Bush's new "Snoop" Executive act

  • Yea, and the German’s weren’t killing Jews during World War II…:roll: Look how many lives were lost when we waited for die-hard proof on that…

  • Ok, prove to me Iraq has given Chemical and Biological weapons to terrorists.

    Or, I’ll give you a choice. You can either prove it to me, or tell me you will shoot yourself, with your own gun, every single innocent that dies when we attack Iraq.

  • @Yanny:

    Or, I’ll give you a choice. You can either prove it to me, or tell me you will shoot yourself, with your own gun, every single innocent that dies when we attack Iraq.

    What sense does that make? Our troops are not going into Iraq with the intention of killing innocent civilians. Let me answer this with a question. In the long run, which do you think will cost more lives. A stray precision-guided bomb and some misplaced bullets, or Saddam’s purposeful starvation of thousands and thousands of people? (Plus the use of his chemical and biological weapons in the future.) In my opinion, we’re justified in saving the lives of thousands of people. You anti-attack-iraq advocates need to think long-term.

  • The fact is there is no proof Saddam will do that. Again, he is intelligent. He will not do something that will get him killed. This includes an attack on the US, Israelis, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, ect. He wants to stay alive.

    I truely do not believe Saddam would be involved in any attack on the United States. Israel… maybe, and thats a huge maybe. Israel has nuclear weapons, and Saddam knows him and all he’s built will be destroyed if he uses anything on the Israelis.

    Saddam has not intentionally starved thousands of his people. There is no proof at all, you watch too much TV.

  • @Yanni:

    Saddam has not intentionally starved thousands of his people. There is no proof at all, you watch too much TV.

    Ok Mom. :lol:

  • @Deviant:Scripter:


    Or, I’ll give you a choice. You can either prove it to me, or tell me you will shoot yourself, with your own gun, every single innocent that dies when we attack Iraq.

    What sense does that make? Our troops are not going into Iraq with the intention of killing innocent civilians. Let me answer this with a question. In the long run, which do you think will cost more lives. A stray precision-guided bomb and some misplaced bullets, or Saddam’s purposeful starvation of thousands and thousands of people? (Plus the use of his chemical and biological weapons in the future.) In my opinion, we’re justified in saving the lives of thousands of people. You anti-attack-iraq advocates need to think long-term.

    Damn i keep thinking you’re TM with that duck.
    w.r.t. starving thousands of people - by that logic the US should also be marching into Zimbabwe to oust Mubabe, as well as perhaps a dozen other fascist countries where other human rights are violated. Why has the US not wiped out the FARCS in Columbia or IRA in Ireland or the FLQ in Quebec or PLO for various acts of terrorism, kidnapping, human rights violations etc.? And if scale is so important then why does China, Russia, Indonesia, Sudan, Algeria, and dozens of other countries get away with what they do?
    You’re pre-emptive strikes are not a long-term strategy. Quite the opposite - they will prove to the Iraqi people that Saddam was right - that the US deserves every bad thing that happens to it for invading their country. That not only was 9/11 a cause for a celebration, but a standard of warfare that all Iraqi’s should attain.
    Of course i say this while comfortable in a nothing country (Canada) in a nothing city (Winnipeg) where no one knows of anything of any significance within 800 km of me (the mall of America is around 800 km south), so i do perceive that the US is still pissed off. The question remains - is jr. a better man than sr.?

  • @Cystic:

    Damn i keep thinking you’re TM with that duck.

    LoL. Lack of options, I guess. :)

    Yes, but I don’t agree with your use of “invading their country.” Granted, we will enter their country to remove Saddam, our mission is not to take them over. If everything goes as planned, we’ll replace Saddam with a more democratic leader, and hopefully bring their country out of the crap-hole they’re in now.

  • You actually believe that? If we take out Saddam, there will be a massive occupation of the country. We’ll set in place an oil slave puppet Government.

  • @Deviant:Scripter:

    If everything goes as planned, we’ll replace Saddam with a more democratic leader, and hopefully bring their country out of the crap-hole they’re in now.

    There exists a plan for a post-saddam era ???
    That’s news to me!

  • May I quote

    we’ll replace Saddam with a more democratic leader


    very democratic

  • @Anonymous:


    If everything goes as planned, we’ll replace Saddam with a more democratic leader, and hopefully bring their country out of the crap-hole they’re in now.

    There exists a plan for a post-saddam era ???
    That’s news to me!

    Last time I checked, we haven’t started attacking Iraq yet, have we?


    May I quote

    we’ll replace Saddam with a more democratic leader


    very democratic

    I don’t understand.

    When I say “we”, I’m referring to us Americans.

  • @Deviant:Scripter:



    If everything goes as planned, we’ll replace Saddam with a more democratic leader, and hopefully bring their country out of the crap-hole they’re in now.

    There exists a plan for a post-saddam era ???
    That’s news to me!

    Last time I checked, we haven’t started attacking Iraq yet, have we?


    May I quote

    we’ll replace Saddam with a more democratic leader


    very democratic

    I don’t understand.

    When I say “we”, I’m referring to us Americans.

    exactly. America replacing the head of a foreign sovereign nation is not the most democratic way of defining a country’s leadership, regardless of the type of government America fantasizes about having herself.
    Maybe the correct phrasing would be "Americans will have Saddam killed/arrested/assassinated and will work with the UN to insure that a democratic process is involved in electing the next leader of Iraq (to ultimately be destroyed by the Iraqi military/assassinated by the US for not falling in line with American policy etc).

