world has changed, true.
    But: The world has got faster in more or less everything (called exponential growth … in knowledge, worldwide population etc). I don’t see how you can explain a permanent domination of one country on this basis. Rather i would expect that the rate of change in superpowers will become faster as well…

  • sigh Come on TG…. tell me what you aim at, but don’t play dumb…

    What I am trying to say is that US will remain a superpower given its considerable size.

    Rather i would expect that the rate of change in superpowers will become faster as well…

    Rate of change?

  • What I am trying to say is that US will remain a superpower given its considerable size.

    …and military strength. You always have friends if you’re the biggest guy on the block. :wink:

  • no… everybody hates you because your a big bully

  • America isnt always a big bully, but it has made some mistakes in the past that haunt her. She just has to learn from them.

  • better get started, you have a lot to look through

  • heh… if it were that easy… :roll:

  • Then America wouldnt be in the mess of today.

  • if only the US wasnt a superpower…

  • Of course youngsters are stupid, they think they can change the world only by protest. What percentage of young adults vote again?

    Please tell me if you’re just joking. Insults to youngsters should not be generalized, it derides my intelligence because there are (hard to believe as it is) intelligent youths. and I would vote if i could, boy in this last CA election I was dying to vote. ah, so close and yet so far. :x

    anyhow, a lot of these countries not only stopped expanding, they ignored internal problems. the USA will fall if it keeps trying to help out the unfortunate people in other countries while not changing anything within itself. i agree that at some point the US will fall, but not in the typical sense that a completely different, new country is instated. right now, people are pushing for a “global community”, which is, IMO, nothing but crap. the UN is nothing but a vehicle for that to come in on. but that’s another topic so i won’t go there. the US will be made a part of “one big happy family” :roll: that’s how we’ll fall. i hope i’m not here for it.

  • Please tell me if you’re just joking

    I’m not. I have a word for such naiveté - popular anarchist. I have no respect for them. Tell me again… how many Californian residents 18-20 voted? What less than 30%? Heh…

  • many of them are pretty dumb (youngsters)
    mind you, i think most people are pretty dumb . . . .

  • in our minicaple elections less then 30% of ALL people voted

  • i’ll concede that a lot of them behave dumbly. they aren’t taught to use their heads. the veg on the tv, listen to music (really REALLY loud, which may contribute), and play video games. but surely you must realize that some of us use our head, otherwise we wouldn’t even be writing on this forum. besides, this isn’t even on topic. i’m done. if you won’t think this through (which, btw, isn’t smart - the opposite of which being…nevermind enough said), then nothing i can “say” will convince you.

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