Whatever makes ´em happy…
The Existence of God
Congratulation ! You are the first i know from america who spell Nietzsche the rigth way. By the way, Nietzsche is not the only one who consider stupid the whole concept of “good” and “evil”, the only arguments about the whole concept are;
A; it’s in the Bible… woooooo pretty convincing
B; “Common sence”, in that case a good excuse to be superficial.Also his view on the judeo-christian ideololy in general was pretty accurate…
But even if he influence me a lot, i don’t consider myself a Nietzschean, i am a “me”, and i don’t think Nietzsche would be really happy to see all these Nietzschean…
Become what you are…
Aactually, CC is Canadian :lol:
Thanks Mr. Ghoul. And proud of it (thanks to innovative beer commercials, at the very least).
Also, The Bible did put things into perspective for people. It used to be a life for an eye, but then Moses came along and made things a little more rational - an eye for an eye. Jesus, of course, came along and upset the whole thing with “turn the other cheek - if someone sues you for your coat, give him your shirt, pray for those who persecute you” - not very convenient or worldly concepts - certainly designed to turn codes of laws on their ear. -
i said “from America”, from the continent, not the country…
Saying “from America” is going to have one assume you are refering to the U.S.A.
Next time, just throw a N in front of “America” :lol: -
I was being light hearted :lol:
I belive worshipping a higher being to give reason to one’s life is “dumb”
Living and life just is, at least that’s my take on it.
Does there have to be a purpsoe for or exsitance?
ummm I really dont mean to suggested anyone is “dumb” as in not smart or intelligent…. I guess I just dont understand the point behind it.
Maybe im dumb?..uh no :lol:
i actually do not worship a higher being to give reason to my life. I’m sure there are a lot of religious people who do. I wonder if i was even more active in worship if the reason to my life would become more clear, or a greater purpose might stand out.
no, i worship because i know i should. Because i’m told to in a way that the bible and my parents don’t tell me to.You “should” worship?
If you dont mind my asking, why should you worship God or anything at all?
Is God asking for your worship?I don’t mind you asking. It is a little hard to explain to a non-believer tho’. Basically i believe that God created everything, has a plan for my life of some kind, cares about me, and i believe that Jesus died for me. I also believe that much of what i am and have is a result of what God has given and done for me. It sounds pretty simple, but we thank God for what he’s done, we praise God for what he is (powerful, good, etc.) - and that is worship.
I think God does ask for worship - at least at a basic level - i.e. prayer. That’s another thing i like about Christianity (particularly post-reformation Christianity) is the idea that God wants to communicate with us. I believe that when i pray, i am talking to my creator and guide, and that God responds.
Obviously it’s not very scientific, and an atheist could certainly think of many possibilities refuting that any of this actually happens, but the fact is that i feel/believe/know that it happens. Even if it isn’t happening, it does add something to my life - makes it more full than my life might be otherwise. I feel less alone, and that someone cares, and i also feel “directed” and yet i have not been diagnosed with anything yet.
Sorry if a little long-winded. hope you don’t think i’m nuts.I’ve been hard on religion just for kicks, but I have not experienced anything in life to suggest there is a God.
I do belive that if praising a God makes you a better person than thats something thats worth doing. -
I was being light hearted :lol:
I belive worshipping a higher being to give reason to one’s life is “dumb”
Living and life just is, at least that’s my take on it.
Does there have to be a purpsoe for or exsitance?
ummm I really dont mean to suggested anyone is “dumb” as in not smart or intelligent…. I guess I just dont understand the point behind it.
Maybe im dumb?..uh no :lol:
i actually do not worship a higher being to give reason to my life. I’m sure there are a lot of religious people who do. I wonder if i was even more active in worship if the reason to my life would become more clear, or a greater purpose might stand out.
no, i worship because i know i should. Because i’m told to in a way that the bible and my parents don’t tell me to.You “should” worship?
If you dont mind my asking, why should you worship God or anything at all?
