If the US had stayed out of N. Korea and Viet Nam…

  • What would have happened in your opinion?

    I believe the USSR and China would’ve come to blows. They’d have fought over (their versions of) communist supremacy. China would win in this sphere of influence. The USSR was already straining it’s resources in E. Europe, Africa, and Latin America. - Xi
    “When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them.” Confucius

  • Their both a bunch of commie bastards :lol:

  • Korea - Probably was a good idea to fight that war. Japan would be much different if we had let North Korea win.

    Vietnam - Total idiocy of a war. Shouldn’t of fought it, we pissed off a lot of people in South East Asia. World would be better if we didn’t go in.

  • Most of the world would be submerged in authoritarian bonapartism.

  • Before Veitnam, the Cold war was in balance, both sides could have gone on indiffenetly, after Veitnam the Russians became embolded and started to go everywhere, Africa, Asia, etc… In the end our stumble in SE asia cuased the Communists to over reach in the wke of our percieved defeat. They did not think we could bounce back like we did in the 80’s both militarily and most importantly eonomically “Capitalism will collapse under its own weight!”. Of course we now know that was false, they could not keep up the burden they had acquird in the 70’s with renewed pressure from the west and in consequence they lost the Cold War.

    In the end without Veitnam, we would not have won the Cold War.

  • i dont think Vietnam changed the Cold War. eventually communism collapses, because theres no reason to do anything, if you put your car into a garage because its busted you might not get it back for monthes. the people working in the factories would have no reason to work, because if they work hard or worth shit they get payed the same. communism cannot work.

  • I doubt that.

  • Communism as a system is not doomed to always collapse. However, a totalitarian government is almost always doomed to eventually collapse. We saw the latter, not the former, fail.

  • The only way a totalitarian government can survive is through conquest.

  • Which eventually ends (See Rome)

  • First, let me explain that Vietnam, was not a war, it was a “police action” If we fought it like a war, we would have won. We also probably could have gone and slapped the chinnese around too.

  • Right on.

  • @Gul’Dan:

    First, let me explain that Vietnam, was not a war, it was a “police action” If we fought it like a war, we would have won. We also probably could have gone and slapped the chinnese around too.

    Police using Agent Orange, B 52’s, Marines in large numbers……

    This sounds to me like a pretty weak attempt to keep the “war record” clean of losses.

    Next thing would be claiming that germany didn’t start WWII, but the Polish did, and the germans just “shot back” (like the Nazi propaganda of that time claimed). Everythingelse that followed from Germany was only pre-emptive strikes, as they already had or shurely soon would have declared war on germany…
    shaking my head in disbelive

  • This sounds to me like a pretty weak attempt to keep the “war record” clean of losses.

    Nah, 1812 more or less ended in a draw, and I wouldn’t call Vietnam a total loss.

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