• yeah - i was kind of going there earlier.
    to have to submit and be humble in the face of something much greater than ourselves does not leave room for arrogance.
    given the fact that i am an arrogant person (according to FinsterniS and my sisters) i might be a bit of an anomaly in this regard . . . .

    The concept of superiority and arrogance cannot deny or confirm the existence of the Almighty. Man can be “superior,” yet God could still exist (or not exist). To say human arrogance is a factor in the grand scheme of things is very arrogance.

    In christianism the Human race is the center of the creation and of the universe; pure anthropocentrisme!

    It’s Anthropocentrism. If you going to use big words like that, at least try to spell them correctly…

    What would i need to be a theist again ? Well… not a miracles, i only request a logical argumentation, not a deformation of any physic law, but a real argument i could not refute. Argument from design or the Prime Factor argument does not impress me

    Some people need to try harder.

  • It’s Anthropocentrism. If you going to use big words like that, at least try to spell them correctly…

    Well i try but even if i am getting a little better in english, i am still not very good… Also i just add a “e”, like in French…

  • Just use a spell check next time. :) I don’t mind spelling errors, but it’s hard for people to run into a big word they probably haven’t encountered before and take the time to look it up in a dictionary (or to the lazy Americans -forget it altogether and watch “Friends”), only to found out it wasn’t listed because it was spelled incorrectly! Better luck next time

  • Everybody,


    I really cannot believe you(or me)! We debate topics in which we are NOT EXPERTS. We may be experts in one field (in a few cases two or three). Most people on this website are high school to mid-twenties. Hardly experts in anything.
    A brilliant college professor once admitted to his students that he knew less than 1% of all the knowledge in the world. I humbly admit that I know less than eight-tenths of 1%. Yet, I throw out a long, half-assed argument and receive, in return, a long, half-assed response (everyone can take this personally, if they wish, but its the truth, repeatedly)! Rarely proof of expertise and no ground rules of logic or debate! Why do we do this to ourselves ?
    "FinsterniS, it amazes me that you keep trying to win an argument with anyone here. After all we are NORTH AMERICANS (which means WE ARE RIGHT ! :lol: :wink: I guess you made a bad choice of places to practice typing English (AMERICAN) ! :lol: :evil: :lol: :lol: :oops: Oops! Did I say that? :wink:

  • Come on Xi,
    the internet is about spreading about one’s opinions as well as learning as much as anything else (porn excepted).
    Certainly we are not all as well schooled in philosophy as F_S, however we all have our own style, and most of the time if we throw out BS we’ll get called on it (almost all the time, really - 'cept me, i’m pretty clean :) )
    As for your proffessor, i sincerely doubt he knows anything approaching 1% of the known knowledge of the world. One does not even know what one does not know (or for that matter is yet to be known).

  • @TG:

    [[quote]In christianism the Human race is the center of the creation and of the universe; pure anthropocentrisme!

    It’s Anthropocentrism. If you going to use big words like that, at least try to spell them correctly…

    Come on! Give the F_S a brake. :P Aftre alle, Englishe isn’t his/her firste languag! :lol:
    W’a’d’esay? W’a’d’esay?

  • c_c_,

    Hey! Don’t go knockin’ 85% of the internet! Besides, Where do you think I spend the rest of my time? :evil:

    The prof. was not mine. A friend had a#1 in his field, Know-it-all, prof.
    My friend asked the Prof. if he knew 1% of all the knowledge in the universe. The prof. replied, “I know less than 1% of all the knowledge in the known world.” Then my friend enjoyed lowering the boom(humbling the prof.) I cannot tell it as well as he can so I won’t try. But, I used the example cuz I’ve had eight (note the eight-tenths of 1%)different careers(and fields) in my life and been damn good at all of them. Please, note the contrast in the examples.
    If you’ll excuse me I have to go look at/download/upload alot of dirty pictures. :evil: :wink: - Xi

  • why invest so much time in something that can never be answered. live your life and focus and the present, not the future! we have to experience the present to arrive at the future. besides, what we believe in about death and afterlife is highly irrelevant, what ever happens WILL happen regardless of wether we think we’ll roast in hell or drink milk and honey in the clouds for the rest of eternity. it is also my opinion to say that god is dead, he/she/they have been dead for a while (although how long i still debate) but god has been replaced with truth and science (although some still cling to thier religion) and pro-choice. i mean think about, we are doing things that were once reserved for gods, mass annihilation (nuclear weapons), genetic alteration, etc. also look around at the people walking in the streets, women wear sexy clothing, people drink and do what they chose to do, sex is highly advertised in the media. people have no need for god anymore. god is deader than dead. the moment god died is when people began to ignore thier religion, engage in whatever they wish, started asking questions, rebelling, and when the universe became an OPEN one instead of a CLOSED universe …

  • @eyeless_9mm:

    why invest so much time in something that can never be answered. live your life and focus and the present, not the future! we have to experience the present to arrive at the future. besides, what we believe in about death and afterlife is highly irrelevant, what ever happens WILL happen regardless of wether we think we’ll roast in hell or drink milk and honey in the clouds for the rest of eternity. it is also my opinion to say that god is dead, he/she/they have been dead for a while (although how long i still debate) but god has been replaced with truth and science (although some still cling to thier religion) and pro-choice. i mean think about, we are doing things that were once reserved for gods, mass annihilation (nuclear weapons), genetic alteration, etc. also look around at the people walking in the streets, women wear sexy clothing, people drink and do what they chose to do, sex is highly advertised in the media. people have no need for god anymore. god is deader than dead. the moment god died is when people began to ignore thier religion, engage in whatever they wish, started asking questions, rebelling, and when the universe became an OPEN one instead of a CLOSED universe …

    Hmm…I disagree.

