• I definitely need some new ideas…

    While with some variation I basically usually do the following:
    Purchase 1 TR or 1 SUB + whatever USSR bought T1 (usually 8 INF)…

    On Combat Move, I attack w/ 1 BMR, 2 FTR and 1 SUB (if it lived) from the Baltic against the North Sea zone. I attack the Gibraltar BB with the Atlantic SUB + 1 FTR. I attack the Egypt SUB w/ 2 FTR. I will also blitz Central Africa w/ 1 ARM and attack Egypt w/ it and 1 INF, sometimes I take French West Africa w/ 1 INF. Sometimes I attack USSR, and fade when I lose all my INF, but often I just bulk up. On Non Com I move 2 INF from South Europe to West Europe, land the BMR and all remaining FTRs there or in South Europe if they can’t make it. I TR 1 ARM to Africa, and move the majority of my INF to East Europe along with some of my ARM while holding some in reserve in Germany/Southern Europe. Then I place 1 TR/1 SUB in South Europe, 2 INF in South Europe, the rest in Germany.
    The Allies have gotten wise and now USSR attacks usually Eastern Europe and the Atlantic sub T1, but sometimes Ukraine, sometimes the Baltic sea (which only takes 1 plane really anyway…this kills one of my planes straight off the bat and 50%/50% a SUB as well–sorely needed for the fleet attacks. Then on UKs turn the British always land in Africa with forces from Canada/G.B., they attack the fleet w/ a BMR even if its suicide and on USAs turn they also land on Africa–they go straight after the fleet as well, as soon as possible…

    The Axis lost our last game, a little because of haphazard play by Japan, but a lot because the Allies (especially USA/USSR) knew exactly what I’d try to do and countered it. We still lost even after I got Industrial Technology and started pumping out 9 INF 3 ARM every turn and was taking NO strategic bombing! All of this (I think) is mainly because I couldn’t take Africa (I failed to take Egypt T1 and lost my fleet T3), and I didn’t do enough damage to the UK fleet T1 because 1 lost a FTR and a SUB to the USSR.
    I obviously need a change in tactics to revive my Germany strategy…any ideas? What do you usually do as Germany?


    P.S. My buddies and I play right now with 2nd Edition rules w/ the single exception of Submerging Submarines. There has been some talk of adopting “No Naval Occupation” (that is being able to launch ships in an enemy-controlled SZ), but no change so far. Russia Restricted has been brought up and roundly rejected (as being “unfair”–HAHA!). We draw countries out of a hat so there is usually good experience playing each country…

    [ This Message was edited by: Ozone27 on 2002-04-08 10:11 ]

    [ This Message was edited by: Ozone27 on 2002-04-08 10:14 ]

  • My German T1:

    Buy 1 Transport 8 Infantry

    Attack Gibralter SZ with 1 Sub 1 Fighter

    Attack Great Britain SZ with 3 Fighters 1 sub 1 transport (Assuming RR)

    Attack British Sub w/ 1 fighter from Ukraine (if RR or Russia didn’t attack Ukraine)

    Transport 2 infantry from Southern Europe to Libya

    Move Algerian Infantry to Libya

    Move all Surviving Infantry to Eastern

    Europe except 2 from Germany to Western Europe

    Split surviving fighters between Western and Eastern Europe

  • Buy 10 men or 1 fighter and 6 men.

  • Wow, is there any bidding involved? No Russia Restricted or 2-hit BBs? The German has it tough.

  • Yer telling me, TG!

    Yanny: what do you do w/ the BMR T1?

    Do you attack Egypt T1, or hold off till T2?

    Should I ever buy a FTR (I normally don’t but considering the situation I found myself in T1, maybe I should’ve)?

    Is there any way to come back in Africa after the Allies have destroyed your fleet?Should you prepare for it by building an extra FTR to put in Africa, as an additional unit? I noticed my biggest baddest problem was the fact I failed to make a dent in Africa (which I usually do)–this became particularly frustrating when I had not been Strategically bombed evn once in the game, and had Industrial Technology and hadn’t even lost Norway, and I still could just barely crank out enough units to keep countering USSR in East Europe & survive…

    TG Moses: why buy 10 INF when you could buy 9 INF and an ARM? Are you saving the 2 IPCs for something later? Please gimme your moves!


