That is (a) hatred and not anger, and (b) expressed over an entire population and not only the parts of the government.
You have said it wasn’t meant like this, but the impression that a large number of USies feels that way remains. Allow us what you allow them.
If you read my posts, though, you will discover that I think hatred of the French is unfounded as well. I do not hate the french, and am angered when people express such hatred. Just ebcuase it is not right, does nto mean it does not exist.
So, excepting from ousting SH from power, another reason was that it would boost US economy?
That is the newest and most inhumane branch of taking economy more important than humanity then.
It is not boosting the US economy at all, in general the war has been damaging to our country, costing us alot of money and resources. This is justy a way to help subsidize the cost. IF thier are emthods to alleviate our sacrifce that do no real harm to the Iraqi’s, then we will do it.
they do get killed though by rogues (and the occasional USie soldier). And the US as occupational force is responsible for that.
So, if we let foreign companies in, that would stop? How is this relevant to the company situation? Also, I would think that would be the fault of the Rogue, not the US.
How many did you ask wether they would?
What do you mean, how could they? no infasture existed to run it after the collapse. We are building one. You cant just give someone and oil well and say help people, it takes time to organize the economy. Also, America is the only instituttion that is garuanteed to sue the oil for reconstruction, since we HAVE to pay for it somehow. It’s either that or tax dollars.
That is no genocide, that is racism. The genocide was 1990ish.
Im aware, that was in reference to the human rights violations, not the genocide. Sorry for the confusion.
Why not?
Because you are making a lot of mistakes that you have been warned of … again?
You were not prepared to the time after the war, and this was known and a main accusation point agains thte US gov’t before the war even started. It is relevant that you fail as occupational force, but still want to “benefit”.
No, it is not relevant to the debate of wether the war is justified or not, since justification is set when the war begins, but failure or success is not. However, in that context it only helps my side, since it shows that we currently dont have the resources to secrue the situation, so we need all the help we can get. As all the “benefits” are goign to reconstructing Iraq, the more we “benefit” the better Iraq is. If we were failing becuase we were not trying, then you would have a point, but we are failing becuase we made mistakes, and we need resources to recitfy them. Punish us even more for our mistakes, and oyu will amke it worse for the Iraqi’s.
Oh sure it would have been unjust, as the winner writes the history, and if the US had lost, they would not have access to writing the history books.
Well, that would depend on where you live. America would never have been conquered by the Axis, as Axis and Allies players we should know this :wink: . So if you lived in America, you would get an American viewpoint, and it would view the war as just. If you lived in Europe or Asia, well then yes, you would veiw the war as unjust.
Why is there a need for rebuilding it?
Becuase the standard of living was abysmall for the Shiites and Kurds under Sadaam, and he deprived them of many services, such as sanitation and electricity. He also destroyed mcuh of Iraq’s agricultural production during the war against the Kurds in the early 1990’s. Also, terrorist attacks further damage the infastructure. Furthermore, UN sanctions hurt the problem alot.
Nice try :wink: .
There exist no large companies outside the US.
Sorry if it sounds harsh, but that is laughable.
It sounds harsh because it is not what i said. MOST of our ALLIES do not have large companies, nations like poland and Ukraine. The only nations that have companies of similar size to American companies are Britian and Japan, coutnries that we are allowign to help rebuild.
Again, you shall not benefit from an illegal war. I’ll explain later.
The second line i don’t understand. Why would a foreign company lose money?
If the American government has to pay the companies to build their, then that means they would not do it for free, like they do other institutions. That means that thye would not make money in the long run from building such structures.
The US violates about 13 of these every day. Where is the threshold that makes an invasion to bring the human rights to the US legal?
Show me where the American government has a set policy to violate those intentionally.
Well, i don’t see him being brought in front of an international tribunal.
And of course… how comes that US soldiers are excempt from this laws ?
Thats becuase the UN did not want him. Besides, it is more fitting that he should be prosceuted by those he hurt.
need to wirte these with more time.