AAM Flashback - Mot vs Cobalt - Luksusowa

  • Germany Move 3

    Moving last in turn 2, followed by moving first in turn 3 gives Germany the opportunity for a quick surge.

    German Mauseres and storn troopers advance, and Germany now holds the ridge line.

    German flanks the Polish Cavalry unit that had been escorting the now-trapped Renault with a BMW unit to the rear and Polish Mausers on the ridge.

    Seeing an opportunity, a second BMW unit races into the same hex as a lone Polish anti-tank gun holding the wooded southern road.  It attempts defensive fire to ward off the movement but is unsuccessful.

    An 7cm gun is on the move, being transported north west to a better vantage point.

    The German armour have the Renault surrounded and hold their ground to prevent it from escaping.


  • Poland Move 3

    Several Polish units are pinned, the the remainder hold their positions in cover for the battle that is bound to ensue.


  • Germany Assault 3

    Looking to take out the threats to its armour and mechinized vehicles, Germany focuses its attacks against units that pose an anti-vehicle threat.

    BMW units destroy one anti-tank gun and disrupt another.

    The Pzkpzw’s open fire on the Renault.  The first from medium range is unable to get through the tough armour, but the second at point-blank-range scores a disrupt & damage.

    But the threat of the dual Bofors can be seen as well, as the third Pzkpzw moves out of line-of-sight.  The Mausers on the ridge also fade back.

    The 7cm guns are steadily moving forward, looking for locations with clear line of sight of the action.


  • Poland Assualt 3

    Poland counter attacks with mixed results.

    The Bofors takes out the BMW unit in the open, but the second BMW unit in the forest proves a tougher target.  Lacking other targets, it is fired upon by both anti-tank guns, a Determined Infantrymanf, and a Bren Machine Gunner yielding only a Disrupt.

    a Stormtrooper unit comes under fire, but is tough to effect with its 5/5 defense.

    The Renault extracts some revenge from the German tank at close range, causing a disrupt & damage.

    Still standing at the center of all the fight is the Polish Cavalyman, who careful edges towards the Polish side of the field.


  • Casualty Phase 3

    After the dust settles, the tally for this turn is tied with each side having a unit destroyed, a unit disrupted, and a tank damaged.


  • Poland Move 4

    Unfortunately I didn’t capture the iniative rolls in the MapView game file, though with an SS-Haup the edge would go to German for winning the roll and choosing the play order.

    Having survived the chaos of last turn unscathed, the Polish Cavalrymen fall back out of sight behind the patch of forest in the center of the map.  The forward bren machine gunner holds his ground, protecting the last disrupted ATG.  The polish soldiers in the swamps on the outskirts of the city attempt to move up and re-enforce the front, but are thwarted by barbedwire.


  • Germany Move 4

    An undamaged Pzkpfw moves to point blank range of the Renault to be certain of finishing of the tank.

    With the two Bofors covering the open middle and even the approach to the cover of the small central forest, the german troops move south behind the cover of the ridgeline, probably to approach through the contested  stand of trees along the southern edge.

    A 7cm gun is unloaded far to the northwest with a line of sight on that same southern line of trees.


  • Poland Assault 4

    The Renault finishes off the damaged german tank, perhpas as its last act before the upcoming German assault.

    The forward bren machine gunner proteceting the artillery lets loose on the strom trooper starting to cross the clearing but is not able to disrupt against that 5/5 defense.

    The Determined Infantryman and other Bren in the swamps finish off the last disrupted BMW unit.

    The Bofors remain silent, with the Germans staying out of sight.  How long can Germany keep advancing while skirting confrontation with those potent weapons?


  • Germany Attack 4

    The damaged Pzkpfw disrupts the Renault, and the Pzkpfw at medium range finishes it off.

    The mass of German troop continue their movement south and east to move toward the city in cover.

    The two 7cm guns make their presense known, shelling and re-disrupting the Polish ATG, and also at least rattling the nerves of the far Bren gunner.


  • Casualty Phase 4

    After the dust settles each side is minus a tank, and Germany is also now without any BMW units.  It’s nearly the half-way point in the match and Germany hasn’t made much forward progress.  Still, the Polish forces are outnumbered and with little room to move.


  • Poland Move 5

    An observation, with Poland continuing to act first, it leaves Germany with a “free” move at the end in its Attack phase.  We will see if Germany takes advantage when we get to the last phase.

    Sensing a flanking threat from the fast-moving german armour to the north, the Determined Infantryman starts to fall back toward the city.

    Poland also moves forward in a few key places to slow the German advance:

    In the south, the Bren gunner moves west to occupy the start of treeline the mass of German troops was rushing towards.  In cover and with the Covering Fire SA, it would be risky to try to charge into his hex.

    In the center, the Polish Cavalry heads off the Stormtrooper that was advancing on the ATG.  Even that 5/5 unit has to fear the Hand to Hand SA of the Cavalry.


  • Germany Move 5

    The German soldiers all move up to the edge of the forest line held by the lone Bren.  Meanwhile one of the 7cm guns is brought rapidly forward along the north.  The Pzkpfw 38(t) in the north holds its ground on the hill with LOS to the city, while the other repositions with LOS of multiple targets in the center.


  • Poland Assault 5

    Recognizing the threat the SS-Haup’s SA to remove disrupts poses, the Bren machinegunner attempts to take him out while he is in the open but the effort fails.

    The Bofors opt to open fire on two Stormtroopers in the open, scoring a disrupt on one.

    The Cavalryman moves into the woods to backup the Bren.


  • Germany Assualt 5

    Both German PzkPfz 38(t) tanks target the two Bofors, with the cover of the city hexes saving them both from a destroy.  But having those two units disrupted next turn is still a good outcome for Germany.

    The assualt on the sothern tree line begin, with two Mausers entering the forest occupied by the Bren despite defensive fire.  Following close behind are a pair of Stromtroopers and SS-Haup.

    The Sd kfz 251 backs up the mass of troops on the ridge line and opens up on the Bren, scoring a Disrupt.

    The disrupted Polish ATG is destroyed by a stormtrooper, though only with the help of his Ruthless SA.

    Meanwhile, the two German 7cm guns continue to advance to positions with clear firing lanes.


  • Casualty 5

    After the dust settles, the turn seems to favor the Germans.  Though the Poles have sacrificed mightily to slow down the German infantry.  At the end of turn 5 they are still 6 hexes away from the Luksusowa.


  • Gotten behind at work…will resume posting turns soon!

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