  • 10 INF instead of 9 inf. and 1 ARM? Uh I think you’re talking about Mr. Ghoul. Anyways, I try to post my strats on Germany’s T1 sometime this week but right now I have an endless amount of work to do.

  • Uh…oh, yeah, I am! Sorry!


  • Doh, forgot, bring the bomber along to attack Britain SZ.

  • Moses’ Masterpiece #7: Handling the Worst Case Scenario for Germany

    Dedicated to Micah Burress

    Russia Unrestricted represents a hard case scenario for Germany. Assuming that the Russian is playing nearly flawless with a huge amount of luck, we can expect a severely handicapped Germany for the rest of the game. The two foremost handicaps are the complete loss of Germany’s North Atlantic Fleet and of Ukraine. Also, Karelia should be a fortress, Ukraine a death trap, and the Soviet Navy should rendezvous with the British in the English Channel. What is the hard luck German supposed to do?

    I have received several comments if Russia should attack Norway or Eastern Europe on T1 instead of Ukraine. First the conquest of Norway should wait until T2. Norway is basically a stranded island and sitting ducking to the Russian army. Micah Burress comments that the ARM used in the invasion is safe from a possible German counterattack at Ukraine. However, I feel this is untrue since the German Luftwaffe is used to attack the British Navy, leaving only German panzers to the dirty work. Of course by doing so, this overextends the German Army, leaving the German panzers vulnerable to attack. Eastern Europe? The question is, with what? The most I can through at Eastern Europe is 3 ARM, 3 inf (unless you want to count in two fighters, which should be used to defeat Germany’s Navy). On Germany’s T1, Germany can close the Eastern Europe pocket from both Germany and Ukraine. Three ARM is wasted and so is Russia’s hope of winning the war. Plus the extra ARM in Eastern Europe is always a determining factor.

    Rules Designed for Regular A&A with submerging

    Germany (32 IPCs)
    Purchase: 9 inf, 1 ARM or 10 inf
    Notes: In order for Germany’s own survivability in the later actions of the game it must first be strictly conservative with its purchases. Choose 9 inf, 1 ARM (preferably each turn if able) if you expect Germany to adopt a attack-and-retreat policy. Choose 10 inf (with 2 IPCs remaining) if you rather turtle with Germany, protecting you existing territories, until Japan arrives knocking on the Russian backdoor.

    Combat Move:
    2 ftr (Western Europe, Norway) to attack Trans in East Canada SZ.
    79% chance that German ftr survives
    1 ftr (Germany) and 1 sub (Western Europe) to attack UK BB in Gibraltar SZ
    80% chance that at least German ftr survives
    1 Bomber (Germany) to attack UK Sub in Syria-Iraq SZ
    67% chance that Sub is sunk
    1 Inf, 1 ARM (Libya and Trans), 1 ftr (Eastern Europe) to attack Egypt
    Notes: Be sure to blitz through French Equatorial Africa to Egypt
    73% chance that at least German ARM survives
    1 inf from Algeria to take over French West Africa
    Notes: What happens is the German sub survives the attack from Russia T1? By the numbers you can try attacking British SZ with 2 ftrs (Norway, Eastern Europe) and 1 bomber (Germany) vs. 2 Transports, 1 sub, and 1 Battleship. Results show that 60% of the time, Germany will win with 1 ftr and bomber remaining. By doing so, you have to invade Egypt using Battleship and Trans w/ 2 inf from Southern Europe to Egypt SZ. Unload 2 inf to Egypt to participate in that invasion.