Is God asking for your worship?I don’t mind you asking. It is a little hard to explain to a non-believer tho’. Basically i believe that God created everything, has a plan for my life of some kind, cares about me, and i believe that Jesus died for me. I also believe that much of what i am and have is a result of what God has given and done for me. It sounds pretty simple, but we thank God for what he’s done, we praise God for what he is (powerful, good, etc.) - and that is worship.
I think God does ask for worship - at least at a basic level - i.e. prayer. That’s another thing i like about Christianity (particularly post-reformation Christianity) is the idea that God wants to communicate with us. I believe that when i pray, i am talking to my creator and guide, and that God responds.
Obviously it’s not very scientific, and an atheist could certainly think of many possibilities refuting that any of this actually happens, but the fact is that i feel/believe/know that it happens. Even if it isn’t happening, it does add something to my life - makes it more full than my life might be otherwise. I feel less alone, and that someone cares, and i also feel “directed” and yet i have not been diagnosed with anything yet.
Sorry if a little long-winded. hope you don’t think i’m nuts.I’ve been hard on religion just for kicks, but I have not experienced anything in life to suggest there is a God.
I do belive that if praising a God makes you a better pers
on than thats something thats worth doing.Quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote, quote quote, quote ….reply
Try something like
the “she(d)” means you say “shed”, but drop the final “d” (to get the “e” pronounced right)
That’s close enough :)
Danke :)
It used to be a life for an eye, but then Moses came along and made things a little more rational - an eye for an eye.
I said that? I must’ve been quite the character back in the day. But for a non-Christian, I must say that “The Ten Commandments” does rank as one of the ten best movies of all time. The Bible could use more Hollywood in it
If you have difficulty in believing in a God, then leave the city at night, get out of your car, and look up.
I see a beautiful and immense universe. I would be blind and arrogant, to think an “intelligence being” create the earth and my own race in his own image… those who think only intelligence can breed/bring order are reductionist.
And please don’t say i have not the “eye” to see god, that is too easy, i had perfectly the “eye” to see god, and i have done a lot of things that make me laugh now, but with logic i reject god.
Why did god give me an Appendix or my Spleen then? Why didn’t god make Humans until roughly, 4,000,000,000 years into earth’s history? Why did God make Humans evolve from Apes?
Why did god give me an Appendix or my Spleen then? Why didn’t god make Humans until roughly, 4,000,000,000 years into earth’s history? Why did God make Humans evolve from Apes?
both somewhat handy organs - the spleen, especially.
maybe God didn’t make Humans until roughly x years ago because God didn’t feel like it, or because - like a cake in the oven - these developments with this complexity take time.
Maybe God made Humans evolve from apes as that seemed to be the best plan?And FinsterniS - i’ve already told you that i’m arrogant - if not blind - to think that an intelligent being created the earth. Although i’m humbled when i think about the idea of God - so i have trouble putting the “arrogant” thing together with acknowledging a greater being.
And yes, i am a bit of a reductionist - it helps keep my life simple. -
And FinsterniS - i’ve already told you that i’m arrogant - if not blind - to think that an intelligent being created the earth. Although i’m humbled when i think about the idea of God - so i have trouble putting the “arrogant” thing together with acknowledging a greater being.
Acknowledging a greater thing that make us in his own image, give only to us a soul, give us a greater purpose, claim that we were the master of the animal kingdom… It does not sound arrogant to you ? If only there was something to support it, it could be realistic, but it is clearly a fantasm. A weak tool to give ourself a higher purpose in life
Also i have a question; god “give us a purpose” in life, but what of the animals ?
The purposes will vary slightly from belief system to belief system. Writings such as the Judeo-Christian Bible and/or the Moslem Koran will in of themselves have more of a noble purpose. Peace, prosperity, fertility, brotherhood, to name a few. However, later human interpretations of these early books will usually loose the original meanings. Influenced by the current governmental systems in charge; purposes such as conquest, conversion (religious), territorial expansion; are added to the list. If Jesus saw what we were doing in his name after 2000 years, he’d spin in his grave fast enough to power New York City! (Theoretically of course, the Christians believe he rose into Heaven).
