• to quote:
    For everyone here who is religous, I want to ask you a few questions.

    Why are you the religion you are?
    What Religion?
    What do you think of other religions?

    • Yanny

    • just 'cuz it’s a post that should stand on its own.
      (don’t hate me, just 'cuz i’m a jerk)

    1. Parents/Ethnicity at first, then choice later on

    2. Catholic

    3. Close to Jews and Muslims, Closer to other CHristians. Other Religions are Pagans. (Pagan means a don’t believe in God/Yaweh/Allah, but other gods [like Buddah or Brahman, or Thor])

    “Examples of failed systems hardly makes a convincing argument against communism” -bossk

    “I disagree with you” -yanny

    “the crap stops here.” -HortenFlyingWing

    “id like to keep my bumhole as tight as possible” -Disclaimer

    [ This Message was edited by: yourbuttocks on 2002-05-15 14:44 ]

  • 1. By choice

    2. Athiest

    3. All religions are fine until they deny others basic human rights. The right to believe or not to believe is essential to uphold.

  • 1. Choice
    2. Agnostic
    3. Religions are created by power hungary people wanting to ascend to godhood. We will never know the truth, we don’t need to know.

    Yourbuttocks, for question #1, Why are you Catholic? Thats what I’m asking for.

  • Thor would trash all the other gods put together.

  • 1.) As a child because I was brought up that way, as an adult by choice.
    2.) Catholic/non-denominational
    3.) All faiths have their place in society.

    Organized religion/churches can’t help but be both positively and negatively influenced by the people that try to run them, and thus are not 100% representative of the ‘true’ faith they claim to represent.

    [ This Message was edited by: Ansbach on 2002-05-15 12:23 ]

  • "Why are you the religion you are?
    What Religion?
    What do you think of other religions? "

    Why are you the religion you are?
    Because I have lost faith in things that are totally off the wall.

    What Religion?

    What do you think of other religions?
    I believe faith is a very good thing, and though it can be used for evil, but overall it produces better people. My theory in life is that ignorance is bliss…blind faith applies.

  • Yanny, I cahnged it, it’s “At first parents/ethnicity, and then later choice”

  • Ok, why pick Catholisism over any over Religion?

  • I’m writing a short essay on the subject, I will post it when I am done, probably saturday.

  • Ansbach, I’m just curious, what does it mean to be non-denominational Christian? What are your beliefs and how are they different from traditional Christian beliefs?

  • I am interested to know this myself.

  • I just like the name of this topic, a real eye catcher. No offense Yanny.

  • Scientists who care about science vs. religion, because they think science disagrees with religion, are religious as well.
    1)First went because of parents choice, then “realized” it disagreed with science and became atheist. Then realized it didn’t(two years later), and in fact all science that does is at basic form illogical; and became christian again.
    2)I am christian(I don’t care about the denomination, but my church I attend is baptist)
    3)I think other religions should be tolerated, as that is what Jesus would have wanted; even though they have been mislead (sometimes by people seeking personal benefit)

    Christianity isn’t really a religion.
    Religion: Man seeking God/gods
    Christianity: God seeking us to return to him.

  • Thwarting is a good word :smile:

    So, you pick the religion of your birth over the thousands of religions in the world? Why pick it over any other religion? The Answer is you were taught it, some (though I think it’s a rather strong word) call it brainwashing.

  • I’m against christianity and islam the most out of western religions. Islam was created by a corrupt power hungry killer who probably made up that he saw an angel, and christianity was created by people who took a great jew (Jesus) and added a bunch of new rules to their religion, that contradict the 10 commandments themselves.

    But isn’t all organized religion the same?

  • I’m still working on my 3 reasons,
    but HFW, i’m wondering. How do the ideals of Christianity conflict with the 10 commandments? I understood that they “enhanced” them, if anything.

  • “How do the ideals of Christianity conflict with the 10 commandments? I understood that they “enhanced” them, if anything.”

    Debate with me all you want, but if the second commandment forbids a man to pray to anyone but god, than why can you pray to saints? Is god not good enough. how can any mere mortal stack up to my god? It is like comparing the axis and allies tank to the axis and allies europe tank. big difference!

    That is just one of the examples, though my favorite.

    Also, why would god care if you eat meat on fridays? Or visit Mecca? Or eat ham or Prosciutto? Sound sliek something only an imperfect man would care about.

  • ahhh i see. now.
    i had this same argument with my Catholic friends all the time. I just bypassed Mary and the saints and prayed directly to the big guy. In retrospect i understand that by venorating Mary one would venorate her son even more, but i agree with you on this point. Please note tho’, that this is a Catholic thing (i’m not sure about high Anglicans or Coptic’s), and definitely does not apply to other denominations (this was one reason i was pulled out of Catholic school i believe - that and i kept getting into fights . . . not good for a Mennonite boy)I also am not sure about that whole “going without meat” thing, although i believe it is a sacrifice to honor Jesus’ sacrifice on Good Friday.
    Although i don’t have any problems with Catholic theology, you might look at Anabaptist theology as there was little added or taken away from the original Acts church to compare.

  • Well jesus tells us turn our cheek when attacked, yet the bible, and some of its great figures in it kill! Thou shalt not kill [unless it is justifiable] i guess. Now I believe jesus was a great man…a man above average with some gifts. Do I believe he is god, or part of god? No. He was of mortal flesh and blood, and if he was truly omniescent, he would not need us to honor him by not eating meat on friday.

    Be any religion or no religion you want. Just be a good person, because our universe sucks enough. don’t add more pain.

    that’s my religion.

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