    Non-Combat Move:
    Land 3 ftrs (1 Norway, Germany, 1 Eastern Europe) to Western Europe
    Land 1 ftr from Egypt to Libya
    Land 1 bomber (Egypt SZ) to Southern Europe
    2 ARM from Western Europe to Southern Europe
    1 ARM, 3 inf from Eastern Europe to Germany
    Unload 2 inf from Southern Europe SZ to Libya

    8 inf to Germany
    2 inf to Southern Europe
    7 inf, 1 ARM to Germany
    2 inf to Southern Europe

    Income: 33 IPCs

    2 inf, 3 ftrs in Western Europe
    15 inf, 3 ARM in Germany or 14 inf, 4 ARM in Germany
    2 inf, 3 ARM, 1 bomber in Southern Europe

    Notes: As you can see, Germany is in total retreat from the Eastern Front. I’m hoping that Russia will take Eastern Europe on T2. The reason being that I can unleash the full furry of the German Army (up to 17 inf, 6 ARM) and Luftwaffe (3 ftrs., 1 bomber) against any Russian Army. This force is powerful enough to take on 18 inf, 3 ARM, and 2 ftrs. By all means I have tried to take Egypt T1 to gain IPC value and insure that the remaining inf does not reach India. However, my opening T1 leaves the British and Russian fleet in the British SZ still afloat. These vessels will come to haunt Germany at Western Europe, however by attacking the British SZ I would have a 50% chance of losing everything. These planes are desperately needed for Germany in later operations like home defense and counterattacks. What else can Germany do T1 with Russia unrestricted.

  • Rules With Russia Restricted
    Now you’re talking! With Russia Restricted I can just punish the Allies with this devastatingly brutal tactic. Best of all, no bidding required!

    Germany (32 IPCs)
    Purchase: 10 inf
    Remaining: 2 IPCs

    Combat Moves:
    1 ftr from Western Europe to attack UK Trans in East Canada SZ
    73.3% chance that German ftr survives
    1 ftr (Germany), 1 sub (Western Europe) to attack UK BB in Gibraltar SZ
    80% chance that at least German ftr survives
    3 ftrs (Norway, Ukraine, Eastern Europe), 1 bomber (Germany), 1 sub (German SZ) to attack 2 Trans, 1 Sub, 1 BB in British SZ.
    98% chance of victory. 30% chance of the Luftwaffe wholly intact. 68% chance of the only 1 German ftr. destroyed.
    Notes: If you don’t like these odds, you can commit the Trans from German SZ to battle. Odds are 68% chance that the Luftwaffe will still be fully intact.
    1 BB and 1 trans w/ 2 inf from Italy to attack UK Sub in Syria-Iraq SZ
    56% chance that both German BB and Trans survives, 85% chance at least Trans survives.
    Notes: The greatest risk that the German player must face, if sub hits, place causality to BB and retreat with Trans to Libya to unload.
    3 Inf, 1 ARM (Libya and Trans) to attack Egypt
    Notes: Be sure to blitz through French Equatorial Africa to Egypt
    94% chance that at least German ARM survives
    1 inf from Algeria to take over French West Africa

    Non-Combat Move:
    Land 3 ftrs (1 Western Europe, 1 Germany, 1 Ukraine) and bomber (Germany) if remaining to Western Europe
    Land 2 ftrs (1 Norway, 1 Eastern Europe) if remaining to Eastern Europe
    2 ARM from Western Europe to Eastern Europe
    4 Inf., 2 ARM from Germany to Eastern Europe
    1 ARM from Italy to Eastern Europe
    2 ARM, 3 inf from Ukraine to Eastern Europe
    Transport 1 ARM from Norway to Eastern Europe
    Note: This is not possible if you committed your Trans to the British SZ battle.

    8 inf to Germany
    2 inf to Southern Europe

    Income: 36 IPCs

    2 inf, 2 ftrs, 1 bomber in Western Europe
    8 inf in Germany
    2 inf in Southern Europe
    3 inf in Norway
    10 inf, 9 ARM, 2 ftrs in Eastern Europe

    General Notes:
    As you can see, I’ve made no attacks on Germany even with Russia Restricted. I am a lot happier with these results. The British Fleet is completely ruined, which shouldn’t pose much of a threat to Western Europe for the first few turns. The USA Trans is still left alive since I didn’t want to risk my sub from the UK BB battle. Africa should be able to overrun rather quickly with 4 Inf and 1 ARM and helps slow a possible American landing on T2. As for Russia on T2, I’m hoping that they will attack Eastern Europe due to its large concentration of ARM. However, Eastern Europe is really a deathtrap for Russia as they will lose 70% of the time if they attack with 18 inf., 3 ARM, and 2 ftrs. The advantage is also that Norway is safe for another turn, Germany can out produce Russia, and Russia should already be in trouble due to attacks in the Far East by Japan.