The purpose for animals, you know the answer - TO SERVE MAN…
Why? This I answered in the “Religion” thread topic… -
So animals have no souls? What about doggie heaven? :wink: :cry:
The purposes will vary slightly from belief system to belief system. Writings such as the Judeo-Christian Bible and/or the Moslem Koran will in of themselves have more of a noble purpose. Peace, prosperity, fertility, brotherhood, to name a few. However, later human interpretations of these early books will usually loose the original meanings. Influenced by the current governmental systems in charge; purposes such as conquest, conversion (religious), territorial expansion; are added to the list. If Jesus saw what we were doing in his name after 2000 years, he’d spin in his grave fast enough to power New York City! (Theoretically of course, the Christians believe he rose into Heaven).
The purpose for animals, you know the answer - TO SERVE MAN…
Why? This I answered in the “Religion” thread topic…Judaism doesn’t have forced conversion or missionaries. It’s aainstthe religion There was one king, John Hyrcanus (who should never have reigned), that conducted a forced conversion and because of it, his family suffered as did the Jews under King Herod, who was a Jews by the forced conversion but was not actually a Jew according to Jewish law.
The purposes will vary slightly from belief system to belief system. Writings such as the Judeo-Christian Bible and/or the Moslem Koran will in of themselves have more of a noble purpose. Peace, prosperity, fertility, brotherhood, to name a few. However, later human interpretations of these early books will usually loose the original meanings. Influenced by the current governmental systems in charge; purposes such as conquest, conversion (religious), territorial expansion; are added to the list. If Jesus saw what we were doing in his name after 2000 years, he’d spin in his grave fast enough to power New York City! (Theoretically of course, the Christians believe he rose into Heaven).
The purpose for animals, you know the answer - TO SERVE MAN…
Why? This I answered in the “Religion” thread topic…Judaism doesn’t have forced conversion or missionaries. It’s aainstthe religion There was one king, John Hyrcanus (who should never have reigned), that conducted a forced conversion and because of it, his family suffered as did the Jews under King Herod, who was a Jews by the forced conversion but was not actually a Jew according to Jewish law.
Of course with Christianity “forced conversion” is non-biblical. In fact Jesus tells Christians to not throw their pearls before swine (a metaphor for “don’t waste your time”). Although we are commisioned to tell the world about Jesus, there is no “power” struggle involved - i.e. our job is to tell, not convince - the Holy Spirit does that.
CC you “dodge” my question and the question of F_alk…
Also i have a question; god “give us a purpose” in life, but what of the animals ?
And what purpose god give us ?
Wild2000 - I doubt Jesus would have endorsed the Crusades. Once the Roman Empire officially converted to Christianity (for political reasons) the rulers over the next few centuries added most of the rules (for the Catholic Church) outside the Bible we’re familiar with now. Obviously people would dispute such changes considering them heretical (illegal). This is why we had the Schism in the 11th century and later the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. If interpretations remained consistent this would not happen.
There is little doubt that Jesus was executed by crucifixion (by Roman law). I was just illustrating the point I was making…
CC you “dodge” my question and the question of F_alk…
Also i have a question; god “give us a purpose” in life, but what of the animals ?
And what purpose god give us ?
Actually didn’t dodge, but i figured FM’s reply was nearly sufficient.
Also i hadn’t thought too much about the purpose of animals on the earth. I obviously don’t know, as they never have told me.
As for our purpose on this earth, i think that’s for each of us to find out. The bible gives us rules for the journey, but the ultimate end is for us to figure out. When we lie on our deathbeds and look back will i be happy i spent this gorgeous summer afternoon on the computer? Or is there more to my life than this?
Of course while we are here, i’m sure God would appreciate some worship from those “lunatic” enough to buy into God’s existance. By living for God, we may find that higher purpose - that reason for our lives - in helping other people, and devoting ourselves to a higher purpose than the almighty dollar etc.
But i don’t really know. Or care. I’m here, that’s enough for now. I know what i want and need (or i think i do), and i have a good idea of where i want to be. God’s purpose for me is being revealed in the way that it should. As for your purpose,
no idea.
Probably to make me dwell a little more on spiritual things, to seek out God more, and ponder spiritual matters more. You’ve been most helpful in that regard.