• Ha, using Post-It notes. That’s pretty niffty. Problem is is that I’m really not good with scissors. I have used small, round white stickers as in over the ordinary IPC values in the Pacific to add a twists. Kinda hard to get out afterwards though.

    Never before have we had so little time in which to do so much

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-03-28 16:06 ]

  • I’m working on makeing blowup maps to put in the corners for Sicily but i need to know, when you said turkish island are you talking about Creete, Cypris or both.

  • oh, neither. they are tiny little islands near turkey

    let me see if i can find something at rand mcnally…


    those little islands between greece and turkey, are held by italy. i’ll try to get the names of them.

    “Dodecanese Islands” are their name…landings occured on september of 1943 from the British, but the germans quickly took it back.

    germany held crete,a nd cyprus was always held by the brits.

    "I swear, it fell out the window! " -Yanny
    “The only enemy more powerful than an invisible enemy is an invincible enemy”- me
    According to some, I’m in the CIA or the Mossad, because I support Israel on Indymedia

    [ This Message was edited by: HortenFlyingWing on 2002-03-28 17:46 ]

  • Well what IPC value would you give them? I say no more than 1 IPC (though maybe 2). Did these islands proivde any advantages (tactical and logistical) to each side?

  • I’m sorry, TG, buddy, but you keep bringing up this “oil” thing–the vast oil resources of the Middle East were just beginning to be discovered in the early 1940s. The main world sources of crude oil were still in the “traditional” areas of Eastern Europe (i.e. Russia) and the East Indies. You can’t argue that Libya should be worth 3 points because of oil when Caucases was producing hundreds of times Libyas yield in 1942! The Middle East was considered then to be nothing more than an arid wasteland devoid of economic value…

    Just my $0.02


  • I think they had immense strategic value.

  • I think they had immense strategic value.

  • How about the bright red Japanese pieces for AAP? Also, you said you thought about putting Italy in between US and USSR but didn’t want them going last. How about them going first? As far as IPCs it sounds like they’ve got enough to take a decent chunk of Africa right off the bat, maybe this will make up for some of it. One other thing to consider: you’re giving the axis an entirely new turn in which to vie for position on the board, maybe Italy isn’t all that bad off after all. Then again I could be completely wrong with all this.

  • Since entering Italy into the war is sort of a new concept, it’ll take some place testing to figure out if Italy is either too powerful or too weak. Then the proper IPC terriotrial values and starting units can be made.

  • c’mon minfreek! get to it ant tell us what you got!

  • As for the deal on the Middle East, I would still stick to an IPC value of at least 2. Even after WWI, it was known that the Middle East had a wealth of oil (not as much as Eastern Europe at the time) and one of Britians prime territorial acquisitions after the great war was the oil rich Middle East. Heck even isolationists America worked hard to gain oil concessions from the Middle East in the 20’s. Another fact not to be overlooked is the the Syria does have a strategic value of being part of the Suez Canal: the vital rout between Africa and Asia and the lifeline of India.

    Never before have we had so little time in which to do so much

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-03-29 20:54 ]

  • i’m going to pick up a copy of AAP or AAE in a week or 2 and will start play testing. i will start with my original idea with out any new taritorys added (just ipc and force changes) and see how that goes.

    (i have to admit the people i play with, i tought them and there no better then amature players)

  • If you want a set of different colored units to use for Italy get aap the Japanese units in it are red which, unless they’ve changed the color of the units since I bought the original, is different from all the others.

  • On 2002-03-29 20:04, TG Moses VI wrote:
    As for the deal on the Middle East, I would still stick to an IPC value of at least 2. Even after WWI, it was known that the Middle East had a wealth of oil (not as much as Eastern Europe at the time) and one of Britians prime territorial acquisitions after the great war was the oil rich Middle East. Heck even isolationists America worked hard to gain oil concessions from the Middle East in the 20’s. Another fact not to be overlooked is the the Syria does have a strategic value of being part of the Suez Canal: the vital rout between Africa and Asia and the lifeline of India.

    true, but a strategic area does not have man hour capability…but it would be nice to see what germany decides to do. Go for 5 by diverting forces in persia’s direction, or take Africa, or try to take both. I think this would add a lot more strategy to the game (as well as having corisca and the dodecanese Islands :smile: )

  • man hour capability? Uh what’s that? I’m all in favor of making Syria worth 5 ipcs as it would add a new dimension to the game. Only problem is, is this historically accurate?

  • Horten is referring to the IPC’s little markings, which refer to each 1 IPC being equal to 1 million man-hours of industrial production. Basically he’s saying (and I agree) that just 'cuz an area is “strategic”, doesn’t necessarily mean it should have a higher IPC value.


  • I think stragetic value and resource still play a large vital role in determing a countries IPC value. If this was true then how could Manchuria have a equal IPC value to Canada?

  • you have never been to canada have you?

    i don’t think stratigcal value has any thing to do with Production value. just look at midway it has no IPC value but it has emence stratigic value becase it puts you in bombing range of the US

    I will not kill myself for that Bohemion Cpl.

    • Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (speeking of Hitler the day before his serender of the 6th army at Stallingrad)

    [ This Message was edited by: mini_phreek on 2002-03-31 06:59 ]

  • yes, that is true. If i remember correctly, the caroline and wake islands are the same.

  • And what about resource value?

    Also the reason why Miday has no strategic value is because Hawaii offers almost all the same abilities as Midway.

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