  • I just had an interesting thought, but I haven’t played in a while and haven’t a clue as to whether this would actually work. What if Germany replaced (eventually) all their tanks on the Eastern Front with infantry, moving the tanks back to Germany. The armor would still be in range of your main target, Karelia, and any territory the reds might be able to steal away from you; in addition, they wouldn’t be in any danger of being strafed. It seems that this would lighten the defences a little in E Europe and Ukraine, but I’m not certain you couldn’t produce 3 more infantry along the line someplace to make up for it.

  • The only problem with that is that it makes Germany more of a tempting target for the allies, not that it wasn’t already.
    Otherwise it sounds good.
    just do not do it too soon as they need those tanks early on as an extra buffer.

  • G1 w/2-hit Battleships

    Purchase 8 inf, 1 transport.


    North Sea: 4 Fighters, transport and sub
    Typical Result: lose 1 fighter

    Gibraltar: 1 sub, 1 fighter, 1 bomber
    Typical Result: lose the sub

    Egypt SZ: 1 Battleship, loaded transport
    Typical Result: no losses

    Egypt: 3 inf, 1 tank
    Typical Result: lose 1 infantry


    land 1-2 fighters and bomber in WE, 3 fighters in EE

    This is a bit conservative, trying to hang on to the German fighters since they are so important. You can go after the Canadian transport, but have a good chance of losing 2 fighters if you do. The transport buy is stronger in a 2-hit game because of the German battleship, especially with Active AA.

    [ This Message was edited by: Ansbach on 2002-05-16 14:24 ]

  • To Bossk,

    Your keep the German tanks back is certainly and interesting tactic that I might consider using. The only problem is that I need to scrounge for every ARM, inf, and fighter I can get. In order to maintain my doctrine of Fortress Europe, I must maximize the defensive fortifications of my front. Even on defense ARM are equal to inf.

    Of course with my “Worst Case Scenario” I am assuming that everything that can go wrong with the Germans will. So who knows? Maybe if the Russians are tempting enough to hit Eastern Europe due my abundance of tanks, they will score a huge victory and Germany would have basically lost. So if I can “sense” that something is about to go wrong, maybe I will pull back my ARM back to Berlin.

    What I will also consider doing is to instead shift my ARM to Western Europe and let my “air cover” and lessened inf support them, while I transfer some inf to Eastern Europe to make up for the difference. My primary concern isn’t taking Karelia, but holding Eastern Europe at all cost. The distance from Western Europe gives me this advantage.

  • To Ansbach,

    Pretty solid looking strategy for G1 you have there. I am assuming that the Russians are Restricted, but great use on the use of 2-hit BBs. However, what I would also contemplate is whether or not you should purchase the extra transport. Since your main Mediterranean fleet should be operating in Egyptian waters, this leaves your transport particular vulnerable to air attacks. On B1, I can then press the point by sending my British bomber to attack your transport and landing at the Caucasus at the end of my combat phase.

    What you could do instead is purchase nothing but infantry on G1 and on G2 purchasing that extra transport under the cover of your BB. Remember, 3-4 infantry in Africa per turn will eat up a large percentage of your German income. By purchasing that extra infantry on the first turn, I can transfer units more successfully on G2 without leaving myself too vulnerable on the Russian Front.

    “Only the spirit of attack, born in a brave heart, will bring success to any fighter aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be.” - Aldolf Galland
    “The create? The create matters not. It is the man who pilots the create that truely counts” -

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-05-17 20:19 ]

  • You are correct – it’s with Russia Restricted.