  • @cystic:

    Maybe the correct phrasing would be "Americans will have Saddam killed/arrested/assassinated and will work with the UN to insure that a democratic process is involved in electing the next leader of Iraq (to ultimately be destroyed by the Iraqi military/assassinated by the US for not falling in line with American policy etc).

    Do you think it’s just the American’s that find Saddam undesirable and view him as an extreme threat? C’mon, don’t be so naive. We’re just the only country with the balls to do something about it.

    You’re absolutely correct. If we don’t like who the democracy votes into office (example: the leader makes bad decisions, and poses a threat through the use of biological, nuclear, chemical and/or terrorist connections.) we probably will take him out of office, but I don’t think it will come to that point. The situation will be similar to Afganhistan, in which the US appoints a leader that is acceptable with all parties involved. Hopefully this will serve as an example to other dictators, and hopefully they’ll make wiser decisions in the future.

  • @Deviant:Scripter:

    We’re just the only country with the balls to do something about it.

    american self justification: If you stand isolated, call everyone else cowards! Never admit that you could be wrong, as americans are never wrong!

    You’re absolutely correct. If we don’t like who the democracy votes into office (example: the leader makes bad decisions, and poses a threat through the use of biological, nuclear, chemical and/or terrorist connections.) we probably will take him out of office, but I don’t think it will come to that point. The situation will be similar to Afganhistan, in which the US appoints a leader that is acceptable with all parties involved.

    american definition of democracy:
    democracy is good for the american people. If it is outside the USA it still has to be good for the american people.

    that remembers me of the american definition of patriotism:
    patriotism is good, except for people who are not US-americans.

    If you want to avoid double standards, then don’t use them yourself: You are the superpower, whatever you do must therefore be correct. You use double standards, the use of double standards therefore is legitimate. You don’t want double standards used against you……
    wise wise all-knowing citizen of the superpower, help me, i don’t understand how that works!

  • Deviant, you arent thinking of how the world works. Sure, we put a leader in Afganistan, a very American friendly leader, but not one good for the Afgani people. We are going to do the same thing in Iraq. And there still has not been a vote in Afganistan, this guy’s term is long up.

  • @F_alk:

    american self justification: If you stand isolated, call everyone else cowards! Never admit that you could be wrong, as americans are never wrong!

    Who said we’re never wrong? I can lay out plenty of mistakes that America has made. IMO: We’re not wrong in this instance. Oh well, I guess everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, and debating this is what’s fun. :P


    american definition of democracy:
    democracy is good for the american people. If it is outside the USA it still has to be good for the american people.

    Not neccessarily. It just can’t pose a threat to the American people. There’s a big difference.


    that remembers me of the american definition of patriotism:
    patriotism is good, except for people who are not US-americans.

    That’s cute. I wish I would have thought of this one. Too bad it’s not true… :cry:


    If you want to avoid double standards, then don’t use them yourself: You are the superpower, whatever you do must therefore be correct. You use double standards, the use of double standards therefore is legitimate. You don’t want double standards used against you……
    wise wise all-knowing citizen of the superpower, help me, i don’t understand how that works!

    I’m sorry F_alk, double standards are a part of American life. They teach them to us starting in Kindergarten. It’s the basic essence of American life for which we all make decisions based upon. :lol:

    I love hearing people from other countries comment on decisions that American’s make. These make the best posts. :wink:

  • @Yanny:

    Deviant, you arent thinking of how the world works. Sure, we put a leader in Afganistan, a very American friendly leader, but not one good for the Afgani people. We are going to do the same thing in Iraq. And there still has not been a vote in Afganistan, this guy’s term is long up.

    Actually, the Afghani people don’t really hate their elected president, Hamid Karzai. I am assuming that he is much better than the previous Taliban government, and that they respect the man (of course this is speculation and what I’ve read in the news). But look at it this way, if they hated him, he would’ve been assassinated by now. The main disagreement is from the tribal warlords, who fear having their power and influence taken away.

    american definition of democracy:
    democracy is good for the american people. If it is outside the USA it still has to be good for the american people.

    And if not for democracy, then what?

    that remembers me of the american definition of patriotism:
    patriotism is good, except for people who are not US-americans.

    Not true! Sometimes I wish it was, but other ethnicities show their pride in America and outside of it.

  • @F_alk:

    american definition of democracy:
    democracy is good for the american people. If it is outside the USA it still has to be good for the american people.


    Not neccessarily. It just can’t pose a threat to the American people. There’s a big difference.


    And if not for democracy, then what?

    @DS: you would rather support a dictator, that poses no threat to the USA than a democracy that does?
    @TG: what do you mean with that?


    I’m sorry F_alk, double standards are a part of American life. They teach them to us starting in Kindergarten. It’s the basic essence of American life for which we all make decisions based upon.

    Interesting: HFW is always complaining that we put double standards on you USies.

  • @TG: what do you mean with that?

    Just merely wondering what you want to replace democracy in other countries other than the US.

  • I never said he was worse than the Taliban (which isn’t easy) I did say he isn’t a democratic minded leader with Afgani interests in mind.

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