• Well, at least I’m happy. The “reformed” communist managed to win two seats. Boo-yah! 8)

    Oh, the boycott is still on. Too bad I don’t drink German beer. Actually, I guess I’ll have to find a German product and join the cott. Pizza, yeah! Oh, wait, Germans invented it, but Italians took over. Think … think. Volkswagen … No, don’t like 'em. Brats and metts, yeah, wait! German food made in America by Americans(NOT German-Americans).

    IMO, I find European food pretty bland - a frequent complaint of those I know that travel there.

  • Euro Food is Bad?!?!?!!? /me slaps Moses with a large peice of Chicken Francese! French food is good Italian food is GOD! some German Snacks are good and british food, well lets kepp british food out of the equation. Greek food is Good aswell as Spanish.

  • Yeah, T_6,

    to all Italics :P -
    for the tomato … you are welcome,

    to all Frenchics :) -
    for the grapevines … you are welcome,

    to all Germanics :ssemiiglhieeisl) -
    for the opportunity to be independent … you are welcome.
    Oh, and that goes for you, too, Frenchics. :wink: - Xi

    “Lack of will power has caused more failure than
    lack of intelligence or ability.” - Flower A. Newhouse

    I can agree with that. - Xi

  • Euro Food is Bad?!?!?!!? /me slaps Moses with a large peice of Chicken Francese! French food is good Italian food is GOD! some German Snacks are good and british food, well lets kepp british food out of the equation. Greek food is Good aswell as Spanish.

    Italian food is okkkayyyyyy… French food is sooo-soooo… German food is mediocre… British food, not so good… Never had Greek Food… Spanish food is not as good as Latin food… :-?

  • @TG:

    Well, at least I’m happy. The “reformed” communist managed to win two seats. Boo-yah! 8)

    Well, they lost their official “parliament fraction” and even the “parliament group” status. They only have two independents in the parliament, it was a bitter bitter defeat for the PDS. So, i wouldn’t say they “won” two seats but “lost” about 10-20ish seats.

  • @TG:

    Euro Food is Bad?!?!?!!? /me slaps Moses with a large peice of Chicken Francese! French food is good Italian food is GOD! some German Snacks are good and british food, well lets kepp british food out of the equation. Greek food is Good aswell as Spanish.

    Italian food is okkkayyyyyy… French food is sooo-soooo… German food is mediocre… British food, not so good… Never had Greek Food… Spanish food is not as good as Latin food… :-?

    French food: well, overestimated.
    British food: if you have the taste for it
    Spanish food: good but not as good as
    Portuguese food: among the best the world has to offer
    Greek food: yummy, pretty much the same as
    Turkish food: You can’t get a Kebab over there? I really pity you for that. Among the best of the world as well.
    Italian food: a good pasta is great
    German food: if you have a really cold, wet and windy weather, nothing is better than some 0%-fat-free food ;)

  • well ne one who like pasta is Okay in my book i Now officially dont despise u now Falk ;)

  • Well, they lost their official “parliament fraction” and even the “parliament group” status. They only have two independents in the parliament, it was a bitter bitter defeat for the PDS. So, i wouldn’t say they “won” two seats but “lost” about 10-20ish seats.

    Hmm… that’s bad, huh? :wink: Well I’m happy that they’re the only independents that keep the Germans on their toes.

    Portuguese food: among the best the world has to offer
    Greek food: yummy, pretty much the same as
    Turkish food: You can’t get a Kebab over there? I really pity you for that. Among the best of the world as well.
    Italian food: a good pasta is great
    German food: if you have a really cold, wet and windy weather, nothing is better than some 0%-fat-free food

    Never had Portuguese (or maybe, but did not distinguish it from Spanish/Latin food) or Greek or Turkish. So I must have really managed to miss out on everything good in Europe. Too bad… we’ll see. American food is pretty good - though sometimes a little too “heavy” and fattening for my taste. :-?

    well ne one who like pasta is Okay in my book i Now officially dont despise u now Falk

    We all like good pasta, but as a whole, I’m not very impressed.

  • Portuguese is quite different thanSpanish or Latino grub. And i agree that overall it’s amazing (i’m quite partial to Italian and Greek food. French doesn’t do too much for me - unless it’s really expensive. German is usually not my thing at all, and although i’m part Scot, i believe most of their culture (especially their food), entertainment and dress is based on a series of bets lost by various fraternities)

  • although i’m part Scot, i believe most of their culture (especially their food), entertainment and dress is based on a series of bets lost by various fraternities)

    Hahahahaha [fell off my chair laughing] :lol: :lol: :lol:

  • @cystic:

    German is usually not my thing at all, and although i’m part Scot, i believe most of their culture (especially their food), entertainment and dress is based on a series of bets lost by various fraternities)


    the best guarded germanic secret has been uncovered !!! :) :D

  • @New:

    No More Bratwurst!