    However, what I would also contemplate is whether or not you should purchase the extra transport. Since your main Mediterranean fleet should be operating in Egyptian waters, this leaves your transport particular vulnerable to air attacks. On B1, I can then press the point by sending my British bomber to attack your sub and landing at the Caucasus at the end of my combat phase.

    I contemplate it myself every game and will buy all infantry otherwise, or rarely a fighter and all infantry. With Active Anti-Air (AAA) it’s solid because the bomber has to fly through an AA attack first which means about a 35% chance of losing the bomber total. Without AAA I’m on the fence.

    Either way, the problem without buying it is that if you don’t, you will almost always lose the BS and T in Egypt on UK1 (sometimes they have to finish you off on R2), especially if the sub escaped or you took a hit on the BS. Buying the transport means they have to pick one SZ or the other (or else make highly risky attacks).

    The best counter for the Allies is to still hit the BS and T in Egypt on UK 1 and then hit the other transport on UK or US 2 (because I’m buying 12 infantry on G2).

    That’s why I’m not completely happy with the transport buy without AAA in effect - I can’t decide if transporting 2 infantry to Africa on G2 is worth it. If they don’t have to hit a transport they will usually SBR with the bomber instead. So in effect, buying the transport means that I lose 8 IPCs and a 16.7% shot at their bomber (vs. AA), and I gain 2 infantry in Africa, 1-6 IPCs (no SBR now) and a 24% shot at their bomber (vs. Transport).

    That’s probably worth it and it’s certainly not a game-breaker, but I’m not completely sold…

    [ This Message was edited by: Ansbach on 2002-05-17 14:25 ]

  • The problem with AAA is that I can bypass the usual AA gun in France by going around the French coast instead of through France itself. Unless I am wrong on this, AAA only warrants firing when an opposing aircraft flies directly over the said country. Here let me show you how:

    1. Fly UK bomber to the North Sea
    2. Then move to NE Atlantic
    3. From there to W. Mediterranean
    4. Then to the Central Mediterranean to engage in combat
    5. Then to the Black Sea
    6. From there I can land at the Caucasus, Ukraine SSR, or Eastern Europe depending where Russian troops are.
      By doing this I am not in effect going through France by flanking it. Best of all, I keep all my movement spaces for my bomber. :smile:

    “Only the spirit of attack, born in a brave heart, will bring success to any fighter aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be.” - Aldolf Galland
    “The create? The create matters not. It is the man who pilots the create that truely counts” -

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-05-17 20:30 ]

  • Remember we are talking about UK1 here - Germany will have EE and Ukraine, and there is almost always only 1 Russian infantry in Caucasus.

    I’ve only seen them land it in Syria/Iraq when they pull both infantry and the fighter from India there as well, which is not a bad move if the G1 rolls went UK’s way.
    On UK2 they can avoid the AA no problem, which is why I said there’s a 24% chance of hitting the bomber (from just the transport) instead of a 35% chance (transport + AA).

    What do you think about the risk/reward for the 2 infantry in Africa vs. 8 IPC loss though?

    [ This Message was edited by: Ansbach on 2002-05-17 21:08 ]

  • Well with Russia unrestricted, I can definitely expect Ukraine to be taken. Of course even with Russia restricted, I can still expect a strong presence on part of the Russians in the Caucasus. And as a rule I will generally not invade the Caucasus on part of the German Army due to the fact that the Russian counterattack can wipe whatever fighting force remains (and usually a good deal of ARM unless my Luftwaffe is free).

    As for Africa, it is crucial to the success of Germany and the Axis to take it. 2 infantry per turn does seem like a lot, but the 8 IPC return investment is just too great. And with USA due to arrive in Africa very soon, I need whatever I can to slow down their reconquest. Victory for Germany is based on these priorities:

    1. Protecting Eastern Europe at all cost
    2. The continued occupation of Africa
    3. The protection of Western Europe at all cost
    4. The protection of the Luftwaffe and the Panzers
      5. The protection of the Mediterranean fleet

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