    Not everyone is doing the all the crap that you pointed out. I don’t agree with it, and I sure as hell don’t participate in it.

    I completely disagree with your apathy (maybe disregard) for a God. It’s pretty sad (and blatantly obvious) that you have so little humility as to think that you have as much power as God. It’s one thing to not believe in God, but it’s a whole 'nother to think that you have replaced him. Is it that hard to have faith in something? We may not have the scientific evidence that we are all reliant upon for evidence of a higher power, but is it too hard to comprehend that there may be something bigger and more powerful out there…than you?

    I feel pretty sorry for you. :-? That’s all I’ve got to say.

  • #1; Maybe that what he think, but he never said he think Human were god, just that we are doing thing reserve to “god”. There is a very big distinction.

    #2; In term of humility, no theist can match most Atheist.

    And i feel sorry too for christian, those who believe in mythological being without using their reason.

  • @FinsterniS:

    #1; Maybe that what he think, but he never said he think Human were god, just that we are doing thing reserve to “god”. There is a very big distinction.

    #2; In term of humility, no theist can match most Atheist.

    And i feel sorry too for christian, those who believe in mythological being without using their reason.

    there are too many things that people believe in that there is no “reasoning” for.
    I’m certain that you are one of them. Of course of these things a 2000 year old event may not be one of them, but there are things you believe in with little reason for it.

  • That is a very simple counter-argument… i don’t believe something because it pleased me, i would be still christian. I don’t accept conclusion without knowledge of the argumentation.

  • It’s got nothing to do with having “proof” or “evidence” or “reason.”

    Have you ever heard of “faith?”

  • If the fact that the sky is blue causes me to be subject to a God, then I will tell myself and others that it is green until I believe it. “Now I am comfortable.” And then I think… “If the sky is green, will that tree over there now subject me to God?”

  • @FinsterniS:

    That is a very simple counter-argument… i don’t believe something because it pleased me, i would be still christian. I don’t accept conclusion without knowledge of the argumentation.

    Then why don’t you find out the arguement? Does Christianity not encourage you to use your logic and reason to question even the very basis of the religion?

  • @EmuGod:


    That is a very simple counter-argument… i don’t believe something because it pleased me, i would be still christian. I don’t accept conclusion without knowledge of the argumentation.

    Then why don’t you find out the arguement? Does Christianity not encourage you to use your logic and reason to question even the very basis of the religion?

    No, it want you to be “faithful”, in brief to be blind to reason. Anyway i did’nt find god, i only find out lies.

  • @FinsterniS:



    That is a very simple counter-argument… i don’t believe something because it pleased me, i would be still christian. I don’t accept conclusion without knowledge of the argumentation.

    Then why don’t you find out the arguement? Does Christianity not encourage you to use your logic and reason to question even the very basis of the religion?

    No, it want you to be “faithful”, in brief to be blind to reason. Anyway i did’nt find god, i only find out lies.

    I guess you learn something knew every day. That’s another difference I guess between Judaism and Christianity, It’s fascinating how Christianity has evolved so differently from Judaism, which it is based on. Comparitive religion is interesting, IMO.

  • @EmuGod:




    That is a very simple counter-argument… i don’t believe something because it pleased me, i would be still christian. I don’t accept conclusion without knowledge of the argumentation.

    Then why don’t you find out the arguement? Does Christianity not encourage you to use your logic and reason to question even the very basis of the religion?

    No, it want you to be “faithful”, in brief to be blind to reason. Anyway i did’nt find god, i only find out lies.

    I guess you learn something knew every day. That’s another difference I guess between Judaism and Christianity, It’s fascinating how Christianity has evolved so differently from Judaism, which it is based on. Comparitive religion is interesting, IMO.

    “based on”? no, i don’t think that’s quite right. That’s like saying that Mennonitism is “based on” Catholicism. Certainly Judaism is the oak that dropped the accorn, and i believe in the old testament (and what i’ve read of the Talmud, heard from Martin Buber, etc.), but i would not quite say that Christianity is based on anything other than the Teachings and life of Jesus Christ.

  • Well christianism is very similar on some aspect to Judaism, good, evil, monotheist, heaven, hell, rigid laws from a god… It is clearly based on Judaism… and some part of judaism were taken from the egyptian (not as much as with the Christian from Judaism, but still).

  • That is a very simple counter-argument… i don’t believe something because it pleased me, i would be still christian. I don’t accept conclusion without knowledge of the argumentation.

    I would have to agree with FS. Unless Christianity can come up with a knowledgeable and reasonable argumentation in favor of, it becomes increasingly difficult to accept it. That is when Christianity relies more on faith than in science and logic. What has blind faith accomplished? Under Christianity, God is viewed as merciful and all-loving, compassionate and caring towards humanity, that the Bible is the source of God’s word, God wants all humans to be saved, and a necessary condition for being saved is becoming aware of the word of God and accepting it. Then why would a merciful God, a God who wants all humans to be saved, not provide clear and unambiguous information about His word to humans when having this information is necessary for salvation? Yet, as we know, countless millions of people down through history have not been exposed to the teaching of the Bible. Even today there are millions of people who either remain completely ignorant of the Christian message or seriously lack in their “Christian education.” One would expect that if God were rational, He would have arranged things in such a way that there would more believers (ex God could have spoken from the Heavens in all known languages so that no human could doubt His existence and His message). It is grossly unfair to punish people for not believing in God either because they have not been exposed to His teachings or because of errors of reasoning.

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