    WASHINGTON They rule their world ruthlessly and insolently, deciding who will get a cold shoulder, who will get locked out of the power clique and who will get withering glares until they grovel and obey the arbitrary dictates of the leaders.

    We could be talking about the middle-school alpha girls, smug cheerleaders with names like Darcy, Brittany and Whitney.

    But, no, we’re talking about the ostensibly mature and seasoned leaders of the Western world, a slender former cheerleader named W. and his high-hatting clique ; Condi, Rummy and Cheney.

    I used to think the Bush hawks suffered from testosterone poisoning, always throwing sharp elbows and cartoonishly chesty my-way-or-the-highway talk around the world, when a less belligerent tone would be classier and more effective.

    But now we have the spectacle of the 70-year-old Rummy acting like a 16-year-old Heather, vixen-slapping those lower in the global hierarchy, trying to dominate and silence the beta countries with less money and fewer designer weapons.

    At a meeting of NATO defense ministers this week in Warsaw, the Pentagon chief snubbed his German counterpart, Peter Struck, refusing to meet with him, only deigning to shake his hand at a cocktail party.

    Echoing Condi’s peevishness, Rummy announced that the campaign of Gerhard Schröder, who eked out a victory by running against the Bush push to invade Iraq, “had the effect of poisoning a relationship.”

    In their eagerness to apply adolescent torture methods, Bush hawks seem to have forgotten history: Do we really want to punish the Germans for being pacifists? Once those guys get rolling in the other direction, they don’t really know how to put the brakes on.

    Mr. Schröder behaved like a good beta, trying to align himself with the American alphas, by dumping his embarrassing friends, the justice minister who linked Mr. Bush’s tactics to Hitler’s, and the parliamentary floor leader who compared W. to Augustus, the Roman emperor who subdued the Germanic tribes.

    Mr. Struck and the German foreign minister, Joschka Fischer, were eager wannabes. Mr. Struck offered more German troops for Afghanistan and Mr. Fischer apologized to Colin Powell, the administration’s gamma girl, the careful listener who’d always rather build relationships than run roughshod over them.

    Gerhard will have to go through way more of a shame spiral. He can forget about getting Germany a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council. And no more bratwurst on White House menus.

    The State Department wanted the petulant president to make nice with the Germans. But W. was, like, enjoying his hissy fit, refusing to make the customary call to congratulate Mr. Schröder.

    As with alpha girls, the president makes leadership all about him. He thinks there are only two places to be: with him on Iraq or with the terrorists.

    After all, Germany is not Saudi Arabia ; they have elections over there. And surely the Bushes have heard of candidates saying whatever it takes, and placating various special interests, to win an election ; and then mending fences afterward. Three words: Bob Jones University. All pols know today’s adversary is tomorrow’s ally.

    Maybe the Bush policy on Empire & Pre-emption allows us to decide not only who can run a country, but what are the proper issues for other nations’ election debates.

    Bush senior was a master of personal diplomacy, taking heads of state out on his cigarette boat, to Orioles games and to the Air and Space Museum to see the movie “To Fly.”

    He was a foreign policy realist who used socializing, gossiping, notes and phone calls to lubricate relations with other leaders.

    But W., who was always the Roman candle and hatchet man in the family, has turned his father’s good manners upside down ; consulting sparingly, leaving poor Tony Blair to make the case against his foes for him, and treating policy disagreements as personal slights.

    Only the Saudis get away with disobliging the administration on Iraq without being frozen out. They’re like the spoiled, foreign princesses in high school, dripping in Dolce & Gabbana and Asprey, who drive their Mercedes convertibles into the magic alpha circle.

    But then, Germans merely make Mercedes. Saudis control the oil.

    Btw: Germany has 10000 soldiers abroad, that means we are only topped by the US in that. We pay about 2 billion € per year for that. Still, we are not allowed to say what we think and feel?

  • yea but ur Countries Gov is still practicly pacifists. i thought it was a funney notation when he mentioned that when they start on the otger path, thingamagig lol

  • thingamagig?

  • lol :lol:

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